Hello everyone. I just became a member of the group last Saturday, and did so with the express intent of seeing if anyone would be willing to help me transcribe some short hand documents. I work at the Atlanta History Center in Atlanta Georgia, as an archivist, and I am currently working on our Leo Frank Manuscript collection. In doing so I have come accross alot of letters and notes that have been written in what I beleive to be Gregg Shorthand. Unfortunatly no one here can read them. I would very much like to know that these letters say, so that I can provide that information to the research community. If anyone can be of assistance please let me know. I can be reached at jjohnston@atlantahistorycenter.com As a breif note this collection dose revolve around a murder case so the letters may be grapic, of course they could also be the days shopping list, since I cant read them I have no idea. The following link goes to the Georgia encyclopedia entry for Leo Frank. http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-906&hl=y Again I
appreciate any help that anyone can offer. I’ll be checking back soon!
appreciate any help that anyone can offer. I’ll be checking back soon!
– Jennifer
(by atlarchives for everyone)
Unfortunatly as we are a non for profit institution so I can not offer to compensate anyone. None of the notes are more than a five lines. My hope is that someone would like to translate these for me for fun., which is part of the reson I contacted this group. So far I have sent out one per request. I can send out others to other people, but you will need to contact me via my e-mail so that I can send them. I can not post the images due to copyrite laws. I'm sorry that I was not clear about this in my first post.
Hi, Jennifer. A murder case—how exciting! Many of our members are able to transcribe shorthand documents at reasonable rates, from either Gregg or Pitman shorthand. If you post a sample, we could tell you which version it is.
Shorthand: isn't it about time?
For my Gregg forummates:
Ms Johnson has kindly forwarded me a sample text of the writing. It is in Benn Pitman's shorthand, which was replaced by Pitman New Era in 1922. The two systems aren't mutually readable; it's kinda like trying to read Spanish or Dutch. The strokes are easy to distinguish, however, even after almost 100 years.
I can pick out words here and there, but that's about it.
I'm working with Ms. Johnson vis-a-vis a Pitman teacher who can read the oldest, most obscure Pitman text. I'll let you all know how it turns out.