A Course of Study in Gregg Shorthand for High Schools

This small booklet contains suggestions and a plan of study for Anniversary Gregg, using as a basis the Manual, the Speed Studies (second edition), the Progressive Exercises, the Rational Dictation, and the Secretarial Studies books. It contains lesson outlines for four semesters. This was published in 1930, before the appearance of the Functional Method and…

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The Learner

This is a collection of articles from the September-December 1930 issues of the Gregg Writer, with additional suggestions and supplementary material, and correlated with the chapters of the Anniversary manual. Attachment: the-learner-sept-dec-1930

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Acquiring Shorthand Speed at Home

This is a pretty neat article with some tips on working speed. Just replace the victrola with an iPod to make it relevant to the 21st century. I wouldn’t mind the “snappy fox trot” though … Attachment: acquiring-shorthand-speed-at-home

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Supplementary Lesson Drills

This is a collection of drills supplementing the material from the Anniversary manual that appeared in various issues of the Gregg Writer. They are correlated with the chapters of the manual. Attachment: supplementary-lesson-drills-anniversary.pdf

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Speaking of Mr. Dupraw …

… here’s a small extract from an article in the May 1932 issue of the Gregg Writer, in which his style of writing is discussed. There is also a sample of his writing as well. His notes were taken from new matter dictated material. Attachment: dupraw-notes.pdf Attachment: whos-who-shorthand-speed-dupraw.pdf

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Pleasant Surprise

Today, while signing up for NCRA membership (I am trying to become certified as a CART provider), I was pleasantly surprised. In the drop down menu in which a prospective member would select his/her stenography method to be tested on, I noticed that Gregg and Pitman were both listed along side “Machine.” I found it…

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