A Pictorial Story of Shorthand–1935

I uploaded PDF scans of a little booklet published by Gregg in 1935, “A Pictorial Story of Shorthand” to the “Documents” section of this group.  The files are all named “Story”, with indication of “cover”, “back cover” and then 2-page spreads.  These are big files, so I probably won’t leave them here long–what is our space limit with MSN groups?

Dr. Gregg loved the history of shorthand, and there are a number of articles in The Gregg Writer that discuss various historical aspects. 
I have a lot of these old publications, and will try to share some of the interesting ones when I have a chance to do some scanning.

alex for everyone)


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  1. <> if you don't pay for it, 3MB (something like that) for your own storage space which includes documents, photos, attachments, photo inserted into posts. You can check yours out by clicking on Members Tools at the left and on the right side it has a Manager Your Storage Space.

  2. Alex,   Thanks for posting the booklet.   Material like that really helps me understand what a breakthrough Dr. Gregg's system was. It still has a place in schools and businesses. I spent several hours with a certified court reporter last week who still gets calls to take depositions on her machine. She uses a stenograph machine to take dictation at up to 280 wpm.   Thistlesifter

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