Teacher’s Handbook for Gregg Speed Building For Colleges

I am looking ahead at my copy of Gregg Speed Building for Colleges Simplified and would like to know exactly what the plan was for each type of exercize.  Does anyone have the teacher’s handbook of this? Was there a teacher’s handbook for the second edition? 

(by Ryan for group greggshorthand)


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  1. When I was taking shorthand in college, Speed Building was the 4th semester. We did the same thing with Speed Building as we did with the other books. We read each lesson, then copied them twice for our homework. In class we worked on building up our speed by taking dictation from the teacher. Then, we would spend 1-2 hours in shorthand lab, taking dictation from the tapes. I took Diamond Jubilee, but I am sure it was pretty much the same for Simplified.

  2. No problem. Let me see what I can do. Be aware that the key for the shorthand is not in the Teacher's manual of the second edition — it is a separate book.

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