“Teaching of Shorthand” Signed by Gregg

I found this on ebay today: 1. The Teaching of Shorthand, Copyright 1916. Autographed edition. (Looks to be signed with a black ink fountain pen) Vintage Signed John Gregg Shorthand Instructional Books  Thought some of you might be interested. (by sidhetaba for everyone)

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Shorthand Items on Ebay

I was just searching and they have 304 items found for Gregg Shorthand They have over 600 just for shorthand alone! That is a lot.  Usually whe I go and search there’s about 3 pages, less usually.  Today there are 7 pages for Gregg. Just thought I’d let people know if they were looking for…

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Another Diary

Hi folks, I’ve been contacted about having another diary transcribed.  I’ve attached a sample of the text. The diary is 200 pages long.  If you’re interested in doing the work, please contact Saad at sthanoon@shamrocktranslations.com. Thanks! Marc Attachment: sthanoon.pdf (by shorthandmarc for everyone)

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Anniversay Gregg Unit 4 – “Helpful

Hello All,     I am trying to learn Anniversary Gregg using AngelFishy’s site, and was somewhat confused by the “memory aid” at the start of Chapter 2 Unit 4 (#34) http://gregg.angelfishy.net/gregg035.gif (I hope it is OK to link to this site) This is supposedly a memory aid for the downward written characters, indicating size, but…

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Wiktionary Tracker

I would like to open a thread for tracking the entries to the Wiktionary, so that anyone can participate.  I’m following the S90 dictionary, but the DJS and Simplified should work as well, since they are pretty comprehensive.  If you want to contribute to the project, just post a note with the ranges of words that you…

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Shorthand revisited

Hi, I’m new to this forum.  I took two years of Gregg Shorthand in High School.  It was a lot of fun.  After recently thinking back to my high school days (1979), I decided to buy a Gregg Shorthand Series 90 book online.  I haven’t gotten it yet but I was wondering how easy or…

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