Indistinguishable outlines?

From Fundamental Drills, Anni edition.

Para 43 has:

The children e-r h-e-r e-s-t

In this case, it’s pretty clear it should be “were here yesterday”, but in the case of “the jewels”, could it be “were her estate”, or “were in her estate” if one is allowed to drop “in” from the phrase. Or is there a difference I’m missing?

Farther down the same page,

The children have good manners and I l-v them.

Is this “I love them” or “I will have them”. Either would fit the sentence.

If the answer is “love” because otherwise “I” would be joined to the “l”, then “you” and “we” would have to be joined the same way. I haven’t reached “we” yet, so is this the case?

(The other pronouns, it would be “loves”, rather than “he will haveS them”.)

Oh, the things we think we read when learning. Often enough, my first pass at a sentence almost make sense in one way or another.



(by cricketbeautiful-1
for everyone)

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4 comments Add yours
  1. Cricket,   I'm looking through Fundamental Drills and I'm not finding your stuff.  Can you give a page number?  From your notes, "were here yesterday" is what it says.  And it is "I love them" (I lv thm).  You could join the pronoun to the verb and I would probably join the them to the v.  I-lv-thm.    I'm going to skim through the Fundamental Drills and see if I can find specifically where you are.  The para 43 in the Fundamental Drills I'm looking at is toward the end of the book.  The unit that covers para 43 in the manual is pretty close to the front.   Thanks.

  2. Oops, it's Page 43. Exercise 15. (Inconsistent abbreviations in my crib notes.) The exercise starts with "John hurt Dora's arm."

    How would you write "The jewels were here yesterday," vs "The jewels were her estate"?

    Also, how would you write "I love liver for supper" vs "I will have liver for supper"?



  3. Yes, I can confirm:  The children have good manners and I love them.   I would write "the jewels were here yesterday" = th juls er-her est. "I love liver for supper" = I-lv levr f supr. I will have liver for supper = see above.    It's one of those situations where you have to work from context or, if you realize that the time you're writing that it's a conflict, and there's time, you could note "love" somehow (lv, luv) over the outline.  In these books, there's not a lot of context since the sentences are for the most part unrelated to anything. 

  4. It is "the children were here yesterday" and not "the children were her estate", because the outline for "here" has the h dot. "Her" does not have an h-dot in Anniversary.

    The phrase "will have" is joined with the previous personal pronoun when the joining is easy to execute: I will have, he will have, they will have, we will have, you will have. Phrases with "love" are not joined normally.

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