

In Simplified shorthand manual (basic, first edition), chapter 1, lesson 5 – there is something that I cannot interpret properly

This is what I have read:

P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }

Dear Ned,
I am sorry I cannot make the analysis
of our finances the cashier needs as an basis on which to pay our
Federal taxes.
(Something-something) the services of
my head clerk John Smith for 15 days as he “has had” a severe
heart attack.
I am planning to fill the vacancy
caused by Smiths illness but I am afraid it will be May 29th before
I can tackle the analysis.
That (something-something) looks like “I have bla bla” but in my copy of the manual there is this dot that I don’t know where it belongs. Is it the vowel mark, brief form…. 
Also I am not so sure about “has had”.
I am more or less ok with the rest of the text. I would like to have the key if it is available. 
Also I am reading Gregg Notehand manual. I hope that is ok. I need some material to read that is not only business oriented but something more broad.

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  1. That "something-something" is the phrase "I have not had", and the second outline you have doubts is indeed "has had."

    I don't have a scan of the key for the first edition of the Simplified manual, but the first lessons should be sufficiently easy so that you don't have to use the key if you know the principles well.

    Lastly, be aware that Gregg Notehand simplifies things even more than Gregg Simplified, omits some speed principles, and does not have the same brief forms. In fact, "that" and "they" are written in full, so it may create some confusion if you're just starting to learn Simplified. Non-business related material will be presented in Gregg Simplified in the end-of-chapter lessons, starting with Lesson 18, and in the review lessons once you learn all theory (Chapters 10-12).

    1. Yes and no. Before Simplified Gregg, "has" and "had" were written without the h dot because they were common words. Starting with Simplified, they decided to add the dot to those words to avoid any transcription problems. In "has had", since the first word already has the h dot, you don't need the second dot to know that it is "has had" (there is no English word "hasad").

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