How to Study for a Shorthand Exam

I had a good laugh at this one. Apparently you study the same as you do for any other exam, including “Stenography Jeopardy” with your classmates. I’m not sure how to do stenography exercises on a computer. Even better is recording your hours doing exercises, because “You want your resume to list a large number…

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Question about a name outline

Does anyone have Part 2 of “Gregg Shorthand for the Electronic Office, Short Course, Series 90”?  On page 10.50 there is a letter that starts out “Dear Mr. [name]”, and the name looks like “oo-o-t-e-s”.  Or possibly “k-o-t-e-s” . . . the proportion is a little off.  I’m sure I’m having some kind of mental…

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New Member Intro/Looking for Suggestions

Gregg enthusiasts, I just found this forum, or is it a blog system being used as a forum?  I thought I’d post an intro and ask for some suggestions.  I’m Kevin.  I started exploring the shorthand world while searching for something to help with taking more complete minutes at monthly meetings.  I quickly became fascinated,…

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Numbers in Shorthand

This is a nice discussion about how to write numbers in shorthand, especially in reporting work. Taken from the Gregg Shorthand Reporting Course, by C. L. Swem. Attachment: numbers.pdf

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Track your Reading/Writing speeds

Hi all, I’m posting a spreadsheet that I use to track my reading progress (screen shot at left), in case there are any people out there who are like me and enjoy seeing a snapshot of their learning progress, etc. Each line item refers to a paragraph of shorthand in one of the texts (right…

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I’m curious if anyone has any experience with the “SuperWrite” system, authored by James Lemasters.  It’s another alphabetic “shorthand” system . . . It seems like several different volumes and editions were published, and the books show up on e-bay and in places like  One thing that puzzles me is his use of non-phonetic…

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Anniversary Functional Method Vols. 1 and 2

Hey all, I’m looking at the two volume set on eBay and most are sold individually, and they have different publishing dates, usually ranging from 1936 thru 1943.  Do the volumes I buy have to be the same year?  Has anyone experienced any problems with this? (by Michael for group greggshorthand)

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