A Message for New Members

Welcome to the group!

If you have joined the group recently, please introduce yourself so that we know who you are and why are you interested in Gregg Shorthand. I have received many requests for joining in the last month or so, and although I have approved them, unfortunately I have seen very few new members participating in the discussion, or lurking in the posts. Be aware that inactivity in the group for a year (which means to have not even read a message) will get you dropped from the members list. Of course, you can always rejoin. Feel free to roam around.

New Announcement: Starting March 2017, we moved from Blogger to WordPress. As before, only people that have sent me a request to join by clicking on the “About, Contact” option on the menu, have access to the documents and can initiate posts.

Note: Starting September 2012, we moved from Multiply to the Blogger platform. As a consequence,
only people that have registered with me through Multiply as explained in this post, or that have sent me a request to join by clicking on the “About, Contact” option on the menu, have access to the documents and can initiate posts.

(Due to a bug in Blogger’s threaded commenting system, posts do not show more than 200 comments. For that reason, the original post was duplicated here and comments in that post have been closed.)

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565 comments Add yours
  1. Comment by Samuel Weiss, August 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm Sam. I found my Mom's old Diamond Jubilee books many years ago, and ever since then I have been casually interested in Gregg Shorthand. Recently I decided that I want to try to learn Gregg Shorthand well so that I can use it to easily take notes in grad school. I decided to try the Anniversary edition because I might as well go all out if I'm going to spend my time and effort on this endeavor.

    So far I have been using the original Anniversary book, but I just bought the two book Functional Method set because I have read a lot of good things about them. I also have a few issues of The Gregg Writer. Maybe I will try scanning them and uploading them here if anyone is interested.

    My mom used to be a secretary, but she hasn't used shorthand in years. Since I've become more interested in shorthand, I have gotten her interested in the subject again. Surprisingly, she still remembers most of the system after all of these years. She is now working through her old books as review.

    Anyway, this site appears to have a lot of useful material, and I hope to add to the discussions here when I can.

    1. Comment by Carlos, August 19, 2015 at 1:01 PM.

      Excellent Sam, and welcome! I too learned Anniversary on my own for the same reason you did, so you're on the right track, :-).

  2. Comment by Susan, August 19, 2015 at 3:37 AM.

    Welcome Sam. I too have started on the journey of learning the Anniversary version of Gregg shorthand. At Carlos' suggestion, I started with the Functional Method books. I have not gotten very far yet, but I am enjoying it thoroughly.

    When I was in high school in the early 1960s, they must have been teaching Gregg Simplified but I never took any shorthand classes. I wish I had !!!

    Enjoy the journey. There is lots of great information here and Carlos and others can answer any questions that come up along the way.

    You'll also find that once you get started you will be looking on eBay for lots of other great Anniversary Gregg shorthand books to supplement your original manual and the Functional Manuals. For me, it has become a bit of an addiction and I have built up quite a library of them 🙂 For the most part, they are readily available on eBay and reasonably priced. I haven't paid more than $10 for any of them and most have been more like $5 or $6 or $7…….

    1. Comment by Samuel Weiss, August 20, 2015 at 2:40 PM.

      Thanks for the welcome. I am already finding myself addicted to looking for supplementary material on eBay. Already I have the original Anniversary manual, the two Functional Method books, the phrase book, Gregg Speed Studies, Speed Studies and Grading Readings combo book, and three issues of The Gregg Writer. I won't count my Mom's Diamond Jubilee books because I don't use them. I've promised myself I won't get any more until I've made some significant headway into what I already have. 🙂

    2. Comment by Susan, August 21, 2015 at 4:39 AM.

      Hi Sam,

      You have made some good choices in books. I highly recommend 5000 Most Used Shorthand Forms. It is organized according to the chapters in the Anni Manual. There are several other books that are organized according to the manual – like Graded Readings and Speed Studies.

      BTW, Carlos recommends Gregg Speed Studies – Third Edition.

      I suggest that you look in the archives at the Dec 03, 2008 post that Carlos made called Gregg Shorthand Book Covers. In that post you will find a pdf that shows many of the most important books arranged by Gregg series i.e. Pre-Anniversary, Anniversary, etc.

      There are also some pdfs available for the keys to some of the books and for some books that are difficult to find used.

      There is a pdf of the Teachers Manual for the Anniversary Functional Method Manuals that I have found very helpful as I work through the Functional Method books.

      I can't remember where I found the pdf of the Teachers Manual, but I'm sure Carlos remembers….. or I can do a search and see if I can find it for you.

    3. Comment by Samuel Weiss, August 26, 2015 at 7:45 PM.

      Thanks, Susan. For now, I am going to use the online edition of 5000 Most Used Shorthand Forms on Angelfishy's site. I am waiting for a cheap copy to appear on eBay before getting it.

      Why exactly is the third edition recommended? I have the version from the Graded Reading and Speed Studies combo. One of my eBay orders gave me an extra copy of just the Speed Studies part as well. Is there really that big of a difference?

      Thanks for mentioning the teacher's manual. I will look over it when I get the chance.

    4. Sam, the difference with the third edition of Gregg Speed Studies (GSS) is that the book is correlated with the units of the manual, so once you finish a unit, you can study to the corresponding unit in GSS, being easier to follow. The previous editions were not organized that way and you had to navigate your way through the book. Don't worry though; since you have the second edition of GSS, you can use both editions — I did that when I was learning the system and it provided extra practice.

    5. Thanks, Carlos. I am in the process of reading the first 21 assignments from the Functional Method manual, so I have some time before I would need the third edition. When the time comes, I will take your advice and get a copy of the third edition. I plan to work through the Functional Method manual, the Anniversary manual, Speed Studies, Graded Readings, 5000 Most Used Shorthand Forms, Progressive Exercises, and possibly some other reading material in parallel after I am fluent in reading the first 21 assignments. I feel that even though this will take me longer than just going through the FM manual, I will get a more thorough practice and understanding of each assignment.

  3. Comment by Steven Bhardwaj, August 25, 2015 at 3:22 PM.

    Hi All:

    Thanks Carlos for the invite and to everyone for adding to such a vibrant community!

    I am learning Anniversary for myself and because I want to teach it to my forthcoming child.

    For myself, I am a language buff and enjoy improving my proficiency in Chinese, Spanish, French, and learning new languages like ASL. Gregg falls into this category, and I hope it may even accelerate my learning speeds.

    For my family, my wife and I are expecting a child due soon, on September 1! I had been practicing Plover (stenotype), and was thinking about how and when we might teach the child stenotype. But then I had the idea that if I teach a very young child to read shorthand at a very young age, then they will also be able to write shorthand. I hope to teach the child (of surprise gender) Gregg starting from a young age, by reading to him/her from Gregg books, and using "Early Learning" methods. (e.g.: http://www.brillbaby.com/).

    Right now, I'm at Unit 21 in Anni, and have been following along reading the essays in the Fundamental Drills. I haven't started writing yet, I figure I'll start that soon, maybe after Unit 24 or so. I purchased the Functional Method book, I think I'll read through that before I start writing.

    I'm super excited to read all the materials. I tried to read a little of Alice in Wonderland without comparing it to a typescript copy – still way over my head! Confident I'll get there though!



    1. Wonderful story Steven, welcome to the blog, and congratulations on the arrival of the new baby! Once the baby is born, you have to write the baby's name in shorthand! That will be your first shorthand writing assignment, :-).

    2. Welcome, Steven! I'll be curious to see your teaching adventures with your child in the years to come. My kids are ages 13 and 9– so far I'm only teaching the 13-year old the notehand edition of Gregg. I plan to start my 9-year old next summer, when her spelling skills are a little more solidified (I'm afraid teaching her shorthand at this point might mess up her spelling). I believe Gregg began teaching children as young as 6th grade, if I'm remembering right. I'd certainly be fascinated to read about teaching children shorthand even younger than that. I hope you'll share your experiences! Congrats on your new baby!

  4. Comment by Connie Chadwell, August 28, 2015 at 7:41 AM.

    Hi everyone – I'm Connie. I am so grateful to you, Carlos, for this shorthand blog – it's just great! I studied Gregg Simplified – probably the last year that version was taught – in college and have used it every day since. The other day, two of my granddaughters saw me using it and were fascinated, so I taught them a few symbols. Just purchased the Refresher Course in Gregg Shorthand and am so glad I did – it is really helpful. Thank you, Carlos, for your work in the shorthand community!

    1. Thank you Connie, and welcome to the blog! It's nice that your granddaughters showed interest in shorthand. That's exactly how I first showed interest, by looking at my aunt writing it, and it always fascinated me. She had beautiful penmanship too (very similar to Mrs. Richmond's). Hopefully, they will also pick it up some day!

    2. Welcome Connie !!! I graduated from high school in 1963, so I have to assume that they were teaching Gregg Simplified. Unfortunately, I never took any of the shorthand classes. I wish I had.

      So here I am at the age of 70 attempting to learn Anniversary shorthand on my own. I wouldn't even have attempted it without this blog. Everyone here is friendly, supportive and knowledgeable.

      Enjoy !!! Susan

  5. Hi, my name is Monica and thank you Carlos for including me in the group and for creating this wonderful website with so much helpful information about learning Gregg shorthand. I learned shorthand 43 years ago when I was in secretarial school and I recently found an old copy of my Diamond Jubilee Gregg Shorthand book in my bookcase. I started reading through it and I was amazed that I could still read some of the passages. I remembered how much I enjoyed studying shorthand in the past so I recently began studying it on a daily basis again. I take classes now and then and it would be so helpful to be able to take notes in shorthand again. This is also great work to keep your brain active as they say people who keep their minds busy with studies can avoid dementia and I'm getting up there in age 🙂 It is wonderful to have a place to go to share our experiences and ask questions while studying. Thanks again to Carlos for creating this group and all the hard work that must go into it.

    1. Welcome Monica. I am attempting to learn Anniversary Gregg on my own (with the help of Carlos and other members of this blog) for 2 main reasons:

      1) I have always thought that Gregg shorthand looked like fun… and it is !!

      2) To stave off dementia (I'm 70). I think it's working 🙂

      Enjoy the journey !!

  6. Hello everyone,

    I'd like to introduce myself to the group. I recently came across the art of shorthand (yes, I think of it as an art) by way of Howard Wallace's videos. I am a new learner to simplified Gregg shorthand and have a goal of dictating my work/chart notes without losing my train of thought waiting for my hand writing to catch up. I'm in the healthcare profession and was wondering if there are any like minded individuals that are or have used Gregg's shorthand to write treatment notes for patients. If so, reply back! I look forward to using the resources here to hasten my learning. Thanks to Carlos for a great site. Cheers. Garin

    1. Welcome to the forum Garin. Glad you had a chance to look at my videos. If they are like elementary school, this forum is like graduate school. Here there are many scholars with different, but well thought out, viewpoints.

      You probably already know the approach I advocate. If you have a good grounding in the phonetic alphabet and the abbreviating principle you have everything you need to take notes. However, it can make life easier to have access to a set of already thought out abbreviations. At the end of my introductory videos I pointed viewers to the Anniversary dictionary. You won't necessarily find specialized medical vocabulary there. However, some Gregg medical dictionaries have been published. Two on my shelves are "Gregg Medical Manual and Dictionary" by Smither, and "Gregg Medical Shorthand Dictionary" by Byers. You may be able to pick one of these up on the second hand market.

      My wife is also a medical professional. I know there is a big push towards electronic medical records these days, and many providers are entering their primary notes electronically. Many don't care for the electronic systems but in trying to work efficiently they shun an extra step of creating paper notes which would then have to be retyped into the electronic system. How do you plan to use Gregg? How are you going to integrate with the electronic systems? I'm very curious if Gregg still has utility for the medical profession outside of transcribing lecture notes and meeting notes.

  7. Hello. I'm retired and just started learning Gregg to keep the mind active and frankly it's easier on my arthritic hands – probably from spending my life on a keyboard of one type or another. Also I don't have to haul out te laptop every time I want to make a note. I bought the Gregg simplified Second edition because that is what is available. I'm looking for the answer key which I think is called Student Transcript but I don't have the ISBN. Anyway, glad to find this group, and to know I'm not the only one out there trying to learn this. Thanks for letting me join.

    1. Welcome, Checkers3. I'm a fan of the Simplified version of Gregg although I don't study as diligently as I should.

      The student's transcript for the Simplified second edition can sometimes be found from used book sellers on eBay and Amazon but you have to be very careful to get the second edition instead of the first. Sometimes this is hard because of poor descriptions. I don't think it has ever been reprinted during the ISBN era so it may not have an ISBN.

      If you have questions about any particular exercise in the book feel free to start a new message thread or piggyback on one of the existing threads about Simplified. People here will be glad to assist.

    2. Welcome checkers3! You'll find shorthand enjoyable and if you have any questions about any outline, just post it here. Sometimes one doesn't get something at a first read, but if you come back to it later, more than likely you will get it.

  8. Hi,
    I'm a high school student and I remembered seeing gregg in an old book case at my aunt's house that her mother had given her from when she was in school. It was pre anniversary, but at the time I had no idea that there were different versions. After I left I always had it in the back of my mind and tried to learn some in middle school from gregg.angelfish but i guess i didn't see the benefit. But now, I've gotten back into it, and I'm learning simplified with some borrowed anniversary ideas for speed, since I find that anniversary, though more complicated, has many many good principles that can be at least borrowed. Anyway, I'm still only at about 70 wpm and I'm looking forward to learning a lot more about this system and I'm of course very glad that I found it at all.
    I think gregg is by far the most beautiful, Teeline is pretty ugly and so is pitman, though I'll be the first to admit that pitman can match gregg for speed and accuracy, though i think it's just nonsense that gregg gets impossible to read over time. That's only the case, as I've read, if you make hastily and poorly formed outlines that are not based of the principles or ingrained in your use.
    Anyway, I think that Simplified is a great place to start, and that the later systems are just not as good as ann, pre, and simp, though they are all faster than longhand by quite a bit. Feel free to give your opinion on that, and I'll see you all in the posts!
    Thanks to Carlos for making this great blog

    1. Awesome greggislife! A speed 70 wpm is awesome for a first course, especially since you're just starting to write. I can still read notes taken a long time ago, without remembering the context of the original speech.

  9. Greetings all,

    My name is Tynitra. I have been interested in learning shorthand for a few years and decided to begin to study in earnest this month, so that I can increase the speed in which I take notes at the office.

    I own the "Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified, Second Edition" and was searching the Internet for tools to aid in practicing what I am learning when I happened upon this site. I am most grateful to be included in the Gregg Group, and look forward to using the resources provided and reading the posts. Cheers.

  10. My name is Kevin and I got interested a few years ago from an old book of my mom's. I think it was simplified but don't have it with me currently. I thought it was fascinating and went all the way through it. I got away from it and am taking it up again. I downloaded a pdf anniversary manual a few days ago and am simply refreshing my knowledge and getting reading practice as well. I'm not writing much–I just want to get fast at reading–then I'll practice writing more.
    I stumbled onto this blog looking for miscellaneous stuff to read. I want this to be practical as well as a hobby, but if it takes ten times longer to read back to yourself what you wrote, it's not very useful. So I just want to read some every night for a while and progress from there.
    I'm glad to have found this group and it looks like Gregg might be making quite a comeback.

    1. Welcome Kevin! Someone said once that reading is the be-all and end-all in shorthand, and it is very true. Reading a lot of well-written shorthand is the best activity to do improve writing speed and to improve the legibility in your notes. Correctly executed shorthand outlines will be retained in your brain, avoiding any hesitation in writing.

      If you are interested in pursuing Anniversary, the best books to study is the two-volume Gregg Shorthand Functional Method set (Parts 1 and 2) by Louis Leslie, which provides ample reading material. With the FM manual, you won't be writing any shorthand until you have studied 21 lessons, which should give you enough exposure to well written shorthand before attempting to write a single stroke. Another option for you is to get the third edition of Gregg Speed Studies, which provides even more material for you to read. You can get these books on eBay cheaply.

  11. Welcome Kevin. It's interesting that you keyed in on reading speed. There are a number of us here interested in approaches that are slower to write but faster to read, like Greghand, Notehand, and the first editions of Gregg. Simplified did move in that same direction from Aniversary. If you made it all the way through a simplified text you have a great foundation!

  12. Hello, my name is Mary and I took Gregg shorthand in a Secretarial course many years ago. I didn't finish the shorthand class, but when I saw my textbook online, I purchased it, and found that I still remembered many of the forms. Working at a non-profit, where people call seeking assistance, it's good to be able to take down their stories quickly, w/out losing any details. It's also good to have it be unreadable to others, as shorthand usually is to most people, for the sake of confidentiality. Finding this website was wonderful, I didn't know anyone else out there was still interested in shorthand! I look forward to listening and learning from all of you here, as I continue to practice my shorthand daily (slowly but surely!).

  13. Hello everyone! My name is Janet and I would like to introduce myself. My practical reason for becoming interested in Gregg Shorthand was for taking notes for an online course in which the teacher talked way too fast. It soon became clear that this was not something I could learn in a few weeks, so I changed my immediate goal to reading the Monday Mirth jokes and cartoons in shorthand on Daily Gregg. I concentrated on the readings in the first 54 chapters in the Simplified Manual, which contain all the theory. Now I am starting at the beginning of the book again, this time doing the writing exercises. I'm looking forward to reading more of the Simplified reading material on this site.

    Another reason for learning Gregg Shorthand – it intrigues me. I like the symbols and the beauty of Gregg Shorthand. I have also been interested in other writing systems, including learning some Sanskrit with the Devanagari alphabet and also the Tibetan alphabet along with a small vocabulary.

    As a child I saw the value of shorthand as a secret code – my mother used it for her Christmas gift lists.

    Thanks to Carlos and contributors to the Gregg Group – your posts and comments have been a great resource and inspiration while learning.

  14. Hello everyone. My name is Brenda and I have recently decided to refresh my shorthand skills after…let's see…48 years? YIKES, has it been that long?

    I learned Gregg shorthand in high school. Looking through books that are available to purchase now, I think it must have been the Diamond Jubilee edition I learned from originally. I have now bought a few different editions and am just playing around at a slow but steady pace until I decide which edition I want to focus on.

    I probably won't post much here, but I will enjoy seeing what other have to say.

    Carlos, thank you for allowing me to join.

    1. Yes, Diamond Jubilee was first published in 1963, so if you were in high school in the late 60s (as I was) Diamond Jubilee would have been the version you used. My advice would be to stick with DJS . . . the advantages of switching to one of the other versions are minimal. And lots of DJS materials are still available. Check Ebay, abe.com, and Amazon.

  15. Hi everyone, I'm new here and an absolute beginner at shorthand. I suffer from RSI, which makes it hard to take notes above a very slow pace, both in longhand and typing.

    Being able to write extensively and quickly is important to me, as a life coach and with wanting to get an active blog happening – being able to draft and play with ideas quickly will be valuable, as well as taking notes during talks and seminars.

    I've started experimenting with Gregg shorthand, and it seems really helpful. So far, I've only read the angelfishy site and started the Anki deck. Next I intend to start practice each morning.

  16. Hello, everyone. My name is Jesse. I'm an enthusiast of constructed writing systems and spelling reforms, and also a collector of Gregg shorthand stuff. I own the manuals for pre-Anniversary, Anniversary, Simplified, and Diamond Jubilee, but I spend most of my time with Simplified. I don't have any particular need to write quickly; I almost never even write longhand on paper anymore. But I do enjoy reading and writing such an attractive and relatively practical neography.

  17. I first studied shorthand in the mid 1980's using Series 90 at a local community college, but dropped out of the class halfway through. Got married, four children, busy life…tried picking shorthand studies up again in the late 1990's, but Series 90 is not great, which I didn't know at the time. In recent years, I've bought many used shorthand books; Anniversary, Simplified, Diamond, Centennial. Finally decided to use Centennial to start, and most of the way through Book 1. Why study at this point in time? Several reasons: to finish something I started long ago, I find it relaxing, it's a great way to journal with little chance of anyone being able to read, and I like the oddity of it in this day and age of electronics. I'm excited to use this website and blog to enhance my studies!

  18. Greetings. My interest in shorthand is borne out of my slow, illegible handwriting and my workplace need to take information conveyed orally. I currently do my text composition on a computer since my typing skills far outdo my poor handwriting, but would love to transition to pen-on-paper writing to avoid the distractions of the computer.

    I found this blog while gathering information on various shorthand systems. I opt for Gregg for the following reasons: The availability of a German and a well-developed French adaptation led me to consider it alongside the major German systems of DEK and Stolze-Schrey and the French systems of Duployé, Delauney-Prévost, and Aimé-Paris. Unlike seemingly many other people, I process language and tend to write phonetically rather than by spelling. Gregg can be written using the ballpoint pens and unlined paper available at work, unlike Pitman, Stolze-Schrey, or DEK which feature line thickness and/or position relative to the baseline. Gregg’s design based the motions of actual handwriting appeals to me aesthetically over the geometrical forms of Pitman and the French systems.

    I have begun learning the Anniversary edition. My library contains SV Greenberg’s adaptation to German (1924) and RJ Sénécal’s French adaptation of Anniversary (Sténographie Gregg, 2nd edition, 1939) along with a volume of speed exercises (Études graduées de vitesse en sténographie Gregg, FA Lippman, 1938).

    Thank you Carlos for admitting me to this blog. Thank you all for posting so much useful and interesting information and creating this motivating environment.

  19. Hi all! I happy to have found a group of people that share the love for shorthand. I first heard about it from my grandfather. He always tells a story about how he tried to copy a girl’s notes while in college but he couldn't because they were in shorthand. After he told me the story for the 100th time I decided to see what short hand really was. And it was love at first sight. Since then I have been working mostly out of a high-school text book on the centennial edition of gregg shorthand, both of the functional method books, and a diamond jubilee book as well. I'm still very much a beginner and I'm currently focused on being able to read shorthand. Once I’m confident and can read fluently I plan on working on my writing skills. Thanks for all the materials on this site and I look forward to chatting with some of you in the future.

  20. You might want to focus on one of the systems to start with. You mention Centennial, Diamond Jubilee, and I assume your functional method books are Anniversary. Even though the basic theory is the same, there are differences among the different versions.

    1. Yea…. I was kind of thinking that. Will it make that big of a difference? I just thought that as long as i'm learning to read it that I will be OK.
      Currently, the main thing i'm having trouble with is the "h" sounds. Its not always indicated in the practice exercises. For example the words "her" or "him".

  21. Hi all! I am new to shorthand, but find the concept fascinating. I have always suffered from slow, poor handwriting, and so began typing early in my school years. Shorthand was still taught when I was in high school, but I never took it, not realizing how useful it might have been to me in college or in my later career.

    I am also interested in the written form of languages: in college and grad school I studied Greek, Sanskrit, and Tibetan – none of which use the Latin alphabet (and, in the case of Tibetan at least, makes even greater use of historical spelling that diverges from pronunciation than English). Gregg, with its phonemic emphasis seems like a welcome departure. So, for me, learning some form of Gregg will be more of a hobby than a practical tool (not that I do not look forward to being able to make use of the practical benefits of being able to write faster!)

    Secondarily I am considering teaching my kids some form of shorthand (or rather learning along with them). We live in a fairly remote part of Alaska and where we homeschool our kids. My oldest has mastered the Getty-Dubay method of italic handwriting, and it is very beautiful, but his speed is relatively slow, and I suspect, would not serve him well for note taking, etc.

    I have not yet bought any books, but I do have a PDF of the anniversary edition that I briefly flipped through. Notehand seems like it might be perfect for teaching my kids, but there does not seem to be much material available. For me, Anniversary seems appealing, at least just as an exercise. Is it possible to start with Notehand and then proceed on to another system?

    1. Welcome John! I'm glad you've decided to learn Gregg.

      If you haven't done so, make sure you have read this post which contains a document that outlines the different series of Gregg.

      The question about which one choose is very personal. It is always possible to start with any series and change, and many people have done so successfully. However, I discourage changing in the middle of learning one series, because you'll be spending time relearning. It is better to stick with one series while learning, finish that series, and once you've finished, then learn additional series if you like. You'll always have that initial series you learned at least as a base to rely on.

      In general, the further apart the Gregg series are in time, the more difficult is to switch to a faster version of Gregg (such as Anniversary or earlier) because of the learning curve. For example, trying to switch from Notehand to Anniversary is possible but you'll be learning a lot of new principles, whereas changing from DJS to Simplified shouldn't be much of an issue.

      For these reasons, why not try Simplified Gregg? It is a series right in the middle, not difficult to learn, and there is plenty of material to read, and the books are readily available. The only issue I have with Simplified is the awful amount of business letters, but they have some non-business-related material in the reading practice as well.

      If Anniversary still ticks your fancy, I don't recommend using the regular manual because it doesn't have enough practice material. The two-volume set of Gregg Shorthand Functional Method by Louis Leslie would be the way to go. Here is a post about the FM books, my answer is just below the question (written as "chuck MSN").

      If you have any more questions, just post them here.

    2. You certainly can begin with Notehand and then go on to another edition if you feel you need to (for speed or otherwise), though keep in mind the other editions of Gregg shorthand will be business-oriented. As such, the texts get rather dull. Notehand is the least abbreviated version of any of the Gregg shorthand systems.

      I'm a homeschooling parent, too. I've actually been creating materials in Notehand for my kids. I started teaching my son Notehand a year ago (he's 14 now), and I just started teaching my daughter (age 10) last month. I've actually been creating Notehand materials, including dictation recordings (the first 21 lessons from the text are completed so far). Sometimes I think about starting a Notehand blog.

      Here are the links to some of the things I've created for Notehand:

      Notehand Bingo: https://greggshorthand.blogspot.com/2016/08/notehand-bingo.html

      Gregg Notehand Textual Dictionary:

      Notehand Brief Forms cheat sheet:

      I've scanned in a couple of the Notehand workbooks that are out-of-print and hard to get a hold of, too:

      Essentials of Gregg Notehand: Intensive Theory & Practice: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzEhH8xFRZN7SW4tRWp4UXZNVWM/view

      Practical Drills & Notemaking Exercises for Gregg Notehand: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzEhH8xFRZN7b2VTUXVRTFhQekk/view

      Teacher's Guide to Notehand:

      I also created a chart for teachers comparing the 3 Notehand texts:

      Welcome! (By the way, we used Getty-Dubay for writing, too!)

    3. Thanks Carlos and Teri!

      It is good to know others are also treading the same path. Those Notehand resources will be of great use and I will certainly check out the other series, as Carlos suggests, as well.

  22. Personal opinion, I think Notehand is a great choice for kids. The memory burden is lighter than the regular versions of Gregg, and the goal is practical note taking rather than business use. Notehand was my first classroom introduction to shorthand (back in the 1960s), and after that I took regular shorthand (DJS). The exercises and reading materials for Notehand are a bit more interesting and useful for younger students. There's no reason for them to be thinking about business applications of shorthand since those practically don't exist today.

    If you can find it, there is also the Gregg Shorthand Junior Manual from the 1920s, which also had the same goal. It was the early precursor to Notehand, and was aimed at junior high school students. PDF is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzEhH8xFRZN7YlNwQ2ItTjdURlk/view (thanks to Teri). I really like the simplicity and presentation.

    I learned italic handwriting and know the Getty-Dubay method well. Because fountain pens and dip pens aren't practical any more, it's important to focus on the monoline forms for the alphabet. Younger writers have to be prepared to pick up a ballpoint pen or gel pen and write with it, and not feel constrained by the thicks and thins of broad pen writing. The "calligraphic" emphasis is why systems like this never gained wide popularity. The monoline forms of italic handwriting are immensely useful.

    However, if you're using regular handwriting, it doesn't matter if it's Zaner-Bloser, Palmer style, D'Nealian, Getty-Dubay, or any other–it's all going to be too slow for really rapid writing.

    1. Just a small correction. Although the GS Junior Manual was geared towards junior high students, it is still a full presentation of Gregg Shorthand (in this case, 1916 Pre-Anniversary), so it is not really a simplified version of Gregg like Notehand is. You will be learning all the brief forms.

      Just to be aware, Notehand is a system for taking notes, as the book describes. In a classroom situation, where you are listening and taking down what someone is saying, Gregg Shorthand would be much better.

      Lastly, about the practice material in Notehand, while it contains non-business-related material, a good portion of the book is still business related. So you will still be reading letters about balance overdue payments and insurance policies, and selections about making profit (not a bad thing, I may add).

  23. Thanks for the invite, Carlos!

    I became interested in Gregg Shorthand during my quest to find an efficient way of writing words. I tried it on and off during the summer, and found it quite fun! There's something beautiful in the flow of Gregg shorthand. It also has the added bonus of using less strokes than conventional handwriting, being the lazy person that I am. I'm hoping to reach the level at which I can read Gregg like English. That'd be immensely useful in preparation for university.

    I've stuck with Gregg Simplified, although I started with Anniversary. I mainly use the resources from Open Library. I am pretty comfortable with the alphabet, and have memorized some common short forms. Writing isn't natural to me yet. Other than that, I'm not so good at reading Gregg, so I'll be checking out the cool articles Carlos has posted.

    Cheers, Yujin.

  24. I've always been interested in writing systems of all kinds. At various times of my life (starting in childhood) I've studied Morse code, semaphore, the Hebrew and Cyrillic alphabets, the Japanese syllabary and (to a lesser extent) other characters, and Braille. I learned to type before the days of computers, years before any of my friends did—and then was thrilled in later years to learn about Dvorak, which I happily switched to!

    The first time I thought about shorthand was in 1987 at age 21 when I read a book called Emergence by David Palmer. The main character keeps a journal in Pitman shorthand, which she highly recommends over Gregg.

    This got me interested, and I checked a Pitman book out of the library. But I found the thick-and-thin aspect of it difficult; it made my hands tense and I lost interest. At the same time, I began to doubt Palmer's expertise, since another quirk of the character's journal was that she left off words like "a" for being wasteful of time and space—but those words seemed so little wasteful in shorthand that it made me question whether Palmer had any experience in shorthand himself. I abandoned the whole pursuit.

    Soon afterwards, I noticed a school secretary making notes in Gregg. I'd never seen shorthand in the wild before. (This would have been about 1990.) I was jealous of her ability!

    A few years later, I took my baby to the library to escape our unairconditioned apartment. Browsing in the stacks, I discovered Gregg shorthand. I didn't check the books out; I may have been concerned that if I had them at home they would distract me from my child, or I may have been embarrassed to be studying such a thing (though I'm not sure why), so I sat at a desk in the library studying it with the baby sleeping in a stroller beside me. I am pretty sure we spent a number of summer afternoons that way.

    Life went on, without much shorthand, but eventually I picked up a shorthand book or two that I found at a used bookstore. Not knowing the differences between editions, I was surprised by the different outlines taught, but that didn't slow me down much.

    In 2000, when my third child was born, I was in my second phase of interest in shorthand. I remember rocking him in his room at night, writing shorthand in my head. But soon afterwards I became discouraged because although I could write shorthand at an encouraging rate of speed, I often couldn't read my own note, though I could read the manuals just fine. Clearly I wasn't making the outlines properly, but it wasn't clear how I could improve, and didn't seem worthwhile. I got rid of my books.

    Now, having discovered the wonderful resources available online, I am back, studying Anniversary. (I believe my previous resources were DJ and Simplified.) I chose this because I enjoy learning systems like this, so simplicity doesn't attract me that much (and honestly, it doesn't seem that much more difficult), and because I know the value of large amounts of reading material. I am thrilled to be able to read in shorthand!

    I've been startled at the speed with which reading has helped me. I haven't done a lot of writing yet, but after I'd spent just one or two sessions reading, outlines would spring almost fully-formed into my head when I thought about shorthand. I don't even think of myself as very visually oriented, but the reading is clearly helping.

    I'm also a teacher of Spanish and German, and my quick improvement when reading shorthand has reinforced my belief that lots of reading, beginning early, is important for my students.

    1. What a fantastic story! Welcome to the blog, Beth!

      A small recommendation: if you want to really get good in Anniversary, you should get the two-volume set (Parts 1 and 2) titled Gregg Shorthand Functional Method by Louis Leslie, if you don't have it already. This set of books is for the most part correlated with the Anniversary manual; however, it has a lot more reading and writing material, and the key for most of the assignments is in the back. Right now, you can get it on eBay for really cheap!

    2. Talk about a memorable character. Your one sentence reminded me of a story in Analog, years ago, and the internet confirms it was the sequel to Emergence.

      At supper high speeds, every extra mark counts, so, yes, they leave out everything they can, including many small predictable words.

      I'm a storyteller, as in perform live, from memory. One of the mistakes new tellers, and new authors, make with characterization is over-doing the accent. A hint is all that's needed, and too much makes it harder for the listener. Palmer took a risk, and it paid off. We readers could still understand it, and it added to the characterization. It showed she wanted to be efficient, but also wanted others to be able to read it.

      I remember practicing while my first child went to sleep. He wouldn't let me leave the room, but I could sit at his little table. By that time at night, though, I didn't have enough brain-power left to do more than blindly copy.

      Enough digression. Welcome to the group.

    3. Watching my kids learn to read, I had a lot more sympathy than many other parents. Converting strange marks to English, and vice-versa, is not easy, but most adults don't remember how hard it was to learn, or how to motivate kids with success reading things they enjoy.

    4. Thanks for the welcome! Yes, Carlos, I got my Functional I this week, along with several other books, though not FM II.

      Cricket, I'm sure I have that copy of Analog not ten feet from me at this moment. I don't remember the sequel though.

      And I agree that this sort of learning experience is valuable for teachers and parents.

    5. Beth, it is thrilling to hear about other Dvorak typists! I learnt to touch-type on Dvorak, never becoming proficient at QWERTY. Colleagues of mine, surprised to produce gibberish when typing at my computer, initiate conversations driven by either curiosity or incredulity on their part.

  25. Hi folks-
    Thanks for letting me join this community. I'm a freelance journalist in London but actually started learning Simplified more to help me empathise with the adults learning Hebrew to whom I teach evening classes than anything else!

  26. Hello to everybody here and thanks for inviting me to this blog. I have always had an odd fascination with all kinds of shorthand through the years. I played around with a manual machine stenotype for a while, fiddled around with Teeline and Pitman off and on and even delved into the old Gurney shorthand system (which Teeline stoled some of its ideas from by the way) but always end up back with the more graceful Gregg.
    I'm pretty rusty at this time but with some downtime am trying to get back into it as I have ruled out all of the above alternatives for good now. I like reading other shorthand writers in the pdfs here because the regular books are usually all written by Rader so seeing other examples broadens the reading ability.

    1. Welcome to the blog, van. Hopefully this blog will motivate you to learn in earnest one of the Gregg series so that you can become fluent and fully enjoy this great way of writing.

  27. Hi, everybody (and fellow shorthandophiles!). I am probably the antique of the group, as I have been writing Gregg for longer than I care to admit (more than 50 years).

    I learned on Simplified, which was the newest version at the time, but I had a wonderful, old-timer teacher who had been one of the first U.S. Congressional court reporters, and he encouraged me to learn anniversary and pre-anniversary for more speed and efficiency. Which I did. He even shared some of his reporting shortcuts, which I use to this day.

    My career path was journalism, so Gregg was a mainstay in getting stories, interviews, and, most importantly, direct quotes. I occasionally used a small tape recorder (although it seemed to make some people self-conscious), and one time I placed it too near some electrical equipment. The upshot was that the interference made the interview almost impossible to understand. Without my trusty Gregg, I would have been up the proverbial creek without a paddle.

    Although I am retired, I use Gregg almost daily, and I am a great advocate of pre-anny. True, it does have a monumental, but not insurmountable, memory load, but it is still the fastest, most efficient version ever developed in my view, and I highly recommend it.

    I was a member of this group several years back, and I look forward to taking part once again. Let's keep Gregg alive!

  28. Hi everyone,

    Wow, it's really cool to read everybody's background and experience with shorthand! I'm a sociology graduate student hoping to learn Gregg well enough to take notes in class and, ideally, to take notes of field interviews; but so far I've spent most of my time attempting to work through my frustrations with the pedagogical peculiarities of the Anniversary Manual (yes, I know I should probably track down the FM manuals).

    My goal is to at least get to the point where my shorthand is faster than my longhand, though unfortunately I don't have as much time as I'd like to practice shorthand during the term. Hopefully all the great reading material on the blog here will help me practice in small bits where and when I can!

    Anyway, I have a lot of questions which I hope I'll get around to posting soon, but for now I just wanted to say hi, glad to be here, and thanks already to you all for the amazing content here that helps keep shorthand alive in the twenty-first century!

    1. Awesome David! Welcome to the blog! If you take lunch breaks, try to do some shorthand then. Even 15 minutes every day is better than nothing, especially when you're learning.

    2. David, your comment about learning to write shorthand at least as fast as longhand triggered memories of my own struggle with that. Because the mechanics and flow of shorthand is new and different, the tendency is to "draw" the forms rather that making a smooth "writing" stroke. My teacher said not to worry about this but to practice faithfully, and the transition of flow would come, at some point, almost automatically. It did.

      And, while reading well-written shorthand is invaluable in word recognition, nothing takes the place of putting pen to paper for developing speed and naturalness. Once you accomplish it, you'll think, "Duh? Why was this so hard?" Stay with it. You'll be glad you did!

    3. Those are excellent points, Mary.

      David, I also believe you can still practice shorthand during the term. Write the words you already know in shorthand in your own notes instead of longhand, for example, the common brief forms and phrases (how many times we write "in the", "of the", etc.). You will progress very quickly, and writing shorthand will become second nature.

  29. Hi everyone! I'm currently switching from Speedwriting to Notehand. I'm starting with Notehand because I don't really need exact dictation at the moment, but more importantly it's simple and has solutions to all exercises. Eventually I'd like to learn Simplified, DJ, or one of newer systems I haven't checked out. Maybe anniversary one of these days. Either way, I'm glad to just know about Gregg, this fantastic dying art

    1. Notehand (the 1968 edition) was my introduction to shorthand . . . in an actual high school classroom, by the way, with an actual shorthand teacher (hard to imagine today that there were people who taught shorthand full-time as their careers).

      After that I learned Diamond Jubilee, and it's my "go to" version.

  30. Hello,

    My name is Jeremy. My interest in Gregg is two-fold. One, my hands have essential tremor so standard handwriting (or hand anything) takes a little more time and focus. My desire is to at least increase the efficiency with which I write if not the speed. Two, I am a hobby linguist. Linguistics was part of my degree in school and Gregg intrigues me in that some of the ideas and principles behind it are fascinating.

    I have been learning Simplified Gregg for the past four months now and am able to write in it with the same speed as I write in standard hand writing.

    I am grateful for the expanded resources this blog provides and hope to contribute what I learn.


  31. Hello,

    I don't remember how I fell upon Gregg Shorthand online, but I found it very fun. I started studying it for a bit before stopping for a few years. I have recently started learning it again. I am a few months into my study of Pre-Anniversary and Anniversary. I am writing a mix of both, taking whatever is fastest and most logical from both versions.

    I am writing a Gregg dictionary that will allow anyone to look up words and phrases more quickly than searching through the PDFs [1]. Eventually I would like to generate Gregg from text.

    Carlos pointed me to Chance's previous attempt at this, where I saw that Tyler had also attempted it, so I will look at these.

    Good luck in everyone's studies!


    [1]: http://repo.or.cz/gregg.git

    1. Welcome to the blog, Paul! I have updated the link for the original shorthand_nopy.zip in Chance's post. I also have a copy of the old Greggory if you wish. I cannot find the latest version of Chance's program, but maybe someone in the blog may have a copy.

    2. There's an online converter on a German website:
      This site allows conversion to DEK. Gregg, Pitman, and Suetterlin cursive script. If you select DEK or Suetterlin, the directions appear in German. If you select Gregg or Pitman, the directions are in English. The conversions are imperfect–or at least that's the case for Gregg and Pitman. Still, it's an interesting piece of work.

  32. Somehow I think I remember that the paper was written, but I never tried to obtain it. I've got it now, though, and it looks like it should be interesting to me. I'm not only a Gregg user, but also an advanced LaTeX user, and I'm somewhat interested in METAFONT, though I'm not too knowledgeable about it.

  33. Where can I obtain keys to these three please:

    Gregg Shorthand Anniversary Edition (1930)?

    Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified (McGraw Hill 2nd ed.) ?

    Graded Readings in Gregg Shorthand (Anniversary Edition)?



  34. Hi everyone,

    Dustin here.  Glad to of found this site and start my learning of Gregg Anni and help keep the tradition alive as well as aquire a useful skill set. I'm eagerly awaiting the F.M. series. I've always thought it's amazing how shorthand that looks like Arabic can be interpreted. I've also purchased fountain pens from The Goulet Company (also on Youtube) and I highly recommend them. I feel like I'm going full out nastalgia. Look forward to learning. 

    1. Dustin

      You might try the Mitsubishi Uniball (fine) black waterproof. I have two fountain pens but this uniball is easier to use. I bought a box of a dozen on Amazon.


  35. Hi,

    I'm a beginner, learning Gregg pre-anniversary, but interested in all Gregg shorthand in general.

    I was introduced to shorthand as a child when someone, who worked as a secretary, demonstrated shorthand. I was amazed and puzzled at how she could write at such speeds.

    I also do machine shorthand, using Plover, the free open source software from the Open Steno Project, which I'm actually using to write this post right now!


    1. Welcome to the blog, Niten! I hope the blog is helpful and motivating.

      Also, since you use Plover, would you be interested in writing a post for the blog describing what it is, your experience with it, and how it compares to other machine shorthand systems? I think it would be useful information to have.

      1. Hi,


        I'm thinking of writing a post about Plover when I am free. Note that Plover is steno software, so it is capable of supporting many different systems and steno hardware.

        I'm totally self-taught, and am at a speed of around seventy words a minute, so I am not an authority on the topic, but here's what machine steno is about, your readers may find this interesting. 

        In English machine shorthand, the predominant keyboard is the one created by Ward Stone Ireland. There were several keyboards that were developed in the nineteenth century, but the Ireland stenotype was the first to thoroughly beat pen shorthand at speed contests in 1914, where trained teenagers beat all pen stenographers apart from Nathan Behrin. There have been many steno layouts since, but the Ireland layout remains the predominant layout

        As for how the keyboard is used, there are many steno theories, each having different ways of constructing outlines, different word beginnings and endings, different briefs, and so on. 

  36. Hi everyone,

    I've been learning Gregg on-again, off-again for quite some time now, but I've decided I finally want to learn it properly now that I will be continuing my university studies this fall.

    I've had the Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified for several years already, but I thought it'd be a good idea to have a dictionary too, so I ordered one from Amazon. It arrived today, and even though it's over sixty years old, it doesn't appear to have ever been used.

    I really appreciate the fact that there's reading material on this site written in Simplified, as most of the material I've found elsewhere on the web is written in Anniversary or pre-Anniversary. Being able to read your notes is important, so I want to get all the reading practice I can!

  37. Hello all,

    I've just gotten back into Gregg and shorthand after studying a variety of systems for fun in the past. I had forayed into Pitman (late 19th century Ben Pitman version. They seem to have gone through at least three ways of expressing 'h' over the years) just for fun, but I actually used Speedwriting for some notes when I was in college. I also worked through a Series 90 textbook just to compare it to Pitman, but I never used it afterward. I also used Quikscript for a while when I wanted my notes to be private.

    Now that I'm taking a lot of notes at my job, I thought I would take a look at what other Gregg options were out there. I was always dismayed by the fact that it seemed all the textbooks I had seen catered to the business world of the 1960s, with abbreviations to learn that have nothing to do with my current needs. Then I ran across the Youtube video "Differences between Business and Personal Use" by Howard Wallace, who I believe is a member here, and I first learned of Greghand and Notehand. It was exactly what I was looking for.

    I'm working through the Notehand 1960 edition and it's been very helpful. I do find myself sometimes using brief forms I've seen in the PA and Anni editions (I have copies of both) that I find useful as well. I've switched over to writing almost 100% of my personal notes at work in Notehand.

    I've spent a lot of time going through all the information on this site and it can be overwhelming. Is there a chart anywhere that compares each of the versions and how they differ? Something very granular, like showing exactly when dropping the light 't' at the end of a word was dropped as a rule, or when the different ways of representing 'r' changed? I have so many questions on the history and development of the systems; I think it's fascinating.

    I look forward to all the great resources and discussion here!

    1. Welcome to the blog, Elliott! I hope you find it motivating in improving your shorthand skills. Who knows, maybe it will motivate you to learn a quicker series than Notehand, :-).

      About the differences between the series, a book could be written about all of them, but if you want something more general, the biggest changes came in the transition from Anniversary to Simplified. The r rules were drastically changed in Simplified Gregg, a new stroke was introduced (-rd), and word abbreviations were for the most part eliminated. Anything after Simplified further simplified existing principles. For example, past tenses became always joined starting with DJS.

      If you are curious about the history of a specific principle, just ask.

      1. Thank you, Carlos!

        I seem to recall some discussion somewhere, maybe in one of Howard's videos, that said that the Gregg people had discovered that the shorthand writer does not tend to use shorthand in his daily life, only at work. For this reason, there was work on Greghand and Notehand as a method for regular people to use Gregg to write faster, but not necessarily at the speeds necessary for court reporting and dictation. Do you know if this is correct?

        Related to that, I see there is a link to a teacher's manual for Notehand. Could you please send that to me?


        1. Dr. Gregg's wish was to have Gregg Shorthand as a replacement for longhand writing. That's why the system was created in the first place, and one of the reasons behind the "phonography for the millions" tag line. While Dr. Gregg was successful in promoting and disseminating his system in the US (and surprisingly, in the business environment), he wasn't able to achieve his replacement goals.

          Greghand and later on Notehand, which are basically Louis Leslie's creations, were published to try to capture that "general public" market. They only printed 500 copies of the Greghand manual and reading book, and didn't reprint it, so more than likely, Dr. Gregg didn't pursue this further for lack of interest. It wasn't until the 60s when Notehand was published, giving it another try.

          What I think the authors fail to realize was that the demand for learning shorthand in general was on its way out. And while Notehand had two editions, it wasn't further revised. I'm sure that if McGraw-Hill saw a profitable Notehand market, they would have continued with the product.

        2. The business orientation and court reporting orientation of the post 1898 versions was to primarily to make the system more marketable:


          However Gregg seemed to hold on to his dream of teaching shorthand to everyone, publishing Gregghand in the 1930s. There was also Gregg junior edition, aimed at teaching junior high school students who did not intend to use shorthand vocationally. Both systems never caught on. 

          Also it seems a lot of the speed was originally attainable without many rules:


          If you read the 1888 and 1893 editions of the manual, the course was taught in two parts, a simple "elements" version, and a "reporting" part. 

          Reading the various literature from journals, etc. on the internet. I feel that the failure of Notehand was mostly because it was aimed as a taught course for high school students aiming at university education. The practice of shorthand is primarily a mechanical skill, honed through repetitive practice, which is quite unlike the other subjects in school aimed at college going students, eg. Math. Maybe the auto didactic approach is better for those who want to study shorthand for non-vocational reasons? I don't really claim to be knowledgable on this subject, but am interested of what people think of my opinions.

          1. I may be the only person alive who is actively teaching Notehand, if only as a homeschooling parent to my kids.  The angle I take with it is as a powerful note-taking skill that they can use the rest of their lives.  The text doesn't just teach the shorthand; it teaches how to take notes for lectures, for taking notes while reading books, for preparing research papers, for how to create informal and formal outlines, etc.  It can be used as a study-skills type course.  It teaches you to be an active learner rather than a passive one.  

            My daughter and I recently got our Red Cross Pediatric/Adult CPR & First Aid certification, and in a large group of students and parents, we were the only note-takers!  Everyone else sat passively listening for 6 hours.  There was a mountain of material covered!  Nobody could remember all that.

            There are a lot of great note-taking videos on YouTube and sometimes I show those (such as the Cornell method, Sketchnoting, Bullet Journaling, Mind-Mapping, etc.) and I show how Notehand can be implemented with them.  I try to introduce them to different ways so they can find one that they click with.

            When I took Gregg shorthand in high school (DJS), the teacher never mentioned using shorthand to take notes, and strangely it never occurred to me to use it that way.  We thought we were training to be secretaries.  And when they did that survey asking if anyone still used their shorthand outside of their vocation and most said that they did not, I wasn't surprised.  Maybe the teachers missed an opportunity in showing how shorthand had immediate uses as a note-taking skill for students, instead of just a dictation skill for secretaries after graduation.    


  38. Hello, All.

    New board/blog member here, also new to shorthand.  Not sure which series I'll pursue yet, though Anniversary/Pre-Anniversary seems most likely at the moment.

    I'll pester you folk with questions soon enough, but for a little while I'll be a lurker, as I am working my way through reading old posts at the moment. Interesting stuff!

  39. Another new member here.  I've always been fascinated with languages and writing systems so it seems somehow surprising that I've not stumbled into shorthand till now.  Looking forward to the adventure!

  40. Hello, I'm a new member.

    If having fun with playing Gregg shorthand is the fact of a minority, playing with French Gregg shorthand is the fact of a even smaller minority.

    Sorry for my clumsy English but I'm still having questions. I won't asking them right now because I'm moving to another city and I'm rather busy.

    I don't reckon exactly how I came to that 'hobby' but it's rather pretty (I studied graphic design), can be useful and I really don't know what it is not to like.

    Write you soon…


  41. Hi, I’m Paul. My great aunt knew some version of Gregg quite well. I’m not sure if it was Anni or Simplified. I went through college and grad school without shorthand, but in gearing up for a 4-year psychoanalytic training program, I thought it would be a good idea to learn because I’m often in the position of having to transcribe [what I remember of] whole sessions from memory when the client doesn’t consent to audio recording. I only though to learn shorthand about 6 weeks before classes, so I needed something I could learn quickly, and for that reason I kicked Gregg and Pitman out of the selection even though they had the speeds I wanted. I learned Teeline, which was a great choice, and I do have fondness for it.

    But I’m now learning Simplified for the long-game. I have Teeline for right now, but I’d like to crossover to Gregg. It’s faster, and lovelier, and has a family connection. I’ve taken to collecting shorthand manuals from many shorthand traditions. As for Simplified, I have maybe two-dozen books of “most-used-this” and “dictations-that”, but I’m using the Functional Method books as my main textbook, and I’m doing a little supplemental reading practice with the other books. I have a buddy on Reddit, and we’re trying to go through one chapter per month this year.

    1. Excellent Paul! Welcome to the group. I hope the blog inspires you to become proficient in Gregg and without a doubt you will find it helpful in your practice.

  42. Hi, I'm fairly new to the blog but not shorthand.  I was taught shorthand in high school (Gregg – Diamond Jubiliee – if I remember correctly). I was pretty much obssessed with it in school and thus excelled at it.  I used it in one or two jobs in the 70's and then moved to another career that didn't require it at all.   So now I'm my 60's and decided to go back to work instead of retire like a normal person for the State of California. One of my chief functions is note taking as the State doesn't allow tape recordings.   For the last 9 months, I've been using shorthand almost daily and it's coming back slowly but surely.  I do have trouble transcribing my notes at times – my proportions still need a lot of work! – but it's been great.  And my co-workers are amazed.   Who knew….. cracks me up.  

    So happy to have found you all!!

  43. Hi Everyone, My name is Michele. 
    As I told Carlos in my request email, I took Gregg shorthand in high school and was taught Diamond Jubilee.  I did not know there was any other kind until I started seeing old Gregg books in the used-books stores, and then I became truly fascinated. I started purchasing a lot of the old books to see if they had pointers that I may have missed, since I did not do so great speed-wise with it in school.  I only played with it after graduation, using it from time-to-time for note taking or journaling.  Now my current job requires me to raise my confidentiality awareness, so I thought shorthand would be perfect.  I already have a basic understanding of Gregg DJ.  I could use it as a sort of "code" in my notes.  Few people today can read it, especially in my neck of the woods. 

    So I've downloaded many of the public-domain books and manuals available online. Then I found this site.  Wow.  Others in love with Gregg?  Nice.  So at this point I am trying to read some new Gregg regularly and review the old books.  I'm also watching the Howard Wallace videos on YouTube.

    Thanks for letting me join.



  44. I am 54 years old (55 next month). I have always been interested in shorthand. I recently got a job as secretary of my church. Part of my job is taking notes during meetings. I'm really terrible at taking notes longhand. Shorthand should work nicely.

    1. There are various ways to do this. These are some of the most common. If you're using a browser to see the jpg, click on the jpg that you want to print, and from the browser menu choose Print. If you have the file on your desktop, using your right mouse button, you should see a Print option if you're using Windows. Lastly, you can use a program to open the jpg file (like Paint in Windows), and choose Print.

  45. Hi All,

      My name is Randy and I am just starting to learn Gregg Shorthand Simplified.  I am a scientist and manager; I attend a lot of meetings but I just can't keep up with the conversation when taking notes.  I tried using Ford shorthand for about 6 months.  I was attracted by a couple of blog posts with a slant towards using this easy shorthand rather than hard to learn systems like Gregg or Pitman.   I got the point where I could read it automatically but writing it remained slower than longhand for me.  As a shorthand technology, at least in my hands, it fell short 🙂

      So I stopped using Ford but my interest in shorthand persisted.  I ran across this article in the Atlantic ( https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/06/yeah-i-still-use-shorthand-and-a-smartpen/373281/ )

      This convinced me to give Gregg a try.  I started generating my own Anki decks based on free online material.  I purchased the official Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified book and away I go. 

      So far I know the alphabet symbols and about 30 simple forms.  So I guess I am about a toddler (generous) in the Gregg world.  

      I have been lurking on this blog and just got my account credentials today.  I look forward to learning from all of your posts.



    1. Excellent Randy! When learning shorthand, the best thing is consistency. If you can study for an hour a day every day, it would be perfect, but try always to study something each day so that the knowledge is fresh. Think of it as if you were taking a foreign language class. Study each lesson carefully and don't continue to the next until you can read it like you read a book. Incorporate the brief forms that you already know in your own writing, but don't write new words until you have learned all the theory so that you don't write words incorrectly.

      Welcome to the blog and I hope it motivates you in your learning.

  46. Hi everyone,

    Nice to meet everyone. I started learning Gregg DJS about 10 years ago since I wanted to take college lecture notes faster and Gregg seemed like one of the best shorthand systems for what I wanted. I was making decent progress but then I tried to switch over to Anniversary since I thought it'd be faster in the long run. However it was a little too steep of a learning curve switch for me and I ended up not following up with it.

    So now about a decade later I have been looking for a hobby to start up and I remembered Gregg and was also thinking about it since there are times at work where I'd like to take notes during meetings without needing to lug around my laptop.

    I've been reading the forum about what version to pick up and it seems like Gregg Simplified would be good for me since I want something with high speed potential but also not too difficult to remember. And I think that later on I could switch to Anniversary if I want but I think it's a good idea for me to finish the Simplified material first. I'm around lesson 10 of Simplified and I'm glad that I can still remember some of the DJS I studied awhile ago!

    Thanks to Carlos and everyone for the wealth of information here, it's really nice that there are still resources being made available to learn these systems!


  47. Hello everyone,

    I'm Jeremy, and am pretty new to shorthand in general. I've been reading articles and comments on the blog for at least a few months. This blog was part of the reason I decided to choose both Gregg and Simplified, and I'm thankful for all of your comments and suggestions. 🙂

    I'm in seminary working on my M.Div. and originally wanted to learn shorthand to help in that, though the idea of shorthand has really interested me for much of my life. I prefer taking handwritten notes over typed notes, but the speed of note taking required for seminary is way beyond my ability of handwriting, even with abbreviated notes, so I started to look into shorthand. I started with Gregg Anniversary with my wife, but we quickly realized that learning Gregg was a much longer endeavor than I had hoped. I instead switched to Bakerwrite/Speed Writing, and have been using it, but Gregg is such a beautiful shorthand, has a much higher top-end speed, and just intrigues me as something that I want to learn, so I bought the Simplified manual about four months ago and started working through it.

    I also hope to use shorthand in the future for various notes, during counseling sessions, meetings, etc. I'm a programmer by day, so I'm sure it can also be useful at work. After I go into the ministry I hope to seriously back away from technology in my day to day life, so shorthand just seems to be such a useful tool to know.

    I look forward to reading the blog and continuing in my shorthand journey. It's nice to meet you all!


  48. Hello!  I had to be away for a long while, but am glad to be back here.  I am still working on learning Anniversary, albeit slowly.

    I had the username Shorthand-learner Richardson at the last site.

    Thank you, Carlos, and all, for shining the light of Shorthand.


  49. Hi

    My name is Brian. I live in Lichfield, England and I have long used my Gregg  for personal purposes.  I have worked in export marketing and later as a lecturer in computing. After trying Pitman (the dominant system in the UK then), which I didn’t like at all, I taught myself Simplified in the early seventies for note taking at university. I also worked through the Diamond Jubilee books and so I write a mixture – essentially DJ with a few bits from Simplified – since I prefer some features of each! Like most people I also have a few personal shortcuts for more modern usage (e.g. computer, spreadsheet). I have never needed to write at high speed, but now that I have (more or less) retired, I have recently decided to try to increase my speed by taking down dictated material.

    I have an interest, too, in shorthand generally and have a small collection of shorthand books, not only on Gregg, but on other systems around the world. I also have a few pages from Today’s Secretary which I kept because they had reading material in DJ shorthand which wasn’t business letters.

    I am looking forward to reading through the material on this blog and am sure I have questions I would like to ask. I also hope that I will be able to contribute something myself in due course.

    1. Excellent Brian and welcome to the blog! I'm sure you'll find lots of material here to practice your shorthand. I'm curious if you got one of the UK editions of Gregg Shorthand Simplified, or if you used one of the US editions.

      1. See Simplified books

        I started off with the British version of the Simplified Second Edition, 1960 (1962 reprint) which I borrowed from a library. As far as I know, it's probably pretty close to the US edition as its style and illustrations are similar to a US Functional Method which I have. It has a brief form for "railway" instead of your "railroad":-) I acquired all three books here around a decade ago.

        On the left is the small British first edition, 1953, which has lots of UK place names and uses GBP (£) as well as "railway". It's good for revision, because it's brief and has a useful recall chart at the end.

        The Advanced Speed Course (William C Blackwell, 1961) has a lot of British material, including high-speed shortcuts for Her Royal Highness, House of Commons etc!

        All three were printed in Great Britain. I think a few outlines reflect UK pronunciation, where significantly different from US, notably "schedule".

        I learnt DJ from the Gregg Shorthand books 1 and 2, DJ Edition, McGraw-Hill International Series, 1967 Published and printed in Singapore.

        1. Thank you! Yes, the US and UK versions are very close. The UK versions have less lessons, but the same material. The US version has more lessons because they wanted to provide 80 lessons for the semester.

          Blackwell's Advanced Speed Course is actually a pretty good book. It has lots of expedients, many more than in the Simplified version of the Expert Shorthand Speed Course by Blanchard.

          I didn’t know about the DJS books printed in Singapore. I wonder if they are close to the Australian edition, or if they are basically the US version of Gregg Shorthand for Colleges Vol. 1 and 2.

          1. I do not have DJ Gregg Shorthand for Colleges to compare the International Commercial Series books with. I have however Centennial Shorthand for Colleges and they are nothing like that. They are fairly cheaply-bound paperbacks and are designed to be workbooks as well as textbooks, i.e. the student is encouraged to practise words, phrases, brief forms etc in the books themselves. They use US spelling (verb "practice" vs UK/Canada/Australia "practise") and have the brief form "railroad".

            Book 1 has an index near the front, 30 sections + 8 two-page review sections – all with keys. Book 2 has no index, but a brief form chart and four pages of recall drills (+ key) at the end. This book has 10 two-page sections devoted to: Insurance, Banking, Education, Publishing, Real Estate, Advertising, Law, Investments, Aviation and Communications. Each of these sections has around eight  common words to practise, along with a similar number of special shortcuts. Everything has keys. Each book has about 192 pages, so they've crammed a lot in. Useful books.

            1. Those sound like reprints of the text kits that were published for adult education in the US for DJS. Interesting. Thanks for the info.

              1. Just to confirm that I have just downloaded the DJ text kits and they seem to be identical to the Singapore books that I have.

                I am enjoying this blog enormously – so much wonderful material! Many thanks.

  50. Hi Everyone,

    My name is James and live in New Jersey, USA.  I currently work in the computer field and have always had an interest in learning shorthand.  I imagine it would be very useful in all of the meetings I have to attend, so I picked up Gregg Shorthand Simplified 2nd edition from Amazon. I have found it to be very challenging and wish there was a class on this to help guide me, but luckily I stumbled upon this site and submitted my request to join.  

    Anyway thanks Carlos for being such a big supporter of this practice.  It should be used today more than ever.  The information age has changed a lot of things, but a study I found online stated that we remember more from a lecture or meeting if we write it down instead of typing it into a laptop.  

    I look forward to learning more and being able to read those books written in Gregg.


    1. Welcome to the blog, James, and thank you for your kind words. I agree with you — the act of writing is better for cognition than typing. But I think this is more related to taking notes verbatim (whether by pen or typing), instead of paying attention to the teacher. When I was in college, my shorthand notes were not verbatim. Instead, I listened to what the lecturer said and transcribed it using my own words. Writing in longhand facilitates that learning because it is a slower process that forces you to internalize information. I wonder how writing verbatim in shorthand compares to typing verbatim with respect to cognition. Maybe shorthand still has an advantage because of the hand-eye-brain connection.

    2. There is an online Gregg Simplified class by Universal Class.  I don't have any experience with it, but maybe others can chime in if they have taken it.  I've been tempted to try it, myself, if only for the novelty of taking a real live shorthand class again!  Even an online one!

  51. Welcome, James.  🙂  I find that writing things by hand helps me to remember things better.  And I find it more satisfying.  All the best to you.

  52. Hi Everyone,

    My name is Teddy. I came from China, but now I live in Texas. I am now a grad student at Austin. I first got to know Gregg shorthand when I was in high school and preparing for TOEFL listening test (which plays a 6-7 minutes mini-lecture and asks questions afterward). My teacher showed us lots of shorthand symbols for common words that she had created to use during the listening for taking notes, which seemed random and not systematic at all. So I looked up and found out Gregg shorthand, an elegant way to take shorthand for all the words. 

    Since then I have been learning and using shorthand as much as I can. I use the anniversary edition, because I only knew this edition back then. I am also interested in computer programming, so I recently extracted words from the shorthand dictionary and made a website (details can be found on this post https://gregg-shorthand.com/2018/07/13/an-online-gregg-anniversary-dictionary/). 

    I am really glad to join everyone to learn from this art!


  53. Hello everyone,

    I am a kind of Prodigal Son of Gregg shorthand.

    My mother is a secretary (now retired) and when I was a boy, I was intrigued by her shorthand skills. She gave me a book to teach myself, which I have since learned was the 1916 Pre-Anniversary textbook.  I have no idea where she got this, as she herself learned Diamond Jubilee in secretarial school in the 1960's. 

    Using this book, I taught myself the Gregg alphabet, but naively thought that I would not need to memorize the many brief forms to achieve useful skills. This was of course a mistake, and in frustration I gave up shorthand for many years except as a kind of "code" for writing things I wanted to keep private.

    Several months ago, I was showing the Gregg alphabet to my 7-year-old son as a curiosity for him.  Just for fun, I looked up Gregg on the Internet, not expecting much. But I found wonderful resources like this blog. This re-kindled my childhood fascination, and I started teaching myself Anniversary from the resources on angelfishy. 

    This time I am older and wiser and am learning the brief forms. 🙂  I have no real professional use for shorthand, but I find it a pleasant, inexpensive hobby with aesthetic charm and historical interest. 

    Best wishes to all.

  54. Hi! I'm Florian.

    I knew about shorthand when I was a child and I saw an old book in a book fair on my town. I tried it but I forgot about it until I ended high school. After that I've researched about the subject and I started using Gregg system as there was an adaptation for Spanish, it doesn't use shading and is a fast, elegant and well-designed system.
    Now I love testing different shorthands systems and reading about their history.
    I've tried too, "taquigrafía Seguí" (a Gregg-based system for Spanish), Gabelsberger-Noë, Estenital, Boada and Stolze-Schrey. Now I'm trying Callendar's Orthic Shorthand.
    I hope to meet some shorthand enthusiasts here.

    Best wishes to all.

  55. Hello all! Introducing myself here, my name is Guy, and I'm a college student who just started learning Simplified about a month ago in the hopes of getting an edge in note-taking. Looking forward to all the knowledge represented by this group!


  56. Hi all! I'm just getting started learning Gregg Anniversary for general writing improvement, but probably most specifically to be able to write fast enough to keep a worthwhile journal. Glad to be here!

  57. Happy New Year, everyone. I actually tried to join last Fall, but I couldn't get the login to work. On a whim, I tried it again and it worked!

    Anyway, a little about myself: 

    I'm not sure which series I actually learned in high school. I do have a couple of shorthand books, but they aren't the same ones I used in high school. They are older, from the 50s. They belonged to a friend of my mother's. 

    I've been practicing almost every day but got off track just before Xmas. I plan to start up again, though. I find it very relaxing practicing the outlines. I try out outlines I'm not familiar with while watching tv. It's my way of expanding my vocabulary.

    I plan to use shorthand for journalling, taking notes, making lists.

  58. Happy New Years! Just finished all my travel, so I have free time again.

    I'm a researcher at a University hospital, and have been interested in short hand for a while. I've tried to teach myself a few times, but never managed to follow through. I started again recently because I think it will be amazingly useful for note-taking during experiments and will save me a lot of time. I've started working through the Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified volume 2, and am having more luck this time. Then I found this site, which is perfect for rounding out the questions that I have. Looking forward to mastering this and increasing my productivity!

  59. Hello,

    I am French translator and interpreter, and I have been interested in shorthand mainly to take notes when interpreting. I have started learning the Senecal version of Gregg but also have a book by Sister Marie Ernestine, which seems to teach a slightly different (simplified?) version, although I am not yet advanced enough to understand the differences that separate the two books.

    So far I find the whole system both fascinating a quite daunting, as I still struggle to read simple texts (especially because of the merged or omitted vowels), and even to read my own outlines. I have a lot of trouble writing unambiguously the semi-hooks and full hooks that stand for S, O, and "ILLE/EIL" in the French version. I do hope practice will clear everything up for me, and I'm very happy to now have this website to fall back on in case of unanswered questions.

  60. Hello, everyone!

    I'm John, a new member of this site. I'm an Anniversary Edition learner. It's selling points (abbreviating principle; analogical word beginnings/endings; efficiency) will fully suit my future professional needs (court reporting). Now, I'm up to studying the Functional Method – Anniversary volumes 1 and 2: it's style of teaching is interactive and progressive.

    By the way, when I was just starting learning the Anniversary ed as a newbie in Gregg, I benefited a lot reading back and forth from the manual itself and to Beers and Scott's Fundamental Drills in Gregg Shorthand. It dawned on me that it is the same method of teaching employed by Leslie in his Functional Method.

    The wealth of materials/resources here are beneficial to learners like me. I personally would like to thank Carlos for this great blog site.

    I look forward to hear from you, guys.



  61. Hi everyone!

    I'm a newbie to learning Gregg and am currently learning the Anniversary series for note taking, studying, and any miscellaneous task that involves writing! Thank you for the advice, Carlos. I've been lurking here for the past couple weeks, and I'm excited to really dig into the material here. 🙂

  62. Hi All.  I got interested in shorthand as a child.  My mother had several of her recipes in shorthand on index cards and I was intrigued by those cards with those strange symbols.  I think I recall her having explained to me that the symbols represented sounds rather than letters.  I don't know what made me think of it–perhaps it was because it was the time of year when my mother used to break out her Christmas cookie recipes–but I decided to poke around on Amazon to see if there were any books on shorthand.  I was surprised to find that there was one still in print.  When my wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas I had a ready answer, Greg Shorthand Manual Simplified, 2nd edition.  She got me that and some steno pads and I've been plugging away at it ever since.  I don't have much time to put into it but I have been able to do a little bit each day.  I'm enjoying it.  I don't have any use for shorthand in mind but I find that the only way you can be sure a new skill will never be of use to you, is not to acquire it.  So who knows.  Perhaps it will come in handy some day.  For now, I'm learning it just for fun.  Many thanks to Carlos for creating and maintaining this site.

    1. Awesome Jeff! Welcome to the blog. Hopefully that little time that you're putting each day and this blog will motivate you learn Gregg even more, so that not only it can be useful in your life, but that it will still be a fun hobby to have.

  63. Hi all,

    my name is Diego and I come from Italy. I got interested in shorthand about a year ago, when I started practicing Italian shorthand – Gabelsberger-Noe.

    As I became more fluent I got interested into shorthand for the English language being it very important all over the world for both personal and professional use.

    So, after trying Gregg, Pitman and Speedwriting, I decided that Gregg is the best for me.

    I'm studying Anniversary because I think it is the most complete.

    I'm sure I'll find loads of useful material here.

  64. Good day to all!

    I am Mae. We have the Gregg Shorthand Anniversary book sitting in our bookshelf all since I was born but never have the thought of learning it until I decided to change my career path. An executive judge challenged me to study and take up tutorial (for certification) in Gregg Shorthand since it would suit me well. As I progress in learning Gregg on my own, I found out that I enjoyed it very much, I loved the concept of it and think of it as an also an art in expressing your thoughts. I will be taking up one-on-one tutorial from an expert as a requirement to qualify for the job. Although for me, it could be learnt through self-study, research, patience and lots of spare time. I will be learning the Anniversary edition and hopefully be good at it.

    I came across this blog while researching for anything related to Gregg. I loved having a community discussion for new ideas, tidbits and useful resources.

    Thanks for having me as a member Carlos!

    1. Welcome aboard, Mae!  I'm a fairly new member myself.  I'm learning Simplified.  How long have you been teaching yourself Anniversary Gregg?

  65. Hi, I've been interested in Gregg since I was a law student and came across it when researching more efficient ways of taking notes. It turned out to be too much of its own commitment then, but I've become interested in it again at the same time I've become interested in more analog technologies (I'm now a software developer and I like to spend at least some of my time not using a computer).

    I was learning Simplified the first time around, but I'm now doing Anniversary. I look forward to continuing to learn, and am grateful for what seems like a great community with lots of resources and expertise.

  66. Hi everyone and thank you Carlos for letting me join this group!

    I just recently became interested in shorthand when browsing the internet and falling down the rabbit hole of alternative alphabets and after much thinking and considering I decided that Gregg shorthand fit my needs the best and looked the prettiest. I am currently studying simplified and waiting on access to a notehand edition book as I haven't quite decided which one I want to stick with. I will mostly be using shorthand because I have carpal tunnel issues so I figure being able to write more and faster would help me still be able to journal and write stuff down when needed. Once again, very excited to be here! ~

    1. Thank you Jeff! These will be very helpful in the future! Even if I start with notehand I think I will end up learning simplified at some point so I'll be sure to add these to my memrise. 🙂

  67. Hello,

    I'm Darryl and I've been learning Gregg off and on for a few years now (Diamond Jubilee), mainly as a phonetic transcription scheme – but recently decided to put more effort in and study it more seriously. I switched initially to notehand and that gives an excellent grounding in the basic system I think. I've now moved onto the Functional Method with the Anniversary system and it's certainly heavier going (though still good!)

    I'm from the UK where the Gregg community is a lot smaller, I think.

    I'm very much looking forward to talking to you all.

    All the best,

    1. Welcome to the blog, Darryl! Although Pitman and Teeline are more popular in the UK than Gregg is, we have quite a few members across the pond.

  68. Hi everyone,

    Thanks to Carlos for adding me to the blog.  I'm looking forward to participating here.

    I've recently decided to study Diamond Jubilee after having the McGraw-Hill textbook sitting in my library for years.  My academic background is in languages and linguistics, particularly phonetics.  Gregg is a good practical phoneme-based writing system, and I've wanted to learn it for a long time.  This seems like a great time to start.

    See you guys around,

  69. Howdy Folks!

    I learned Gregg Shorthand in high school in the 1980s during which time I competed in shorthand contests in the student organization Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). Many years later I am now reviving it for use in my new career as a judiciary interpreter. 

    I'm extremely grateful to Carlos and everyone else who contributes to the support of this invaluable resource.


    Huntsville, AL

  70. That is so cool, Laura! (Both the fact that you took shorthand in high school and that you competed in shorthand contests.)  Welcome to the blog!  Did you learn Series 90?


    Now in month six of learning Simplified.

  71. Hi everyone, my name is Andy – like a few of you, I didn't grow up with shorthand classes but had a parent who did.  My mother was a secretary and kept most of her shorthand books.  I started with the Shorthand Manual Simplified as a way to take notes more quickly and accurately.  I attend a lot of meetings in my job and have to report to executives on what was discussed.  Although I can't take notes completely in shorthand yet, I feel like I'm well on my way and hope this site will give me discipline and assistance in my self-study.  I'm very glad a site like this exists and hope more people get interested in shorthand!  Thanks!

  72. Hi, everybody! I’m Richard and am returning after some time away. I don’t think I ever introduced myself.

    I took shorthand during my junior year of high school in the early 80’s, so we learned Series 90. I was the only boy in the class, and was very sensitive about that fact, but luckily none of the girls made fun of me.

    I didn’t continue on with shorthand my senior year, and didn’t have access to any books, so my knowledge dwindled away, but I have remained fascinated.

    I recently read through the Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified Second Edition and the first 55 lessons in Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges Volume 2 Second Edition. I’ll probably go back and write out the manual once I finish reading Volume 2.

    Thanks to Carlos and everyone else who contributes to this wonderful site!

  73. Dear all,

    My name is Alberto Gomez. I'm new to this site, but not to Gregg, which I taught myself many years ago using the Series 90 Manual and Dictionary. I regard it as the single most important thing I ever learnt and I use it every day for almost everything. My pupils—I work as a teacher—are fascinated when they see me using it and they soon want to learn how their names are written. Eventually, they get to read their own names and those of their classmates too. Who knows, maybe some of them will go on to learn shorthand themselves one day.

    I think Carlos' penmanship is superb. Thank you, Carlos, for this website from which I expect to improve my shorthand skills.

    Well, if you want to know a bit more about me, perhaps you may like to know that I like music and even dared to try my hand at composing some short musical pieces. You may find these at the Werner Icking Music Archive

    Best regards,


  74. Hey everyone, I'm Stefan.

    I've been interested in learning shorthand to increase my writing speed. I'm often in meetings at work but find that I avoid taking notes because I may miss out on other important details while writing. I think learning shorthand could really help here because if I can write faster than there's less opportunity for me to miss details I'd miss while writing longhand.

    A few months ago I was looking into Teeline to get a feel for shorthand. I read it's pretty easy to pick up. While I was learning it I found out that Teeline is meant to be re-written afterwards as you might forget what you wrote. That doesn't really work for me. As I understand it, Gregg doesn't have this problem so I'd much prefer to learn it.

    I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can from everyone here.



    1. Excellent Stefan. Welcome to the blog! Gregg Shorthand was designed from the very beginning with that purpose in mind. In fact, Dr. Gregg’s goal was to create “a simple, rapid, and perfectly legible phonetic handwriting for general use.” Some of us learned Gregg with the same goals as you and have used it consistently during the years with lots of success, in comparison to other systems of note taking which are much slower and more cumbersome to learn. You can always adapt your writing once you know the system well. Something that you can do right away is start to mix Gregg with your notes for simple words as soon as you learn them in the book. In fact, that’s how the first lessons in the Simplified manual were written. In that way, you can start improving your writing speed from the very beginning. It takes some time to get used to the system and consistent study, but I'm sure that you will enjoy the learning process. Lastly, about not being able to read your notes, I’m able to read notes that I have written a long time ago with Gregg — the important thing is to keep the proportions of the characters correctly. If you have any questions, just post them here.

  75. Hi All,

    I'm about to start working through Gregg Shorthand Simplified (2nd Edition) in an attempt to learn shorthand. I'm a church minister and always have a need to make notes. I need to make notes quickly and Gregg seems the best fit for me. I've also recently moved to an iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil and using Goodnotes am finding it a great place to write. Plus you can use PDF templates to write on. This has completely changed how I take notes and once again shorthand would prove invaluable for meetings, conferences and just about any form of notes I can think of. All I need is my iPad, Apple Pencil and Gregg shorthand!

    1. Welcome to tbe blog, Simon! There are quite a few Simplified learners here. I hope you find the blog useful. Be consistent in your learning. Since beginning shorthand classes used to meet for one hour, five times a week, if you could dedicate at least 45 min to 1 hour a day for studying (the lessons in the manual are designed for a 40-minute class period), you will progress very quickly. And above all, do not progress to the following lesson until you can read the current lesson like one reads a book: mastery before speed.

    2. I might add that even in the beginning, when you feel like you're writing at a snail's pace, your Gregg shorthand will probably be faster than your longhand. (My Gregg speed, when I started, was about 35 words a minute, while I couldn't push my longhand past 25 words a minute.) Of course I mean your speed on familiar material. Until you're advanced, you can mix familiar Gregg outlines with longhand for other words, as the textbook does in the first few lessons. You'll still achieve a speed boost that way.

  76. Many thanks for the advice. Constancy is always a friend to the learner! Currently I write at 30wpm, type at 44wpm and type on a mobile device at 25wpm. As my mobiledevice is the one always with me this is a major issue. Plus the errors in mobile typing is four times as much as in normal keyboard typing.

    Is there a relevant place on this site to post progress and document lessons learned?

  77. Hello, everyone, and thank you, Carlos, for the invitation!

    I am a physicist and engineer, with 37 years of experience at NASA, Microsoft, and now Amazon—47 years if you count a few paid software gigs while a student. I trained young as an artist, and I have pretty handwriting, but it's slow because I can't write sloppily. I have always had an eye on shorthand as a way to speed up, but only recently took the effort to learn in earnest, triggered by this blog post that showed Gregg is related to the peg memory system, which I mastered long ago and I use every day

    I found Diamond-Jubilee "College" books available and cheap, plus I remembered them from my youth! I worked through all of V1 over May, June, and July of 2019, and I am working through V2 at a more leisurely pace. I use the DJS "Refresher Course" for daily practice. 

    I also found Alice in Wonderland in Anniversary Gregg, and I have started a project to copy it out in some mishmash of DJS and Anniversary; I haven't quite made up my mind how I am going to go about this, but I am in no hurry and will be delighted to hear opinions from you-all. I fired up this project when my wife gave me a matched pair of absurdly precious fountain pens; there is a photo of the beginnings of this project on the fountain-pen network

    Looking forward to continued learning and interactions,

    Very Truly yours (picture that in Gregg 🙂


  78. Hi! My name is Angela McCravy, and I am so glad to have found this blog! I have been using Gregg shorthand for more than 40 years and am a professional translator. I started with Diamond Jubilee. But through my translation work, I have become familiar with many of the other series as well. I look forward to connecting and collaborating with many of you on my future projects!

  79. Hi Team,

    My name is Jonathan. I'm brand new to Gregg (I just ordered Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified: Functional Method; hopefully it will arrive this week). I didn't even know there were different versions of "shorthand", much less different editions of the various forms.

    I was drawn to shorthand through my study of John Wesley's journals (he used a modified version of Byrom's shorthand, and sometimes a cipher as well). I love the idea of being able to quickly record my thoughts in a way that is also (mostly) secure. Also, I needed a hobby I could work on while it's too hot to be outside.

    You all have a great community here. All of the posts are helpful and encouraging. This site is the main reason I'm pursuing Gregg instead of Pittman. Thank you, Carlos, for the invitation to join, and your help in choosing to start with Simplified.

    It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I'm excited for the journey.



  80. Hello everyone!

    I’m Alice, and I’m one of the millennial people who never got to experience the benefits of shorthand writing (nor have ever taken classes on it), but nonetheless, knowing about it is one of the best things to happen to me.

    Guess what, I actually stumbled upon shorthand by pure accident. By curiosity I was supposed to look up in Wikipedia the term “steganography” which, of course, by the errors of memory, granted me with the term “stenography” instead. That was a few years ago, when I was still a teenager.

    Reading up what stenography was, however, imprinted itself on me. At first glance at the Wikipedia article, it baffled me. I learned that it was a system of writing, but I didn’t understand yet its value. In fact, I thought it was mostly for people who went to court, and I didn’t realize it was a general-use thing!

    So fast forward to about 2017, when I just recently did a something-thousand-words of a first draft of a novel that I wrote entirely in longhand. While I enjoyed it, I wished for a better solution to not lose certain scenes and words due to either a fast train of ideas or maybe my poor memory (lol). So I came back to researching about shorthand, and eventually found Gregg.

    Then in 2018 I’m back in college, so I thought I’d better learn something that would help me with note-taking. That’s where I started taking Gregg a little seriously. I mostly had the intention of learning it to write novels faster, and generally speed up writing. But I hadn’t had much practice last year that I only got up to around the 6th Chapter of lessons in Anniv with shaky foundations in reading. Then just lately, I stumbled upon a Series 90 and Simplified in a local secondhand bookstore which inspired me to pick it up again. I’m happy to say that I’ve been progressing quite quickly even if I’m still refreshing the last lessons I’ve taken, and I joined this website as well to keep my motivation up!

    I probably have an idealistic ambition, too of helping shorthand return to the general school curricula, if that could make people appreciate writing in pen and paper again.

    See you guys around!

    1. Welcome, Alice!

      I remember when I was making a dissertation at school: throw some ideas, make sentences, move some paragraphs, correct the mistakes and then finalize… It was quite a long process, very boring. It would have been much easier, much enjoyable to know a shorthand.

      You have two chances: you are young, you have time ahead and you have chosen Gregg Shorthand which has a lot of ressources online.

      The shopping list is probably the one of the most obvious first applications of shorthand: the same items come back again and again. (Do the millenials type their shopping list on a computer and then print it?)


      1. Yes! I'm actually glad that I chose Gregg shorthand. Probably because I subconsciously knew it would have more resources since it's popular, so I went with it haha! I'm more dedicated now than ever towards mastery 🙂

        I still write grocery lists by pen! I'm a millennial after all, in a developing country. So phones weren't exactly a boom here until 2010, a year before I finished high school lol

  81. I believe many millenials type their shopping list on their cell phone and carry the phone to the store.

    Alice, you might be interested to know that George Bernard Shaw wrote much of his work in shorthand and had his secretary transcribe it. Woodrow Wilson also wrote drafts of papers and speeches in shorthand. (Both men used Pitman.) Charles Dickens wrote his novels in longhand, but he started life as a stenographic reporter, and kept up his ability at shorthand for his whole life. (He wrote the Mason-Gurney system.)

  82. Some of us old 'uns use our smartphones, too. And use the camera to note the best bargains!

    Dickens was also employed as a parliamentary reporter when he was about 18.

  83. Hi everyone.  My name is Robert and I joined the group today.  I am recently retired and decided to learn shorthand for personal use.  I have chosen to learn the Simplified version.  I have purchased several books from eBay (2nd edition).  Looking forward to reading all the suggestions and tips that have already been posted.  It will be good to know I have someone to talk to when I have any questions.

  84. Greetings all,

    I've been studying Simplified from the Simplified Manual (2nd Edition?) since late last year, and this website has been a great resource. I wanted to learn 10 years ago and never made the time, and was reinspired last year. I love efficient analogue technologies. I finally made up my mind to get an account here because I have enough questions I'd love to pick people's brains about, and to access the Simplified reading material.

    I'm currently on lesson 37 (not nearly as far as I'd hoped to be at this point, due to life intervening). I love doing vocab drills, but sometimes the business letters are downright painful to copy out, which is why I'm looking forward to more diverse reading material. I've definitely enjoyed the fables and stories. I also have a pocket sized copy of the Simplified Dictionary (the size is fantastic!)

    So far I've mostly used Gregg to journal, since that's lower stakes than trying to take dictation before I've internalized all the principals. I also use it for writing fiction drafts when away from the computer, and in the future I'd like to take detailed lecture notes and meeting minutes. I can type at 120 WPM for typo-scattered spurts and get most of what people are saying at meetings, but there are situations where I'd like to be able to take such detailed minutes when I don't have access to a computer.

    Thanks for everything that people have contributed so far, and thanks in advance for what's to come!


  85. Thanks, Carlos. 🙂 I'm pretty earnest; I have almost a year's worth of journal entries in Gregg that I need to be able to read in forty years! And now journaling longhand is just a pain.

  86. Hey all,

    I have been learning Gregg Simplified for a couple of months from the 2nd ed manual. I have been busy with uni and am making fairly slow progress and am only up to chapter 3 in the book but I should be able to dedicate a bit more time to study soon. 

    I am across shorthand scripts while researching alternate English scripts which is an interest of mine and I hope to eventually be good enough to use for note taking in meetings and for personal note taking. 

    Thanks Carlos for the add and for running this group. If possible I would like to submit some of my own handwriting to check is fairly ledgible. Is there a particle thread for this?


  87. Hi,

    I'm working on learning Simplified, currently in lesson 37. I first learned about shorthand back in 2007 or 2008 when I was on a break from college and in the Navy. I thought it just seemed so cool and would be useful for when I got back to college. I kept a travel journal in mostly shorthand but then when I started back in college, I hadn't gotten far enough in my practice to be able to use it effortlessly and it just seemed easier to type and write longhand without thinking. I didn't have time to practice and it just fell off. 

    I've had more time recently and started back redoing much of what I had done before—it's easier this time around since I remembered most of it, but the writing practice is good. I'm really enjoying regularly practicing and feel determined to stick to it this time and finish the manual and use it all the time. It's really cool that there is such a large community of learners of different ages and backgrounds!


  88. Hey, Aaron, did you know there are Gregg shorthand books strictly devoted to Navy terms? There are two on eBay at the moment. One is item number 183867619291. Just in case you're interested!


    1. That's the Navy shortcuts book, based on Anniversary Gregg.

      McGraw-Hill also republished the Anniversary and Simplified manuals in the 1940s for Armed Services members to learn shorthand. The Armed Services Gregg Simplified manual is basically the first edition of the Functional Method manual, while the Anniversary manual is the "New Rapid Course" that was first published in the UK. Additionally, there were workbooks and advanced shorthand books published as well — the advanced shorthand books were based on Gregg Speed Building. You find these on eBay frequently.

  89. I am new to the group and am very happy to be here!  I am so glad that their are others interested in Gregg Shorthand.  I learned way back in the 60s and now I am attempting to relearn it although I haven't really forgotten it all.  Have a blessed day!

  90. Hi! I'm a new member, and thought that English was hard to write. At one point I tried to make my own language with its own wiring system, in order to write faster. I told my dad about this, and he told me to look up shorthand, which brought me here. Nice to meet you all! 

  91. Welcome, everybody! I'm encouraged how many people out there are still interested in learning Gregg. For every person who joins the blog and posts there are probably several lurkers (I lurked for nearly a year before joining).

  92. Hello all! My name is Cody, and I'm studying Simplified partly for my own use, and partly to continue family tradition. I love taking handwritten notes and writing with pen & paper as opposed to typing, but often get frustrated by the slowness of longhand compared to the speeds at which we can talk or think. I would love to get up to double or triple my longhand speed once I've thoroughly studied & practiced the manual. Additionally, most of my dad's side of the family writes some version of Gregg, so by learning it I not only have some live critique of my writing & phrasing, but can also write short notes & letters to family members in Gregg as well. I also would love to carry on this skill into future decades so that it's not lost to history. 

    As a quick side note, I live in the DC area and have a Library of Congress reader's card, so if there are any hard-to-find or specific Gregg items available in the LoC catalog that no one here has a copy of yet, let me know and I may be able to get a copy for us when I have time.

    I look forward to progressing with all the other students here!

  93. Hello  Everyone!  My name is Michelle.  I took shorthand in High School using Diamond Jubilee Series but never used shorthand once I graduated. I bought the Diamond Jubilee book from eBay a few years ago and just now getting into it.   I am only on lesson 5 five.  When I received the book I found an undated test completed by Pattie with a grade of 51. Poor girl.   I like finding surprises like this in books. laugh

    I also have Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified and Gregg Shorthand College Book 1.  

    When I worked at a law firm in the early '80s, I asked the secretary if it was difficult to take dictation. She said no because most of the time the letters were basically the same format and she would add/delete some things when she transcribed her shorthand later.  She also said she mentally made a grocery lists while her boss dictated an important letter to her.  I thought that was funny.

    My daughter finger spells (ASL) when she is thinking and most of the time she doesn't know she is doing it and then won't tell anyone what she is spelling.  So, I have been sending her shorthand messages through live text messages.  It's payback time. 

    I am looking forward to taking some time to look around the blog.  It looks like it will be a great resource!

    Thank you for letting me join!

  94. A message from Sharon Cash, a new member of the blog:

    I have always been interested in shorthand but never had time to learn it.

    I found the angelfishy site last week and started working on the lessons of the Anni edition, I purchased a copy so I wouldn’t have to do all the work on my phone. I’m still waiting for it to arrive.

    In the meantime I found this site and enjoyed reading the articles. I couldn’t find how to join so finally asked on the contact page.

    Carlos graciously gave me a login and sent me a wonderful email explaining the 2 book series which I IMMEDIATELY bought off eBay and am waiting to receive.

    I love languages and this to me is like learning another language. I have done searches on Memrise, Quizlet and other flashcards sites and am quizzing myself with those everyday.

    I’m only starting the third lesson of Unit one. I do the lesson, go back and try and read it again, I do the extra page and keep practicing reading them till they are smooth.

    I’m thrilled to have found a group of like minded people!

    1. I once learnt that the number of exposure is more relevant than the depth of exposure to how well it is memorised (I have lost track on the reference though). Therefore, I am taking a different strategy to start a next chapter anyway and review a chapters in batches instead. So that, say, for the same 9 hours on the 3 chapters, it is 3 exposure of 1 hour instead of 1 exposure of 3 hour on each chapter. This is hence more efficient. 

      In my experience, it is easier to spot the weak spots of mine when I have distracted myself with later lesson than go back, hence learn to correct them more efficiently. You may try if this works for you too.

  95. Hi all, I am Roman from Hong Kong and am in my 20s as a Data Scientist. Shorthand is not popular here that I know no one, other than myself, who does shorthand. 

    I learn about shorthand in a quick tricky way. There was a time I was obsessed with keyboard and one of them come with Plover layout which is a stenotype software. I tried it and liked it and then I ended up here in shorthand instead for it is less setup for learning. Crazy lazy hobbyist. 

    As a Millenial, I rely quite a lot on online resources, and angelfishy is the first site I have referred (other than comparing Gregg, Pitman and Teeline). I have followed every lesson on it and with a whole lot more googling, I ended up here and likes how it is still maintained and, most importantly, here is a community for this hobby! It is really great that I can find a community for every minority I am in on the internet! 

    So far, I am liking the use of Gregg shorthand as it allows me to jot my idea at a faster speed, making less disturbance to my thinking flow. I am quite obsessed with all these little optimization here! (You can definitely tell I am a vim user if you have an idea about it haha)

    Nice to meet you all and I hope we can keep it up together!

    1. Welcome, Roman! You started in keyboarding and ended up in pen shorthand? That's an interesting journey. I can empathize with your interest in vim. I used vi for quite a while in the past, and I've written a lot in LaTeX. But that's a subject for another blog. … I hope you enjoy your involvement with the Gregg community here. The people are friendly, courteous, knowledgeable, and helpful.

    2. Nice to meet you! I also started with Plover (machine shorthand) and started learning Gregg. I still use Plover, but for purposes of portability, where there is no steno machine available, I use shorthand.

      There are many knowledgable people here, and a lot of my knowledge comes from here.


  96. Hello,

    My name is Nick Salkilld and have just joined as I have been getting emails for some while now (though cannot remember why!) but many of those emails did not allow me to get to read every part of the thing being discussed or shown. 

    I learned Simplified Gregg after the exams at university (though I had picke some of it up beforehand) and used it during my working life to write diary-type things and use the odd word to save time taking notes in meetings – but never got any skill at speed.  Since then I have moved on to Anniversary, but rather regret it.  It is interesting to see how Gregg developed the teaching of his system from 1888 and on into his later publications.  I am a very imperfect practitioner (I cannot take dictation) though I still write it most days for my own purposes.

    I am interested in other shorthand systems but not to learn them, only to see how things developed.

    I'm not sure if I will be able to contibute anything.  But who knows?  I'm not very good at doing web-type things so let me know if I'm doing the wrong thing.


    1. Welcome to the blog, Nick! At some point, you may have subscribed via RSS to receive updates from the blog. That may explain why you are getting emails.

  97. Hello everyone,

    My name is Rafael de Castro Ballarin, I'm a legislative reporter from Brazil and I've been learning shorthand for 1 year now. Although I don't have a secure job yet, I've been studying for exams which comprehend knowledge in Portuguese, Brazilian legislation and, of course, proficiency in taking high speed dictations  (from 110 to 130 wpm).

    I've been struggling with the method I use (called Leite Alves Method), specially on fine tuning and anatomics, so I looked for material from other methods to guide my studies and I've found this website. If you're a Leite Alves student as well, you can reach for me and we can discuss.


    Rafael Ballarin

    1. Welcome to the blog, Rafael! I'm impressed that pen reporters in Brazil are still being employed in the legislature. How fast do you need to write to pass your exams?

      1. Stenotype machines never really worked here, so pen reporters are still employed (but slowly being considered obsolete). However, when you get the job, it's hard to lose it due to our law system, so it's still a viable choice to study for it.

        The exams are prepared by independent institutions, that decide the exam's content in consonance with baselines given by the administration.

        Based on speculations and educated guesses, this year's exam will require 90 wpm for 5 minutes. I intend to be fluent in 130 wpm by then. I'm practicing 110 wpm now.

        1. Fascinating. That speed of 90 wpm in Portuguese (and Spanish) is about 130 wpm in English (using a standard word count of 2 syllables/word in Portuguese); if they're counting actual words, then you have to be able to write faster than 90 just in case the words are long!

          When you have some time, maybe you can write a post about the content of the high speed dictation exam. I'm interested to know what subjects it covers, if they give you a list of brief forms/shortcuts/phrases to memorize, how often are they administered, etc. Also, if you can tell us how are you practicing your dictation (for example, do they provide tapes for practice, or are you making your own material, etc.), that would be great.

  98. I've heard of the Leite Alves system, but know nothing about it. I have occasionally visited the website Taquigrafia em Foco, which was largely devoted to it. I know a minuscule amount about the Martí system, which was written for Spanish, but ported into Portuguese as well. Because of the multisyllabic nature of Spanish, and especially the inflected verb forms, Martí developed a systematic approach to abbreviating suffixes and inflections. I suspect the various ports into Portuguese must maintain this affixing system. Does Leite Alves do something similar?

    1. I would like to post here about the Leite Alves method when I have proper time to elaborate something worth reading. Now, unfortunatelly, I can't.

      In Leite Alves we have 27 suffixes (if I'm not mistaken) that deal with more complex verbal inflections, and lots of conventions regarding each area of work. I do not know many other methods, and that's one of the reasons why I joined the community.

  99. Hello all!

    My name is Shelly and I'm so excited to join you. I live in Baltimore, Maryland. I've been reading, reading, reading all of your posts for a bit now and couldn't resist joining any longer. Thank you, Carlos, for all of the information you share and for allowing me to join this lovely group.

    Like many of you, I experienced Gregg Shorthand thirty-odd years ago when I was young. I didn't go beyond my first year of college-level study and rarely used it so I've just fragments of memories left of what I learned. Despite that, I've stayed fascinated with it and many times over the years I would pick up my book and reacquaint myself with the basics, then put it away and mostly forget it all once again. I wish I had found a group like this a long time ago. You all are so inspiring.

    I am not certain because my books have been lost (I think, they could be hidden in my attic) but I believe I learned the Diamond Jubilee method. However, I am going to learn Simplified this go-around because of its status with this group. 

    As for why I'm interested…  I have always had such a love for hand-writing. It's one of the things I believe I do fairly well and I am a stationery addict. I collect pens that run out of ink before I use them and writing anything makes me happy. I fill notebooks with random notes that no one will ever care about after I'm gone. I write in journals and then start another before I'm finished because I love how the pen feels on the new paper. I just like to write. In the last few years, I've collected a few fountain pens and love to write with them. Recently I attended my first "pen show" and my husband gifted me a gorgeous custom fountain pen that is one-of-a-kind and I want a reason to write with it. I need to try different fountain pen inks so I need to write a-LOT so the ink runs out.  I'm smiling but I mean it! Ha! So…I bought the Gregg Shorthand Simplified book from Amazon and started writing down words with my pretty pen. I also listen to a lot of lectures and online courses so it would be a handy skill to improve note-taking.

    Like many of you, I don't want to see shorthand become irrelevant. In all seriousness, my 16-year-old granddaughter is teaching herself cursive handwriting right now because her school doesn't teach it anymore (blows my mind). Our writing is fading away. That hurts my heart. Someday there will be a group like this interpreting cursive handwriting for others. 

    I am so happy to join you all and I look forward to participating and sharing this journey with you. 

    Kind Regards,



    1. Welcome, Shelley!

      I'm also a fountain pen fan. 🙂 Much less trash. I've discovered that if you use short cartridges and converters, you run out of ink much faster, and then you can change colors. 😛 You can also just partially refill them, so you run out even faster.

      I'll confess I've completely forgotten how to write cursive since middle school, when it stopped being required. I have to really consciously think about it, and I'm not fluent at all. Sometimes I think about relearning it (or improving my printed penmanship in general), but right now all that energy is going to shorthand. 😛

      Interestingly, the old German cursive, Sütterlin, is no longer widely taught, and there are indeed specialists who translate old letters or who write things in it for special occasions!

        1. LOL, not a problem… I've just learned to answer to it. My own sister spells my name with that extra "e."   

          I've always been fascinated by the advent (or what we sometimes perceive as descent I suppose) of language and writing. I wonder what electronic communication will do to it after a hundred years.

  100. Hi everyone,

    I have just joined the group and am looking forward to contributing and learning.  I live just outside of Edmonton, Canada and am waiting for Spring to finally begin (still lots of snow on the ground).

    I first discovered Gregg in the early 1970's (in elementary school):  I had broken my leg and was stuck inside for a while when  I found a copy of my grandmother's Gregg Shorthand Simplified for Colleges Volume 1 and became fascinated with it.  It gave me something to do while I was laid up.  I practiced it off and on for the next few years, and found I could use it to jot down notes when I was in high school and university and when I started working, but never really tried to build on what I already knew.

    Then about ten years ago I was called for jury duty and used shorthand to keep notes on the trial.  After the trial was over, I became very interested in Gregg again, and started working at it once more by reviewing my grandmother's book, trying to memorize all the short forms, etc.  I started using Gregg to keep track of phone conversations at work, keep minutes of meetings, etc. 

    About five years ago I came across the Angelfishy site which is where I first realized that there were different versions of Gregg, and was soon drawn towards Anniversary.  I bought an Anniversary dictionary, sought out readings online, and began to try to write in Anniversary exclusively.  I am quite comfortable writing in Anniversary now, but I still refer to the dictionary fairly regularly just to keep myself on my toes!

    Things I am currently working on:  writing the "h" dot first instead of after completing the rest of the form (a hard habit to break); remembering to use the reverse circle instead of "r" at the end of words (I'm about fifty-fifty right now); and keeping my "a" circles big and "e" circles small at higher speeds.

    I hope I will be able to contribute from time to time, but I am really impressed by the knowledge of some of the contributors (especially Carlos!) and hope to continue learning and getting better at it.


  101. Hello! My name is Oliver, and I'm a high schooler who has been infatuated with Gregg, because I love obscure but potentially highly practical skills. I've tried to learn Anniversary twice (even purchased the beautiful yellowing manual and dictionary) but, simply for lack of accountability, have failed. This is about to change, as not only am I a proud new member of the Gregg Group, but I am starting my own shorthand club with some of my enthusiastic friends. I can't wait to dive into this beautiful art form and preserve a valuable piece of history!

    1. > .. because I love obscure but potentially highly practical skills

      oh, gosh, I can _so_ relate. : )

      Glad that you persevered! How are your studies going so far?

  102. Hi everyone,

    I'm a college student who's decided to pick up Gregg as a new hobby. I had tried Forkner out, but the style wasn't drastically different than my normal writing. I wanted to try out something out of my comfort zone so here I am.

    I had originally bought Diamond Jubilee books, but decided that I might as well go all in on Anniversary. As soon as my Functional Books arrive, grrrr, I'll be starting with those.

    As a side note, would it be difficult to transition from DJS to Anniversary? What about the other way around?



    1. Welcome Joey! Anniversary is much more abbreviated than DJS (more rules and more abbreviations to memorize), so there will be a learning curve if you start with DJS and jump to Anniversary. On the other hand, if you learn Anniversary first, you will be able to read any series of Gregg without much difficulty.

  103. I took two years of steno class (1980-1982) in high school in preparation for being a secretary. I learned Gregg Shorthand, probably Diamond Jubilee since my speed was too high to have been Series 90, if what the gregg.angelfishy.net site states about speed with using that is correct. I got a clerical job after high school, but that didn't require shorthand skills, and I moved from the clerical field into the design field and then into being a SAHM. I rarely used shorthand after high school. 

    Fast forward nearly four decades. I participated in a bible study class that had a video component. The video teacher gave a lot of good information, so I took a lot of notes but never could get down all I wanted to. She would put up lists of info, but there often wasn't enough time to write everything down. Some class participants resorted to taking a photo of each long list. I decided to relearn shorthand. I looked online for shorthand info and found the Anniversary edition online for free, so I used that. I went through the manual rather quickly, but I didn't do the last four units since I don't have much use for things like state and city names and business terms when taking notes during bible studies and sermons. I decided that it was more important to go back to the beginning and practice a lot than it was to finish the instruction manual. I may finish it sometime in the future. I'm using the Fundamental Drills and the Word and Sentence Drills books for practice. I also have PDFs of various old books written in shorthand and the Gregg Shorthand Dictionary


      1. Welcome to the blog, Angela!

        Comments to posts cannot be edited once you post, but if you initiate and author a post from scratch, you are able to edit those.

  104. Hi everyone!

    It's been so much fun to read over the other introductions.. and now here's mine! : )

    In 2019, I attended a computer conference called PyCon. During the talks I tried to capture as much detail as I could. But alas, typing everything out was a bear and I just wasn't keeping up.

    Back at my hotel room that night, I searched for what I knew had to be out there.. some kind of system for quick note-taking. Lo and behold – shorthand! I came across machine steno, as well. I fell in love with both, pretty much on the spot : )

    The next day, I managed to connect with some of the machine stenographers that were providing realtime captioning for the conference. I asked them how I could get started with shorthand and steno and fell in love with steno all over again as I saw the passion they had for their work and heard about all the ways that it can be used to help people.

    Once I got back home I dove into the machine steno side of things (which I was hoping to use at work), but even so, I still had a bug to learn shorthand. Gregg boasted the highest speeds, and that pretty much decided it for me. : ) Next, I searched around and found the Anniversary manual — I couldn't believe it was still available!

    Learning machine steno and shorthand has been slow going, in large part because I have two kiddos that keep me pretty busy! Nonetheless, they've both been fantastic hobbies, and I've managed to really enjoy practicing them both even if it's slow going.

    Following up on Carlos' suggestion, I've picked up Parts 1 and 2 of the Functional Method books. I just finished my first lesson this week! While I've studied the Gregg system and tried to practice it on my own, I think I've really needed to go back to the beginning and go through the kind of course that's laid out in these books. I'm really excited to do the same kind of work that other students did way back when.

    It's a lot of fun to find a community here that's actively working on Gregg! Thank you, Carlos, for organizing this site! Looking forward to getting to know the community here and see what everyone's up to!



  105. Hello All, 

    I tried to learn gregg years ago, but didn't stick with it. I'm being much slower and more disiplined this time. I'm through lesson 6 of the simplified manual, and it's going pretty well so far. I have both the first (pdf) and 2nd edition so that I have more reading material. It seems like improving my reading helps the most, so I'm focusing on that at the moment. I ordered the functional manual as well, so hopefully that will help. I'm impatient to get to the point where I can read the material that is posted here, but slow and steady wins the race I suppose.  

    1. Welcome!

      Yes, reading is as important as writing. Reading your own writing is doubly important.

      What about reading just one book, including its reading exercises, so you can get through it faster, and start reading Carlos's work sooner? The books are ordered so the most-frequent concepts are early. After only 6 lessons, many of the strokes will look familiar. Remember the poem Jaberwocky? After lesson 12, reading will be like that, and you'll be able to make good guesses at most of the rest. Carlos's writing is different enough from the text that you won't get fixated on reproducing the strokes exactly. (That's another reason for reading the entire book before doing too much writing. You'll learn how much freedom you have for each stroke, and won't be as tempted to invent your own.)

      The material in the book is still important, so it's still worth spending time on it, even after you know all the theory. Reading and writing the same few principals several times in one passage helps lock them in. I roughly alternate several different types of studying: read well-written (text, Carlos), read less-well-written (my own and other writers — see Reddit Shorthand for Quote of the Day), copy from text, copy from my own writing (forces me to read / check my work carefully), speed-build old material, write new material from dictation or in my journal. I only do shape drills if I notice a problem, usually when speed-building.

    2. Welcome! I'm new to the site as well. Glad you joined!

      I picked up the functional method books recently and while I've only just started going through the material, I've really enjoyed the format, especially the emphasis on reading. Before getting the FM books I was having a hard time finding reading material that gradually increased in challenge and had a translation readily available. The FM books seem really well written / organized.


  106. Hi, Nick. It's always nice to have new members join here. My understanding is that the Simplified functional manual has all the material of the regular second edition manual, but with somewhat less theoretical explanation and more reading material. The first and second edition manuals differ considerably, though, so having them both gives you more to practice with. For much more interesting reading than what you find in the textbooks, be sure to look at the articles Carlos posts to this site.

  107. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I'm spending 1 or sometimes 2 days per lesson and I'm actually finding reading the practice material pretty easy. I usually read everything at lunch, then write it out from the book after work. Then the next day, I start by reading what I wrote the day before. If that's hard then I spend an extra day on the lesson, going back to the first edition for more reading/writing material. 

    The system is very logical and "fails gracefully", so that even if my handwriting is not perfect from the day before, I can still figure it out based on the fact that similarly pronounced syllables are also written similarly.  

    I just hit ch. 8 which introduces -tion, -tient, and -tial, as well as the disjointed past tense. The shn shnt shl abbreviations are really intuitive for some reason, but the past tense will take a while to sink in. 

    1. In Simplified, the disjoined past tense is used when the outline does not end with the last sound of the word. When it does, you always join a d, t, or make a blend (you'll see these later). That's the rule in a nutshell. The same principle applies to the -er/-or ending.

      (By the way, I think you meant Lesson/Assignment 8, not Chapter 8, since that chapter is almost at the end of the book!)

  108. Hi. My name is Jon. I live in Hertfordshire, England. I have been interested in shorthand for many years, and was a member of this group before it moved to its current location on the web; I kept on meaning to rejoin, but never quite got round to it…

    I found reference to Gregg Shorthand on the internet some years ago. At first I felt a little reluctant to learn a non-British shorthand system, although I am not especially patriotic! Then I found out that Dr Gregg was from Ireland, was of Scottish heritage, developed his shorthand system in Scotland when his family moved back there, copywrited it in London and taught it in Liverpool, before he settled in the United States.

    Gregg Shorthand has beauty, is not hard to learn, and has the potential for high speed writing, and I would recommend it to everybody, but especially to my follow Britons who have felt disappointed by Teeline or frustrated with Pitman's.

  109. Hi, everyone!

    I decided to learn Anniversary Gregg a couple of years ago when I saw a reporter using shorthand and was suitably impressed. In fact, he was using Teeline, but I settled on Gregg after reading about the different systems. (This was for several reasons, but including that I think that it looks much nicer than Teeline, Pitman, etc.!)

    I now use it heavily for both personal note-taking and (being a student) often in lecture notes too. I came across this site when looking for reading material to stay practiced at reading Gregg. I am very pleased to join you, and I look forward to engaging with you!

  110. Hello everyone!

    I picked up the Simplified 2nd Edition Manual about a year ago and got partway through until I just got too busy and stopped practicing. I've recently restarted all the lessons and am much more motivated to learn and keep practicing my shorthand skills this time around! Although I'm mostly learning out of fascination and for personal use, I think it could be valuable for note-taking in university as well as many other future uses!

    I'm happy to meet you all and was very lucky to find this blog with so many helpful resources and other people with a similar interest in learning shorthand 🙂

  111. It’s about time I wrote a note to introduce myself. I’m a computer programmer.
    A while back I realized that I was attending meetings for various reasons, clubs and work. I noticed how often I’d be furiously trying to write out information and I rarely kept up.
    I read a magazine article about a reporter that used Gregg shorthand, and compared some of the advantages to using it over typing to a computer or using a tape recorder. It piqued my interest, and decided to learn more.
    A few months before coronavirus became a household word I started learning Gregg Simplified on my own. I got frustrated with that because the book I had didn’t have an answer key. The exercises were helpful at first but each chapter I got stuck because it was so long and tedious to straighten out whether I had read the right stuff. Was I misinterpreting a short form? Was my reading right? or had I misread and somehow made a sensible result? There was no way to be sure.
    What I did do was make journal notes in a practice book, and things like my daily to-do list and notes to myself were in the basic Gregg phonetic signs. It was fun, but I had felt like I was stalling at that level.
    I revisited other resources and most recently got the Gregg Notehand book (Leslie/Zoubek). I expect that this will increase my speed as I’m learning (Notehand) short forms and phrases. I feel like most of the phonetic signs are (almost) readable as longhand to me.
    I’ve not given up on learning about the other versions, but I’d like to focus on learning Notehand until I can read and write some basics more naturally.

    1. Excellent Pete, and welcome to the blog! I’m glad you decided to learn Gregg. Concentrate on learning all the principles of the Notehand manual before jumping to a new series. Your Notehand knowledge will help you in learning other Gregg series should you desire to do so in the future, so don’t despair.

  112. Hello,

    I am very excited to find and join this group.  I learned Gregg in business college in the early 80s and have used a few brief forms throughout the years, many times without even thinking about it.  Some words I still sound out in Gregg verbiage!

    I have already learned much from y’all just from reading the old posts.  I am anxious to begin refreshing my knowledge in order to increase my usage in my daily job as an HR Manager.  So many times I need to take down a conversation to document employee files and I expect to be able to do that much more efficiently in the near future.

    Many thanks to Carlos – what a wealth of information!


  113. Hey everyone! I’m Suy and I’m a soon-to-be university student. I stumbled upon the shorthand community a while ago and thought it’d help me with things like note-taking in university, or perhaps personal purposes like journaling. So not really for professional purposes, or the traditional use of live-transcribing speech verbatim. Or I might even just learn a few simplification tricks and add them to my current writing. I’m still poking around to find a system that would work for me… I hope to have a good time here with you all 🙂

    1. Hi Suy – We are so happy to have new people learning Gregg! I used it all through my university years. At the end of the day, I would go home and transcribe my shorthand notes. It was like getting the lecture into my brain all over again. I credit shorthand with getting me through those four years! Stick with it, and I think you’ll be glad you did. Happy to have you!


  114. Hello!

    I started learning Gregg Shorthand when I was in high school in the 90s. At the time, it was just one more subject in our curriculum and I didn’t particularly enjoy it. 
    Now, many years later, I finally realize how ingenious and useful Shorthand can be in my personal and professional life. 
    I’m looking forward to learning more and attaining proficiency and writing speed in the months and years to come. 

    Thank you, Carlos for this unique group!


  115. Hello Everyone,

    I've been fascinated by the forgotten art of shorthand since I've discovered T-line some 10 years ago. But after seeing how elegant and speedy Gregg shorthand was, I've decided to give that a try. I've been studying it in the past year on and off, but I still consider myself a newbie. Anniversary was the best for me since here in Germany we don't have much choice, and online resources are easiest to find for Anniversary.

    As for the goals, I work in software development as an agile coach and take lots of notes daily. It's been a habit of mine since school time. In Serbian we have a saying: "Stupid person remembers, a smart one writes it down." – not sure how well that translates to English. But you get the point, we were thought from a very young age how fleeting memory is and how valuable our literacy and ability to pass knowledge down in written form is. 

    Another interesting coincidence is that my native Serbian is written phonetically, so for me, it's the most logical and natural thing that one sound has only one symbol and vice versa.

    So to sum it up, I love how elegant Gregg shorthand is, I hope to learn it well enough to make it my daily companion, and I would love to keep this rare skill alive in the age when hand-written text is slowly disappearing. Currently, my focus is learning Gregg shorthand well in English, and in the future also learning how to adapt it for use in German and Serbian.



    1. Welcome to the blog, Rade!

      A German adaptation of Gregg Shorthand was published in 1924 by Samuel Valencia-Greenberg. The German manual was written in English. Andrew Owen digitized the shorthand images of the manual and typeset the text for his website here, so you can take a look.

        1. Hello, Rade,
          welcome to the blog.
          I have been thinking about an adaptation to Croatian… I have come to the conclusion that you need to put in a shorthand the informations that are necessary to distinguish the words but not more for the system not to be cumbersome. You must know if you need to make a distinction between “š” and “č“, for example…
          In French, most of the time, there’s no need to distinguish “s” et “z”. More, as the French is more polysyllabic than English, there’s an advantage to use abbreviated forms…

          1. A while back, one of our members (Krzysztof Smirnow) wrote a very detailed summary of Polish Gregg. He posted pictures of the Gregg alphabet adapted to Polish here. While Polish is neither Serbian nor Croatian, maybe this can help in coming up with an adaptation. I also think that in these languages, coming up with brief forms, abbreviated forms, and phrases is of much importance, given how long some of these words could be!

            Have you both looked at this Serbian stenography book?

            (I don't speak any of these languages; however, I would be interested in an adaptation project for these languages.)

            1. Thanks for the recommendations Carlos, Polish is a good starting point, definitely some similarities in sounds and characters used.
              I haven't seen the Serbian stenography book, the link seems to be broken? 

              1. The link was available last night (I should have downloaded the book). Maybe they're having issues with their server.

                The book was written in 1866 by Milan Milovuk („Србска стенографија“).

                1. You were right Chuck,

                  it was a temporary server problem. 

                  Nevertheless, I grabbed the book and converted it to a handy PDF – much more practical than separate images of each page. Here it is for the archives.


          2. I was thinking about these adaptations and what I'm missing are good sources in Croatian or Serbian, such as the word frequency, what sounds are appearing the most… All these things were considered for English and improved over decades smiley

  116. Hello All – 

    Reavis here.  I'm an old guy – 75 – but still working.  In 2015, after 40 years in solo practice as a general surgeon, I leveraged my clinical experience and love of computers into a new career.  I am with Optum Advisory Services, Provider Technology Services.  I help physicians learn to use their electronic health record well.  I took typing in the 7th grade (1958 – only had typewriters back then) but no one told me at that time how valuable shorthand would be.  Thus I missed out on a huge opportunity to learn at a young age.  But if can change careers late in life, it is certainly not too late to learn shorthand.  And it will be incredibly useful in meetings.  It is so nice to have a forum for like-minded individuals.  

  117. Greetings all 🙂

    I'm in my mid 30's, and by day I work as a computer programmer.

    As of a couple months ago, I had only the very vaguest idea of what shorthand was. 
    (I had certainly never seen anything written in shorthand), would have never expected I would have anything to do with it, or expected that I would try to learn it.

    However, I just happened to run across some in the wild, and got curious about how it worked.  After learning more about it, I was quickly blown away by it's elegant minimalistic beauty.  And so here I am today.

    I've know I've got a long ways to go, but I hope that with practice, I might eventually gain some level
    of competency with this time-honored skill.

    1. Hey Glen,

      good to see another colleague here learning Gregg shorthand. just keep at it, it'llgive you immense pleasure when in a few months time you realize you can read stories, articles and books without much trouble. what version of Gregg are you learning? what book(s)?




  118. Hello everybody,

    I'm a Bachelor of Science in my early 20's. I found about shorthand just a couple months back and I got fascinated about it. I didn't know there was such a useful and interesting writing tradition. The Gregg Shorthand in particular draw my attention on how efficient it is and on the way it's structure is phonetically based.

    I'm just a beginner and I have a long way down the road. But I'm motivated to learn it well.

  119. Hi, everybody.

    I forget when I first learned of the existence of shorthand, but it stayed in my memory.

    I look for ways to improve my writing, whether I'm working on essays, taking notes in my high-school or college classes, writing articles, or writing anything else. It occurred to me that time-efficiency could help me become a better writer. I wondered how I could improve my speed, and I remembered about shorthand. I began researching shorthand, learning about different types of shorthand, thinking about what would suit me best, and deciding on Gregg. This blog seemed like a great way to learn more about Gregg.

    I've decided to learn Anniversary Gregg so I can become as fast a writer as possible. My approach as of now is experimental– to discover exactly how learning to write Gregg can help me achieve the things I want to achieve.

  120. Hello, all!

    I'm a recently "retired" homeschool mom (just graduated the last of my 4 kids), and I may be taking a position as our (very small) city recorder. While the meetings are not long and I can record them on my phone to write the minutes, I thought it would be useful (and interesting) to learn shorthand. I enjoy learning new things, so I look forward to learning this even if I do not end up being the city recorder.

    After reading through a number of posts, I realize how useful shorthand would be for college students, and I wish I had thought to learn it earlier and teach it to my kids. Oh well, so many things to learn, so little time!

    I'm learning Anniversary with the Functional Method books.

    I appreciate the time and effort Carlos and others have put into this blog — I know it will be very helpful and motivating to me!

  121. Hey all! I became interested in Gregg Shorthand as a way of taking notes and for writing. I feel that longhand just isn't fast enough to translate my thought onto paper quick enough. I am a learner of the 1916 Pre-Anniversary Edition. I've been studying for a month but still haven't finished the manual. I think this website is a great resource and should be a great help as I learn Gregg. Thanks to all those who have put time into this blog!

  122. Hello everyone,

    My name is Jeremy and I'm excited to be joining you. After several decades of writing everything via keyboard I started picking up writing with a pen again last year. My longhand was so slow compared to how fast I could type that I became frustrated and remembered why I did everything on a screen. I came across shorthand while looking for alternatives.

    I'm about five months into Anniversary now and I love it. The system is quite intriguing and I finally feel like I'm understanding how messed up English spelling really is 🙂 The phonetic rules in Gregg are so much clearer. I also find the historical aspects of it to be very interesting. Much of the reading material is like reading through a time machine. I'm still very slow, but I'm hoping to learn Anniversary well enough to help my kids learn. 

    I'm happy to have found this site and grateful for all the work that has gone into it.

    1. Wonderful Jeremy! Welcome to the blog and I hope that you find it motivating. And yes, quite a bit of the material that you read, especially in the first lessons, would seem dated, but that does not detract from the usefulness of the skill. Once you finish the manual, then I'm sure you'll be able to read the blog material.

  123. Hi everyone,

    Thank you for accepting me into the blog! My name is Madeline, and I'm new to shorthand- the system I am learning is Simplified. I'm aiming to use it in personal use, as I am still a high school student. However, I know I still have a long way to go, and I'm enjoying every step of the way!

    The first time I stumbled across the word 'shorthand' was in a book I was reading. It was a fairly offhand comment, something about recognising a note written in shorthand, but I was really interested by the picture they included in the story. I looked it up, and was immediately fascinated at what I found. Apparently this collection of symbols could be used to portray words in the English language, and it could be used at astonishing speeds. I was impressed at how anyone could devise, or even use such a system, and I still am! Even if I could achieve a fraction of the skill displayed in the outlines, I would be pretty proud of myself. I hope a combination of practice and enthusiasm will guide me there one day.

    Aside from shorthand, I'm also very interested in the hobby of fountain pens, and old penmanship systems. It's great to find a community that's centered around Gregg- it's helped me so much already, and I hope I can help others in return. Thanks everyone!

  124. Hey everyone,

    Thanks again Carlos for letting me become  part of this blog!

    My name is Thomas and I am currently studying computer science. My first language isn't English, but due to my studies and my possible later work I figured English would be the most optimal choice for me to learn a shorthand in. After extensive researching of all the different shorthands I come across the Gregg shorthand system which is not only very appealing to the eye, but also seems to be a great choice for motivated learners. I've already received my copy of the Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified 2nd edition and I'm currently looking forward to start with my first lesson.

    I really hope I can manage to work through all those lessons, but I am sure, that when I come across some issues I will be able to find friendly & helpful people here on the blog!

    Stay safe everyone!

    1. Hi Thomas,

      I think you chose well.  The 2nd edition of Simplified is the one I learned from.  I moved on to the Anniversary manual but (and I expect this will be controversial) I regret it.  Simplified has got enough principles to make you need to do a bit of work to learn it, but it is straightforward.  In Anniversary I keep on finding words that can be abbreviated more than I at first think with the result that I feel unsettled by my ignorance of it in its entirety.  And though Anniversary can achieve greater speed, Simplified is not far behind.  So I wish you all the best — to learn a system in a language not your own is amazing!  Do not get disheartened when you think it is getting far too much to take in.

      As a retired software engineer myself I also hope your computer studies go well.



      1. That is because Simplified Gregg obliterated the Abbreviating Principle. But you don't need to feel unsettled — take it as a learning opportunity. (Besides, you're still reading the Anniversary Gregg selections of the blog, right?)

        1. Yes Carlos.  I am committed to anniversary now.  I always write it when I write — even though I often, at first (for in uncertainties I sometimes check with the dictionary still), write a 'wrong' word — though, as you say, if you can read it afterwards that's OK.  And the abbreviating principle (dating back to the very earliest days of Gregg) is excellent, but I think I do not write enough to fix in my mind which words to abbreviate.

          It was my aunt, with whom I corresponded during the latter part of my Simplified study, who directed me to Anniversary.  She said that the greater number of shorter words (e.g. 'cos for because), and that the treatment of R helped.  Though I disagree a bit with R — for though in the early, pre-anniversary, stages the "reversing principle" came about merely by omitting the R symbol, it was later extended causing, in my view, some "un-Gregg like" forms.   But then in Simplified the R-D can be a little subtle — I remember, when I cam across it when learning, thinking 'how hard to write to clearly distinguish between R, RD, TH, and NT' — but it was OK in the end).

          Perhaps I could point out to Thomas the "Functional Method" books.  They really give you an excellent amount of reading material.  I was really helped by them.  And I think that Leslie did them for Simplified too which perhaps Thomas may wish to look at as an addition to the Simplified Manual.

          1. A reply to Nick, but also aimed at Thomas:

            The Functional Method book for Simplified is just the regular Simplified textbook with less theory and more reading. It's quite different (and in my estimate, inferior) to the Functional Method books for Anniversary. On the other hand, I think Anniversary is rather inconsistent in its spelling rules. Gregg himself realized that it needed revision. And though the Simplified text doesn't teach the abbreviating principle, you can always throw it in on your own once you're experienced.

            As for the letter r, I think adding rd to Simplified was a good call, especially since Anni already has ld. The reversing principle works okay for ar and er, but there's no reversing principle for or or ur—in some cases the r is just not written at all. These cases admittedly aren't very salient, but in general, failing to write the r doesn't work well for the rhotic pronunciations that most Americans have.

            1. I have examples of Gregg manuals from Pre-Anniversary onwards and all of them include the Abbreviating Principle. The difference is that from Simplified onwards it is only covered relatively briefly, but it’s there to be used if needed. I’ve even been told by an Anniversary writer that if I use it in Simplified or DJS I’m somehow breaking the rules. Now where did that strange idea come from?

              1. Nonsense!  I thought the Simplified manuals indicated their examples were suggestions, that one could expand and use abbreviating principles if one was familiar with the vocabulary.  I thought abbreviating principles were even encouraged.  Or am I off-base?

                1. I agree with Marc. The Abbreviating Principle has been part of Gregg Shorthand since the very first Liverpool 1888 manual!: “Drop the terminations of words, i.e., write so much of the outline as will, with the aid of the subject matter and vocalized context, suggest the whole word, as ‘unan’ for ‘unanimously’, ‘diplom’ for ‘diplomacy.’ This simple rule, a result of the insertion of the vowels, enables us to obtain great brevity without resorting to arbitrary and ambiguous devices.” You can incorporate abbreviated outlines in your own writing, even if you learned Simplified or later. Incidentally, if you read the lists of specialized vocabulary that appeared in Today's Secretary, words are usually abbreviated, even though they were written in Simplified Gregg (or in DJS and S90). You can also see examples of abbreviated words in the Expert Shorthand books, the legal and medical transcription books, and to a lesser extent, in the Gregg Speed Building books.

                  The problem that I see with the Simplified and later series is in the dictionary, in which the powers that be decided to include only the long outlines (instead of the abbreviated outlines) for those words that could be written both ways, giving the impression that the only way to write a particular word is the dictionary long outline.

                  1. I think Marc is agreeing with my point,which was exactly what you reiterated, that the Abbreviating Principle has always been a part of Gregg shorthand, in spite of the word "nonsense" at the beginning.

                    Surely the point of showing the longer outlines is that the later systems are aimed at office dictation and that adding alternatives would complicate matters. I have always taken the view that dictionaries show recommended/suggested outlines, not that they are in some way obligatory.

                2. Hopefully your use of the word "nonsense" applies to the view of some Anniversary writers described in my penultimate sentence and not to my comment as a whole, since the rest of what you said seems to agree with my point.

                  1. Yes, that's exactly how I understood it. It’s really nonsensical saying that if you write abbreviated you’re not writing Simplified. We’re all agreeing and saying the same thing.

            2. Thanks Carlos.  Enlightening on both counts.

              (Also interesting issues raised by subsequent comments — which I also found very interesting.)

              I hope all these discussions do not deflect Thomas from his study of the really very good Simplified version.

  125. Thomas, I agree with Nick that your chosen textbook is an excellent one. I believe it's an easy book to learn from, though it doesn't contain a key. Simplified is my favorite of the Gregg editions. I find it more theoretically cohesive than earlier editions, and more compact than later ones. (The version I first learned, Diamond Jubilee, is perhaps even a bit more cohesive than Simplified, but more sprawling than it needs to be.) Simplified should serve you well.

  126. Thomas, I learned Simplified first, and it is quite an adequate system.  Anni is faster (far more abbreviations/short forms commonly used) once you've learned enough of it and practiced enough to write without thinking.  Good luck with your studies, and may you be a Gregg shorthand writer for life!

  127. Inbound new Simplified learner here. Tried to learn DJS back in high school, didn't work well. Been wanting to learn shorthand for awhile, finally have some time. Was also thinking of teaching my middle schoolers DJS. I think shorthand is a valuable skill, and I'd like to try and teach it young.

  128. hey everyone,

    I have a slightly strange request.

    Today I was listening in a meeting and there were some swearwords exchanged, which completely threw me. I've never seen bulls**t etc. in any of the books I've learned from (anniversary) ?

    Does anyone have a collection of most frequently used 4-letter words (and more)? The work environment changed significantly since 1930s and these are quite normal to hear every day.



    1. You won't find words of that kind in the Gregg textbooks or dictionaries; they're too polite to include them (and might have been banned if they had done so). But it should be easy for you to figure out how to spell those words, if you need to record them.

  129. Hello everyone.

    My name is Alexia I fell in love with shorthand over 30 yrs. ago when I happened on a set of Gregg textbooks at a rummage sale. Since then, I have collected several Gregg books from the very early 1900's and recently acquired Alice in Wonderland written in Gregg shorthand. I have had trouble picking up the reading and writing of Gregg shorthand, so ideas and study suggestions are appreciated. 

    I live in a small town outside of San Antonio Texas with my husband and two of our three kids (both teens). Our oldest flew the coop to his own apartment nearby. We have way too many rescued pets and two acres of property.  I also enjoy collecting plants, sewing, reading, and doing repairs on rescued things. So I guess I'm rather nerdy. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. 

    1. Hi, Alexia.  I live north of Austin, so we're kind of neighbors, except on that stretch of highway where "you can't get there from here."  

      One thing about a skill like shorthand is the importance of tackling it in a systematic way.  That doesn't mean spending a lot of time, but it does mean working through the textbook from beginning to end and being sure you're mastered one thing before you move on to the next.  

      If you have books from the early 1900s, they're probably what's called "Pre-Anniversary".  That was the way Gregg shorthand was taught at the beginning.  

      After that came several different "versions" of Gregg.  Anniversary was published in 1929, Simplified in 1949, Diamond Jubilee in 1963, and Series 90 in 1978.  They all use the same Gregg alphabet, but they differ quite a bit in terms of the principles, the brief forms, and the degree of abbreviation used.  

      Just be aware that not every Gregg shorthand book is the same version.  They're all fine, but it's best to pick one and stick with it to learn the system.  

      If you use Facebook, there's a group called Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans that's a good place to go for help and resources.  



  130. Hey folks, I'm Dustin. I have been learning Gregg Shorthand Diamond Jubilee since 2008. It's a hobby. I use it for journaling, and maybe eventually some note taking if I can get up to speed. I've been in the tech industry for almost two decades, so Gregg appeals to me on several levels. First, it's away from a computer, but second, it's kind of like a programming language. You learn the syntax and you can write a sentence! Looking forward to interacting with the community!


  131. Hello Everyone,

       My name is Jesse. I have been interested in shorthand in general since the first time I saw my grandmother use it almost 30 years ago. I began studying Gregg (Anniversary Ed.) fairly recently for several reasons; first is that I have always sought to learn skills that have been largely lost to modern "civilization" and second because I am working on finishing my bachelor's degree and plan to attend graduate school for a PhD in planetary science and astrobiology and rapid, accurate, readable notes are a must, especially in the sciences. I had previously used an alphabet based shorthand (Teeline) but found that a shorthand based on spelling was not very efficient when it comes to large, scientific words which are much easier to write as sounds than as letters.

       I am very excited and grateful to have found and been accepted to this community and look forward to both benefiting from and contributing to it. I am especially excited for all the available practice reading material available and the wealth of knowledge.

    1. There's a Facebook group, "Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans" that you might be interested in.  The group has some files available, including the 1927 "Gregg Shorthand Junior Manual" which presents the system in a very clear, comprehensible way, and the British publication "Teach Yourself Shorthand" (1943) which has a similar direct presentation.  

      Both these publications are less business oriented than most standard Gregg texts.  


      Lee Miller



  132. Hey, I'm Ben.  Recently I was procrastinating on something, wondering if I should try stenography, and decided that was way too much work.  But ran across shorthand, and thought it might be a good way to get away from my computer.  Picked up a few journals — which has been helpfully grounding, even though I used to journal electronically (and even though I haven't been writing in shorthand yet) — and a steno pad, along with a 2nd ed. Simplified manual, and here I am.

    Honestly not sure how far I'll get, but at the moment I'm finding it fascinating.  Going super slowly, following my rabbit trails (are "ace", "as", and "ass" really all written the same way? lol), and taking time to re-learn and experiment with cursive (it's been ages since I've written this much by hand).

    Grateful for the people here so kindly answering questions.  You all helped me pick an edition and get a feel for things before I asked to join.  And grateful for the practice materials, which I'm sure shall be useful once i get past the first chapter 😉

    Also curious if shorthand will be useful in art, kind of like Arabic — not that I know any of that either, or make much art lol, but the concept is interesting to me.

    Anyway, we'll see where it goes, but nice to meet you all 🙂

    1. Great to have you hear, Ben, and as long as you don't procrastinate with Gregg, you'll be fine! smiley Hope the blog motivates you to learn it in earnest.

  133. Hi everyone!

    My name is Charlotte. I'm in my first year of university, so I initially came across shorthand when reaserching notetaking techniques. I instantly loved the way Gregg looked and fell down a rabbit hole that led me here.

    I'm really excited to learn shorthand, even if I'll only use it for myself, and after looking at each version of Gregg I've decided to study Anniversary.

    Thank you to everyone who contributes to this blog! Your knowledge is greatly appreciated.

  134. Greetings,

    First I should say thank you so very much to those who have contributed to the group. I’ve already learned a ton by reading various posts. Second, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Adam and to the extent that I have practical goal in learning (Anniversary) shorthand, it is to increase the efficiency of my writing— not so much in terms of speed but rather in terms of minimizing hand motions (I am recovering from a wrist injury and I’m trying to make my handwritten and computer inputs as efficient as possible). I don’t know whether I will be able to ultimately transfer my writing over to shorthand, but am finding the systems fascinating to read and learn about even aside from any practical application.


    1. Hi Adam – So glad to have your join our wee blog community. Don't stress that wrist too much! And I also want to encourage you to stick with your commitment to learn Gregg. May I ask why you have chosen to learn the Anniversary Edition?

      1. Thanks! I will try to take it easy on my wrist and actually just reading and not doing any writing for the moment. My choice of anniversary was somewhat arbitrary– I just read the "which is best" thread and chose a version that seemed to be somewhere in the middle in terms of efficiency vs ease of learning and to have lots of learning materials available.  I had forgotten to mention in my previous post that what originally piqued my interest in shorthand was this article in the Atlantic: How to Write 225 Words Per Minute With a Pen: A lesson in the lost technology of shorthand

  135. Hello everyone, my name is Lloyd and I am just starting out with anniversary edition. So far I've done a read through of the basic manual, and I'm working on getting a good starter learning library together (thanks again, Carlos!)

    I'm new to shorthand, no lessons or experienced family members, I've just bumped into the concept a few times here and there. After enough wondering about it I finally decided to sit down and learn what shorthand was, then learn the difference between shorthands, then maybe learn a bit of Gregg, then, finding it immediately incredibly interesting, decided to commit and study it properly. It was a slippery slope that I am very happy to have landed on.

    It took a bit of thought to choose which edition to pursue, but I've gone with anniversary to maximize reading material and in hopes that the extensive brief forms might help compensate for a few issues I've had with my wrist.  I've got my game face on, and I'm looking forward to the challenge.


  136. Hey all!

    I'm Richard from north TX and I'm excited to be a part of this community. Thank you Carlos again for giving this opportunity to get me involved around this blog!

    I got interested in languages as a grade schooler enough to make some "alphabets" of my own which were really just substitution ciphers, but I constantly evolved them so that I could write faster than longhand in my latest iteration. I shared some of the writing to some of my friends and teachers, one of whom remarked it looked like shorthand. I already had heard of the word "shorthand" enough times in my life to actually just go ahead and fall into the rabbit hole of the various systems, with Gregg winning my attention through its non-shading technique of writing very fast once one invests plenty of years into the art; and so I decided to commit. 

    I chose to study Anniversary since I found the complex theory fascinating, and so I've been self-studying for the past 6 months nearly every day enough to call it a hobby (friends call it an obsession but to each their own). So far, I've made it to Ch. IX Unit 25 and planning to do a review now that Carlos introduced me to the Anniversary Functional Method Manuals. 

    I'm barely related to anyone who does shorthand other than the one brief period long long ago when my father did his ex's homework because she caught on faster than anyone else in shorthand, and did surprisingly well with barely any practice at all. The most interesting interaction I've had with anyone about shorthand was during a scholarship interview when one of the older interviewers recognized my hobby and storytold me how his father worked for the gov't, knew shorthand, spoke Russian, etc. till we had to get back on topic.

    Besides that, I'm happy to be a new member here and hope to look back with nice progress done once the year ends!

    1. Welcome from central Texas.

      If you're not aware, there's a Facebook group, "Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans".  Like all things Facebook, it's a mixture of content, but there's often really interesting material there.  There's also a Facebook group "Shorthand Writing", which is supposed to be for all systems, but it's dominated by Pitman writers.  

      My grandmother was a Gregg writer.  I still have her textbook, with her signature and indication she was at Moathart Business College, Farmington, Missouri, 1911-1912.  (No trace of that college that I can find anywhere).  

      My dad learned Gregg in college right before World War II.  When he was drafted, the Army found out he knew shorthand and sent him to the Pentagon, where he spent all 4 years of the war.


  137. Hello, Everyone!

    I'm Liz. I was originally introduced to shorthand many years ago in a general office skills class in high school (I think we did it for about a week and then moved on to filing index cards or something.) I was interested enough to sign up for the full shorthand class that was to take place the next semester, but that turned out to be year they finally cancelled the class for lack of interest.

    I've thought about it now and then over the years, then recently I ran across the book I'd bought way back then (Simplified 2nd Edition) and decided to actually plunge back in and have started working my way through it. 

    1. The 2nd edition of Simplified is a nice book.  Plus it's fairly easy to find other Simplified books on Ebay and from other sellers of used books.  

      You may want to check out the Facebook group Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans.  The student's transcript for the second edition manual is in the Files of that group.  


  138. Hi everyone, I'm a new member, happy to be here. I've always wanted to learn Gregg shorthand, at least to some extent, without ever having quite got started. The main barrier was deciding between the different versions (which can be dizzying to think about), and defining my goal, which is twofold: 1) A benefit to me professionally, and 2) an intrinsic pleasure that's consistent with my other interests and hobbies, like studying French, and playing guitar.

    Professionally, as part of my advertising business, I frequently moderate focus groups and conduct individual interviews. I'm not bad at taking notes in a sloppy cursive. Even my business partner is surprised how fast I am — but I still wish I were faster. I don't always need perfect verbatims, but sometimes I do, and my respondents (or interviewees) can get ahead of me pretty quickly. I hate resorting to the recordings more often than is absolutely necessary, as it's very time consuming. And a laptop can be intrusive in most interview settings where there's a real need to set a casual, relaxed vibe, and not to seem like a "researcher", teacher or expert.

    Personally, I've always loved old things, old music, old art, old books — and old skills that apparently lose their usefulness in our incredibly technological world. For example, before ham radio was rendered obsolete (that is, except in emergencies), I learned Morse code and loved it. I also studied Russian as a side interest in college and loved that, and I'm very into French now. Honestly, if you're a native English speaker, even learning a foreign language could be considered obsolete these days unless there's some specialized reason for doing so, as most people (in cities anyway) speak English. I don't anticipate traveling to France more than a time or two again in my life (I'm in my 50s and have a toddler and run a business.) But I just love the language, and I love reading French books.

    A few weeks ago I picked up a Notehand book in an antique shop in a small Texas town near mine, for only $10. The way the lessons are laid out, with tons of really cool advice about studying and note taking, just seems brilliant and satisfying. The authors really put some thought into the structure. So I'm off and running. I'm taking Carlos's advice — I've started with Notehand (I'm only on Unit 4) and, if I finish, I'll move to Anniversary, specifically with the Functional method. 

    Even learning a handful of brief forms will speed up my writing, if I use them all the time. Of course I hope to go beyond this. The main thing — with anything — is to create a system for oneself and do it every day.

    Thank you to Carlos for hooking me up, and I look forward to reading everyone's posts and enjoying the mutual support system in this community of enthusiasts! :0)


    1. Congratulations on finding a copy of the Notehand textbook for $10!  It's oddly scarce, and I've seen it listed on Ebay and elsewhere for $40 or more.  Did you get the first edition (1960) or the second edition (1968)?  The theory is the same, but the practice material is different.  


      I started with Notehand in high school in 1969, back when shorthand classes were still taught in school.  Then did the Diamond Jubilee course.  


      You might want to look at the Facebook group "Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans" for additional resources and information.  




      Notehand is a nice presentation, and a good introduction.  

      1. Thanks, Lee. You're right, after taking the book home, I checked prices for Notehand books online, and as you mention, they're around $40 and up. 

        Mine is the 1st edition, 1960. Very well organized and handsome presentation. I'm really enjoying working through it. 

        Good idea about Facebook. I had stopped using it around 6 years ago, and eventually my account got overtaken somehow. I couldn't even log in anymore. I've been meaning to start a new account. The Gregg angle gives me an additional reason for doing so. 

        1. I like the presentation of the 1960 edition.  For some reason, they kept lots of "business type" material, much of it directly from the existing shorthand textbooks.  They changed it to more general type material in the 2nd edition.  But there were no changes in the Notehand system.  

          I used the 2nd edition in high school, and it surprises me how scarce copies have become.  I don't think it ever took off, and lots of schools may have just thrown their copies away.  

          1. I received my Functional Method Part 1 book yesterday. Wow! If I thought the Notehand book was snappy, this is on another level. It's quite beautiful. And the lessons assume that the reader is kind of smart, which is nice. I may not measure up! But so far, there's nothing that can't be figured out. The whole Gregg system is really admirable and elegant, a lovely thing that shouldn't disappear. 

            Good point about business related material. This is one reason I picked Anniversary; reportedly there is lots of non-biz related content you can read.

            I will keep the Notehand book because well, it's pretty cool, and it has good advice that my son may appreciate someday (he's only 2 now.)

            1. There's no harm in keeping your Notehand book. A good exercise would be to rewrite all the reading and writing material in the Notehand book in Anniversary once you finish your Anniversary study. Take it as a challenge and a goal!

            2. There is a lot of Anniversary material still around.  That's definitely an advantage compared to Notehand, which really is just the textbook.  (There were workbooks and supplemental study materials, but they're scarce).  


              If you use Facebook, the group "Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans" has a Files section.  There are two books that you might find particularly interesting as supplemental material.  One is the British "Teach Yourself Shorthand", and the other is the "Gregg Shorthand Junior Manual".  Both of them are Anniversary, and both aim to give a clear presentation of the system without so much emphasis on series of business letters.  

  139. Hi!

    My name is Sean. Maybe a year ago, I had impulse-bought Pitman book at a second-hand bookstore a few months ago, not knowing what it was. It looked interesting and only $1! About a month ago I got sick and was bored so I thought it would be a fun thing to learn. I eventually decided Pitman is ridiculously complex and in the end settled on learning Gregg instead. I thought it would be cool to be able to write faster (and in a way few else could read!). I love learning languages and as a teen I used to devise my own alphabets/writing systems/languages! So I naturally enjoy this type of thing. Like Kirk (in an above comment), I really like old-things (e.g., despite being in my 20s I've never owned a cell-phone haha) and the ingenious ways people solved problems without computer technology! Before that, I never really knew what shorthand was. All I knew was it was somehow different from "regular writing"/longhand and I was told it was something secretaries used long ago. 

    I'm learning Notehand right now (I'd like eventually to learn Anniversary) because I read all over the place that it's a good entry level Gregg to learn especially given I intend it for personal use (i.e., notes). I've been only doing it for a few months now, but it's very rewarding. Especially when I successfully read something in shorthand! Like being a kid again! Though I might be going a little fast since I'm at unit 20 already ("w" and "yu-sound"). 

    Though some people I know are intrigued by the novelty of shorthand, very few share my interest in it, so I'm kind of alone. As such, I'm glad I'll have a community with which to enjoy it. I look forward to learning more and sharing it (as well as asking questions)!

    1. Notehand is a good place to start, particularly if you're not aiming to become a stenographer and don't need high speed.  It's a shame that the Notehand textbook is so scarce, and so expensive when it does turn up.  

      Depending on which edition of Notehand you're using (1960 or 1968) the easiest transition would be to Simplified or Diamond Jubilee.  They'll be the most similar to the Notehand system.  The theory presentation looks very similar in the texts, and it's essentially a matter of learning new brief forms and some additional abbreviating devices.  

      Anniversary has a much heavier memory load, with many more brief forms and abbreviations.  But it's a good option and worth checking out.  

      If you use Facebook, there's a group "Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans".  I've been posting lots of Simplified material recently from old issues of Today's Secretary.  You might want to take a look at them to see how similar it is to what you're learning.  Of course, this blog has lots of good material too. 



    2. Hi Sean, great to see you here! I share your enthusiasm for this stuff. It's just cool. It looks amazing, and the instructional books are beautiful.

      For the past couple days I've been going through my handwritten notes from interviews I conducted for a current work project. It's been a stark reminder of how much I want to improve my speed in writing. I have no doubt Gregg will do so.


  140. Hello all,

    My name is Mark. Thank you Carlos for managing the blog and providing resources. I look forward to using them and learning with other members. 

    Brief Introduction:

    I came across the old angelfishy site a number of years ago. I don’t remember the path that led me to shorthand but I have an interest in meaning, symbols, etc, and also would write a lot and wished that I could do that without so much interruption. To that end, I printed the Anniversary Gregg manual and made an attempt! It didn’t last long. I realized that Gregg changes in accordance with the practical considerations of those using it, namely the frequency of words they regularly employ, and was never a nicely closed phonetic system. This does create extra challenges to the learner that I wasn’t up for at the time. 

    I also didn’t see until right about now that this quality is also an advantage.

    Anyway, I’m picking it up again with the benefit of this understanding and I’m grateful to have found this website with what looks like lots of excellent resources. 

    Thanks again!


    P.S. I would like to find electronic versions of “Functional Gregg: Anniversary Part I and II” by Lineman. Any help finding those would be great. 

    1. Welcome to the blog, Mark!

      About the Anniversary Functional Method books (I think those are the ones you're referring to, authored by Louis Leslie), I'm not aware of any full electronic copy available, as these books are still under copyright. Openlibrary.org has Part 2 available for preview:


      However, you can get these books very cheaply through used bookseller websites (abebooks.com), Amazon, and/or eBay.

      1. Whoops. Yes that’s the correct title and Leslie, not Lineman, is the author. I’ll find hard copies of these. 

        Quick question: I have a pdf of “Graded Readings in Gregg Shorthand” by Alice Margaret Hunter. It was published in 1923 making it pre-anniversary, I think. Will this be useful or ought I to read only anniversary texts at this stage?



        1. My personal opinion is that it's better to pick one of the primary versions (Anniversary, Simplified, or Diamond Jubilee) and learn it thoroughly.  

          Then you can either learn one of the other versions, or incorporate elements from those versions in your personal writing.  

          I learned Diamond Jubilee in the 1960s, and have since gotten pretty comfortable with Simplified.  Anniversary and Pre-anniversary present challenges to me, although if there's clear context I can read them.  

          Be careful with pricing and condition when you look on Ebay and other sites.  If anyone is asking more than $10 for a book in good or better condition, you should stop and think about it, unless there's something unique about that particular book.  

        2. The Anniversary version of that book has different reading material, so it's not a bad idea to get both. There are slight differences in shorthand theory between the 1916 New and Revised Edition and the Anniversary series, but once you learn Anniversary, you should be able to read the 1916 edition without much difficulty. In the learning stage, as Lee indicated below, stick with Anniversary since that's what you chose, and later on you can incorporate elements from the other series in your own writing. It's not a good idea to mix and match in the learning phase because you want to have a solid theory base to rely on.

    2. Angelfishy and his site are still around, with a new address:


      If you use Facebook, you might want to check out the group "Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans".  I've been posting a lot of material there recently.  The group also has a "Files" section with some interesting documents.  


  141. Hi!

    My name is Jess, and I’m a senior in high school hoping to learn Gregg shorthand for college next fall. I’ve always been interested in learning codes and writing systems, so when I came across the Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified a few months ago, I was hooked pretty quickly.

    It took me some time to get used to the basics–and to get good enough to function without an answer key or any knowledgeable friends and family–but I enjoy the process of figuring everything out myself, even if it sometimes takes a while.

    Nobody else around me has much of an interest in shorthand, so I’m super excited to join this community and explore all of the resources that everyone has contributed!

    Thanks so much,


    1. Welcome, Jess.

      The Simplified version is a good choice. There are plenty of supplementary materials still available.

      If you use Facebook, you might want to check out the group “Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans”. The group has a Files section, and there’s a PDF of the key for the second edition of the Simplified Manual. I have a scan of the key for the first edition here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6td8pie5tvvxlu3/Gregg%201949%20Simplified%20Transcript.pdf?dl=0

      I learned Gregg in high school back in the days when it was still being taught in schools, and I used it all through college.


  142. Hi Everyone,

    Just a brief note to say hello, as a new member of the group. I am currently working through the pre-anniversary Gregg manual,  but can see I will need to use a lot more resources to fully get to grips with the writing system, and where further could I need to look than here!

    1. If you use Facebook, you might want to look at the group “Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans”.

      I post some pre-Anniversary material there from time to time. Yesterday I posted an article from the February, 1908 Gregg Writer.

      Pre-Anniversary actually has lots of good “accessory” material. Alice in Wonderland, for instance, as well as some other literary titles.

      I learned Diamond Jubilee in the 1960s, and can read Simplified just fine, but Pre-Anniversary and Anniversary are challenging for me.


      1. Lee, thanks for mentioning the FB group. As I learned Diamond Jubilee, a lot of what’s posted isn’t germane because at least for now, I’m sticking with what I know. But it’s interesting, nonetheless, to see how different the different versions can be.

        1. Centennial Gregg is very similar to Diamond Jubilee and Series 90, so I’m sure you would not have much of an issue reading the Centennial Gregg selections that I post every month.

          1. Good to know, as some of the others really have me shaking my head!Fortunately, my actual need for shorthand is fairly limited, so I don’t need to learn a lot of technical or specialized words. I’m doing this more for fun and mental exercise. It’s amazing how easily it’s coming back – the advantage of having learned it when I was young.

            1. I chose to write Centennial between those three because that was the last published series, and the differences between Centennial and Series 90 and Diamond Jubilee are not worth writing specific versions for these two series.

              1. Thank you for clarifying that.

                I agree that Diamond Jubilee, Series 90, and Centennial really are essentially the same thing, with some minor tweaks of details and brief forms. The major issue with Centennial is the terrible quality of the shorthand material in the books.

                I learned Diamond Jubilee in high school in the 1960s. I can read Series 90 and Centennial with no problem. I’ve learned to read Simplified, even though some of the principles are a bit mysterious.

                Anniversary and Pre-anniversay are a whole different world!


              2. Like Lee and Elizabeth, I first learned Diamond Jubilee. I agree that it, Series 90 and Centennial are very similar. But I find S90 rather sprawling and I feel that Centennial is more like DJ. As for earlier versions, I can read Simplified with no trouble, but Anni and earlier can be challenging.


                Now I’ll get technical.

                I have a couple of minor objections to DJ, most particularly the use of u-k for “work” and the removal of d-r from “doctor”, requiring the word to be spelled in full. It also spelled “without” as e-th-a-u but left “throughout” as th-r-u-t, as in previous versions.

                S90 corrected those things (though it removed d-r from “during”, which I think was silly). It also used connected -g for “-graph”, which certainly is an improvement over having to write -g-r-a-f as in GSS and DJ, especially given that “-gram” has a short form. (I also prefer it to the -egraph and -ograph stuff of Anni and previously.)

                Centennial unfortunately reverted to -g-r-a-f, and left “during” to be spelled in full too.

                It seems to me that the editions that are most cohesive theoretically are GSS and DJ.

  143. I’ve always intended to say hi, but I keep forgetting! Y’all can call me Draconius or just shorten it as you like. I’ve been learning Gregg anniversary for about 2 years now (mind you, very slowly) and I finally feel like I’m solid enough to interact with people here! I do have a specific interest in medical shorthand, but find it hard to find resources for that on the internet as the PDFs tend to be simplified or locked behind a paywall (looking at you, JAMA). I also started learning some Plover recently and got myself a keyboard, though I’m not the most consistent with that. I literally started shorthand because I decided it would be really funny for me to have largely illegible writing, which was also very fast. I’ll be in and around here from time to time, but mostly I’m on discord on that cool-but-kinda-dead shorthand server (legit can’t contact the owner and theres one active mod, rip). I should probably also join that Facebook group huh…

    1. You can keep an eye out for “The Gregg Medical Shorthand Manual” and “The Medical Stenographer”, both by Effie B. Smither. They show up once in a while on Ebay. And there are some copies of the first one listed at abe.com. Watch the date, though; the manual came out in a Simplified edition in 1953.

      Knowing shorthand is kind of like knowing a secret language these days, since lots of people really don’t know what shorthand is, how it works, or why it was even a thing.


    2. Welcome to the blog, Draconius! I second what Lee wrote, but be aware that the first edition of the Gregg Medical Shorthand Manual was published in 1927, so the outlines will correspond to the 1916 New and Revised Edition, not to Anniversary Gregg. The second edition, published in 1942, is basically the 1927 edition but with the outlines corresponding to Anniversary Gregg. (I’m not sure if the reprints of the first edition after 1927 corrected the previous outlines and incorporated the Anniversary equivalents.) Another book you may want to get is the Series 90 version of the Gregg Medical Shorthand Dictionary by Edward Byers (available for electronic borrowing at archive.org), so that you can incorporate newer medical terms — you can always rewrite those outlines in Anniversary.

    3. Thanks Lee and Carlos for your welcome! I actually bought the 1953 edition and just recieved it yesterday! Its a bit different to what I’m used to in the forms, but still very legible to me. I saw the listing for the first edition manual as well, but its a bit out of my price range rn and it would be hard to send over to Ireland (they tax you out the butt for any imports, then lose the parcel for 5 months). I would love to see a PDF of both the 1927 and 1942 versions (and get physical copies someday). Might just be hard to find them.

  144. Draconius, while it makes sense not to reinvent the wheel, for specific medical outlines you can’t find, I don’t think it’s heresy to create ones that work for you. For one application I use (DJS) shorthand for, there are terms that Gregg would never have heard of. So I’ve made up my own. Of course, if you want your notes to be legible to someone else, they’d have to learn your outlines.

    Carlos, I’m amused to think of how different today’s medical lexicon would be compared to that of 1927!

    1. McGraw-Hill published medical reference materials for Gregg shorthand for Diamond Jubilee. (And even that amazes me).

      I have three different DJS volumes: Gregg Medical Shorthand Dictionary, The Medical Secretary:Terminology and Transcription, and Medical Secretarial Procedures. But today they are nowhere to be found.

      Basic medical terminology isn’t much different from the 1960s to today. But beyond the basics, of course there are new terms, new procedures, new diagnoses, etc.

      I fully agree with you, that in today’s world, when Gregg shorthand is essentially a personal interest, there’s no reason not to create new outlines for new words. But there are good models in the available materials for how to do that.


    2. Ive made a few of my own, or just abbreviated some that I wrote often enough. Its partially just wanting to have those books to say I have them at this point, also because I’d love to read the case reports inside them to see what medicine was like at that time. I am curious if Gregg was something used by doctors at all or if it was something that was used by their secretaries. Theres lots of new terminology, as well as tons of terms I’ve never come across until i looked at the book (google doesn’t even know what a nephrauxe is ), which is already around 26 years newer than the original. I do wonder if theres any professional medical shorthand people left at all in the world. 1960s weren’t really *that* long ago and everyone above 60 seems to know of someone, or has tried to learn basic shorthand themselves. Even some people over 50 seem to know someone whos got some shorthand exposure in some respect.

      1. I suspect there are no medical shorthand people around any more, unless someone tracked down a very old retired secretary. I went to nursing school in the early 1970s, and even by then there was no such thing as a “medical stenographer”–physicians recorded notes (via a telephone system) and the recordings were sent to a transcriptionist. In physicians’ offices and clinics there were receptionists and assistants, but I can’t recall any instances of a stenographer.

        It’s very likely there were physicians who knew Gregg shorthand. The 1924 “Sténographie Gregg” French version was done by Ernest W. Farmer, M.D.

        The Gregg Writer and Today’s Secretary occasionally published profiles of medical secretaries

        Shorthand instruction in the US began to phase out by the late 1970s, and was pretty much gone by the end of the 1980s, with a few exceptions.

        Finding the print materials will be challenging. All you can do is check Ebay and similar sites, and look at various used book sellers. Things do turn up from time to time, but I can’t remember seeing anything other than the texts by Smithers.


      2. You may be right about people over 50. A 50-year-old today was born in 1972-1973, so could easily have had a parent or grandparent who was a shorthand writer. But in the US at least, that person going to high school and college in the late 1980s would likely not have encountered shorthand in school personally.

        I worked as a mid-level manager in a large hospital for years, and I remember my surprise one day when I went to see the Hospital Director and noticed that his secretary, who was my age, had shorthand notes on her desk. (I’m 71 now, by the way). I think that’s the only time I’ve ever seen anyone actively using shorthand in their work.

        My adult children, who are in their 40s, and friends who are in their 40s, have no idea what shorthand is, and can’t fathom why it was ever a thing.


      3. Now, they all just use DragonSpeak dictation for notes or (in my hospital) they just write in the chart with barely legible handwriting. Not that mines is far better, its cursive and ofc, shorthand. If typed stuff is required (such as referals), most will use dictation software and have a secretary that can clean up the dictation later. When I get to a level where I need it, I’ll probably search far and wide for someone who is capable of reading and dictating Gregg if live transcription via handwriting recognition still isn’t reliable enough. (Or I’ll just use plover, but theres a certain satisfaction to writing in shorthand lol).

        Its kind of wild knowing that some of y’all are so much older than me and still haven’t encountered much shorthand in the wild yourself. (Im 23, so pretty much a child by most of your standards, I presume lol). I’ve wondered if volunteering for an English speaking nursing home might increase the likelihood of me encountering a Gregg writer in the wild. Closest I’ve gotten is a GP who saw my shorthand and mentioned that her 95 year old mother taught Pitman shorthand way back when. Seems like a lot of people try to learn shorthand and give up a week or two in though.

  145. Hi my name is Dawn.  I am a new member and just wanted to introduce myself.  I am learning the Anniversary method and have a couple books I have picked up on Ebay.  I love this website!  I look forward to chatting with you all!

  146. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Dave.  I wanted to introduce myself to you all.  I have begun my practice using a Gregg Notehand (2nd, 1960) book I purchased on Ebay.  Part of the reason I’m working with Notehand is for my own learning of notemaking and Notehand.  The other part centers around my twin, ten year old grandchildren (boy and girl).  I hope to impart a bit (or more) of Notehand and notemaking into their lives before they hit High School and College.

    Carlos, thank you for your work on this website, and thanks to the rest of you bright people for your knowledge and help to us beginners!

    1. I love that 1968 Notehand textbook. It was my introduction to shorthand in high school, in the 1968-1969 year. The course was only open to seniors, and I was a junior, but signed up anyway. It turned out there was one person over the class size limit, and the teacher asked someone to voluntarily leave, then stared at me. I just sat there, and finally someone else broke and dashed out of the room.

      There’s a “Practice Drills” workbook that goes with it, but it’s scarce. You might find a scanned copy of it on line–I seem to remember seeing one once.

      The 1960 Notehand textbook retained a lot of the “business letter” material of the regular shorthand texts, but the 1968 second edition almost completely moved away from that.


    2. Hi Dave. I have a 1960 Notehand book (not sure which edition) which I bought while I was going through the simplified version. I hope you proceed well with it. I did not because it seemed a bit long-winded compared to Simplified. (And I didn’t like their suggestions on note-taking!)

      I used a very few of the Gregg symbols during lectures — just the odd word and simple phrase. And I never used Shorthand to draft essays because it took me too long to read back what I had written so the meaning was lost; and scanning for things in my written notes was even worse (probably due to my appalling writing, insufficient practise, and general incompetence). I am sure you will do better and it will certainly interest your grandchildren.

      I just looked over my Notehand textbook and noticed sections on Word Families. Gregg bemoaned the loss of Word Families in his publications — some time before Anniversary. Though I think those “families” were more variable and less definitive than those in the Notehand book.

      1. The outlines in Gregg Notehand are intentionally more “written out in full” than outlines in the standard Gregg Shorthand texts. The thinking behind that is that pausing to remember a brief form or abbreviating principle actually takes more time than just going ahead and writing out the word.

        For most high school and college students, that was a good decision. The goal wasn’t verbatim reporting, but efficient note-taking.

        And the key to speed and usefulness is thoroughly knowing the system, whichever version you’re using.

        I’m curious what you don’t like about the note-taking advice. I always thought it was too structured and formal, but there are some clever suggestions and examples in the book that I think are useful.

        1. Hi Lee

          I know. And am sure that it is much easier to read back notehand than even Simplified. I think it is just my incompetance which prevents me from doing so.

          My reason is that I (being rather anarchistic) do not like taking advice in any form. I realise the advice is very good, and I think there ARE things I could have learnt, but I rather failed at all that. I said I’d looked back at that Notehand book and saw mention of Pepys. (I have a copy of the 11 volumes of Latham and Matthews translation of his diaries — I wish I had Pepys’ intellect to allow my use of shorthand as he did.)

          Anyway, the bottom line is this: I think Gregg’s system is the pinnacle of all shorthand systems. And whichever version suits you best, there will be nothing better.

    3. Yay! Another Notehand user! I taught both my kids Notehand in homeschool a few years back. There are quite a few Notehand resources on this blog, including a Notehand bingo game I created as a pdf doc. You might have fun with that with your grandchildren– my kids always loved it. Welcome!

  147. All my college notes (except for French classes) were written in Anniversary.  I never transcribed except for friends who missed classes and needed notes.  Searching for something was never a problem.  No, I didn’t write verbatim notes, but actually took notes, probably more detailed than most.

    I had a tendency to draft papers on the typewriter but used shorthand in the library (in those days long before the internet) when using microfiche, microfilm, Psych Abstracts (I hated them), and the like.

    In my opinion, learning shorthand before going to college–along with learning to touch type–is one of the smartest investments of time someone can make.  I also used shorthand extensively in my working career.  It’s great for taking notes on calendars and such that other people can’t read.  But it was also perfect for notes at all those useless meetings.  Those notes I did transcribe on the word processor for my personal use which made searching a snap.

    I’ve recommended DJ to those who ask what to learn.  DJ is a close cousin to NoteHand I’m told.  Anything that makes one more efficient is good as far as I’m concerned.

    1. I read through the first few units of the 1968 Gregg Notehand book last night. It’s all standard Gregg Shorthand, until the end of Unit 5.

      The first evidence of something being different is that the words “state” and “street” are written out in full (s-t-a-t and s-t-r-e-t). Notehand doesn’t have brief forms for those words. There are only 42 brief forms in Notehand.


  148. I remember my first college English class. The instructor asked us write something. Not realizing we were expected to turn it in, I wrote it in shorthand. When I turned it in, the instructor said in surprise that she could not read shorthand and I had to write it out in longhand. I was also surprised since I thought that everyone knew shorthand.

  149. You thought everyone knew shorthand? That’s funny! The kids in my high school thought those of learning it were weird. I felt superior because I knew something they didn’t. Ah, 17 year olds.

  150. Hello all,

    My name is Hanna, and I’m a sophomore in college, studying speech pathology. I became interested in Gregg Shorthand earlier this semester when I was on the search for ways to take faster notes in class without having to resort to taking digital notes when I learned about Notehand. Immediately I became intrigued by Gregg because I’d never seen anything like it. I’m fairly young and have never personally met (to my knowledge) anyone who used shorthand or learned it in school. Frankly it looked like magic and I wanted to know more.

    Now I’m essentially committed to learning Simplified, as I’ve been able to get the most paper material on (I was surprised by the number of Simplified manuals/dictionaries/etc available on thriftbooks, Abe Books, and similar sites for a good price). I’ve expanded my book collection to include the Shorthand Manual Simplified, Gregg Simplified for Colleges Volumes 1 and 2, and a dictionary.

    I’m still very new but I’m encouraged by the progress I’ve made so far! I can read a fair bit, albeit slowly and with some stumbling. And my grasp on theory so far is fairly elementary. Once the semester ends I’m excited to commit myself to more Gregg study this summer. I’m hoping to be able to successfully do some dictation by the time the August semester comes around. I doubt I’ll be able to do full 120 wpm dictations of lectures at high accuracy  by then, but hey! It’s something to aspire to!

    Thank you Carlos for your work on this website. I’m excited to get to know everyone and contribute to the community.

  151. Hi All,

    At the suggestion of Carlos, I am taking a moment to introduce myself.

    I am in the Pacific Northwest area of the U.S. and my connection to Gregg Shorthand is via two high school semesters of Series 90 in the mid-80’s.   I still have my Series 90 workbook (Functional Method) and dictionary. Several years ago, I picked up a thrifted Diamond Jubilee textbook and it seems to pair well with Series 90.

    Because there wasn’t a need for me to use GS formally in the workplace, I’d lost proficiency in it over the years. I did keep it up a bit for personal use like note taking and to-do lists but I haven’t used it sufficiently enough to maintain fluency.

    I watched a YouTube video recently where a handful of beautiful shorthand literature books were shown and I was blown away – I hadn’t previously known they’d existed!  The video inspired me to refresh my reading and writing skills.

    I’m greatly looking forward to being part of the group and at some point, expanding my skills so that I can read some of those marvelous documents posted by Carlos and others.


  152. Hello everyone,

    I am just taking a moment to introduce myself. My name is Aaron. I work as a supervisor for a small group of service providers and as a part of my duties I go out to observe my staff and take notes on their work and their duty posts which helps me to later write their evaluations. Since my work-issue device is a 15lb laptop it is easier for me to bring a steno pad and good pen and take notes by hand. I am looking to develop enough speed and confidence in Gregg so that I can take my notes without missing any important information and since written symbol based short hand is such a novel skill these days it will also give my notes a mild layer of confidentiality.

    I am currently working through the Gregg Anniversary Manual where I have almost finished chapter 3. I also have the Gregg Speed Studies for the Anniversary Edition and have been working apace in that books as well. I also have some resource for Simplified that I mingle with the Anniversary materials. Since I am only concerned with me being able to reliably read my notes I work with what makes the most sense to me and is most comfortable.

    I look forward to participating in the group as I progress.


    1. Welcome to the blog, Aaron! There are quite a few Anniversary writers here (myself included). If you have any questions, just let us know.

  153. Hello all!

    My name is Tom or Thomas (whichever you prefer). I live in the Ozarks and have been studying shorthand since the end of April 2023. I am using the 1916 pre-anniversary “Gregg Shorthand: A light-line phonography for the million”. I am currently on lesson six. 

    I decided to take up shorthand because I am fascinated with the thought that it is possible to write verbatim at conversational speed— even though I have no personal or professional need to do so. Additionally I took up studying touch-typing to complement shorthand study. Both pursuits have been fun and useful thus far.

    I have appreciated browsing here since I have started my studies. You all have such an amazing depth and breadth of knowledge and a lot of good questions too! I appreciate the mentoring you all share here. I hope that in time I will be able to add to this community in similar manner.

    Write on!

    1. Welcome to the blog, Tom! I’m sure you’ll find lots of resources here in the blog that will help you in your studies. Also, you may want to check out the old issues of The Gregg Writer that are available on archive.org, especially those from September 1916 to June 1928, which provide additional reading and writing practice, including drills according to the lessons of the 1916 manual.

  154. Hello everyone,

    I’d like to introduce myself, as I’m new to the blog. My name is Matthew and I started learning Gregg this month. I started out with a library book on Centennial Edition, but I decided to focus on learning Anniversary Edition after reading about the various editions of Gregg on this site.

    I’m just getting started with ‘Gregg Shorthand: Functional Method Vol. 1’. The idea of focusing first on learning the forms of Gregg by reading intrigues me and I hope that it works well. I plan on working first through the functional method books, using Anki flashcards to help me memorize brief forms and phrases as I go.

    Thank you all for this community and all of the resources and discussion that you have provided here. The internet has it’s ups and downs, but the ability to share in an interest like learning Gregg Shorthand with people from all over is pretty awesome.


    1. Welcome to the blog, Matthew! Besides using the resources that are posted here, you can also let us know your progress, and of course, if you have any doubts, you can ask here as well.

  155. Hey everyone!

    Carlos let me in back in April, but life happened and I’m just coming up for air. I’m a medical fraud investigator by trade and frequently interview people, usually equipped only with paper and pen. Speed and accuracy are important; privacy via obsolescence is beautiful.

    Aside from the practicality, I’m attracted to the mystery of Gregg: look at all those funny little squiggles! Aren’t they picturesque!

    Looking forward to settling into the community here.

  156. Hi everyone,

    I’m just starting out learning Gregg Notehand, and just wanted to say hi to this community!  I find shorthand fascinating, and have ever since I was a child! My grandmother was an executive assistant at 3M and was skilled at Gregg shorthand (not sure which version), but when I was growing up she would show me shorthand, and I literally didn’t believe she was actually writing what she claimed she was writing—It just didn’t seem like enough strokes!  When, about a month ago, I stumbled on a sample of Gregg, I immediately recognized it and felt inspired.  Look forward to continuing on my journey here!

    1. That’s great. My maternal grandmother was a Gregg writer (early pre-Anniversary version), and my dad learned shorthand as a college business major pre-World War II (Anniversary). He always said his college shorthand teacher was his favorite faculty member. (When he was drafted, the Army found out he was a stenographer and sent him to the Pentagon, where he spent the war years).

      I learned Notehand (second edition, 1968) in high school my junior year. Then took the regular shorthand course. The Notehand materials have gotten really scarce, so congratulations if you got your hands on a copy!

      If you use Facebook, you might want to check out the group Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans.


  157. Hello. I learned about shorthand existence back in December 2022. At that point, I was deciding where to start, choosing between my native Russian language and my second language, English. I began with Russian but later realized that I loved the whole idea and decided to start learning shorthand in English.

    There were many problems related to learning shorthand in Russian, such as the lack of official schools or publications and the absence of available standards. However, I found a former teacher who had created his own textbook. I decided to order his book from Russia with delivery to the US.

    Then came the next step: choosing a shorthand system for English. Pitman, with its focus on the width of strokes, was not a viable option in today’s world without fountain pens. After considering various options, I ended up choosing Simplified Gregg due to its emphasis on the length of strokes.

    Currently, I own copies of Dictation, Transcription, Dictionary, and Standard Manual II Edition, and I’ve had many challenging experiences, but I love learning shorthand. This is my second platform dedicated to Gregg’s system. My first platform was the Gregg Shorthand subreddit, which I found at https://www.reddit.com/r/greggshorthand/.

    1. Welcome to the blog, Sergei! In case you didn’t know, the official Russian adaptation of Gregg Shorthand was published in 1935 and written by Frederick Fox and Louis List — both faculty members of the Riverside Junior College (nowadays the Riverside City College) at the time — with plates written by Mrs. Astrid Ramsey, and it is based on Anniversary Gregg. Apparently, someone printed a page of the book and posted it online, which you can see here (bottom of the page), but a footnote was added to that page that is not part of the original book (you may tell us what it says). We have a post about Russian Gregg here. Further, the author of that page made his own adaptation, adding his own symbols.

      (As an aside, Louis List left Ukraine when he was young and got married in the US. His son was the famous American classical pianist Eugene List.)

  158. Hi All,

    Introducing myself as I have just joined…

    I’m currently a Teeline shorthand writer around 100-120wpm, James Hill’s hybrid alphabetic/phonetic system is a commendable system in ease of learning, but similar to Pitman it shares frequent angular joins in writing and the average top speed for most users I understand is around 120wpm. With its alphabetic nature, I find it can sometimes be a challenge to read back notes much later on without the context fresh in mind, as vowels are mostly omitted in words, such as the word ‘had’ which is written hd, but could mean had/hide/hid etc.

    I had a copy of Pre-Anniversary Gregg and was intrigued by the inclusion of vowels as circles within outlines (rather than disjoined or based on position of writing as in Pitman) and the absence of shading for a phonetic system of shorthand.

    I bought a new copy of the Simplified Manual 2nd Edition currently still in print, as it introduced the strokes in stages, then I learned of the Functional Method and now have a copy of the Simplified Functional Method 2nd Edition, which has much more reading material in the Assignments (plus a key at the back of the book).

    I am drawn to the efficiency of the system and how John Robert Gregg developed an entirely different theory of shorthand based on the natural hand motion of the ellipse when writing.  I have also acquired a Simplified Dictionary and am awaiting copies of Speed Building Simplified and Expert Shorthand Speed Course (for much later on).

    I started learning this month and am currently on Assignment 15 of the Simplified Functional book, I am pleasantly surprised that I have been able to read the system presented thus far so rapidly and remember most of the brief forms (with the occasional reminder), I could not have read the same material written in Teeline in this space of time, whether it is because of already writing a system of shorthand and interpreting symbols as words/sounds I’m not sure, perhaps the mind is better adapted to learning another system having learnt a previous shorthand system before?

    It would be interesting to hear from others who have studied other systems and how they found learning Gregg!

    I anticipate a year of work to fully get to grips with the theory of Simplified and have found this blog most interesting, hence joining.

    I look forward to learning more from this site and reading of other people’s interest in the Art of Shorthand, I find it a fascinating subject, filled with much history.


    1. We don’t see many Teeline writers here. Are you in the UK? If so, congratulations on finding your collection of Gregg Simplified books!

      Alphabetic systems like Teeline and Speedwriting have always been a puzzle to me, as someone who learned Gregg in the 1960s.


  159. Hi Lee,

    Yes I’m in the UK, Teeline has mostly replaced Pitman here, even Pitman Training teach Teeline now.  The Pitman writers I know of learnt back in the 1960s, my Aunt being one of them whilst training as a Legal Secretary, prior to Teeline first being published in 1968.  She tells me Gregg was offered to some people she knew at the time, but most learnt Pitman as it was the most widely used system at that time here in the UK.

    Teeline is the preferred theory of shorthand taught here now, it is a great system in that you can reach high speeds in less time, I reached 100wpm in 5/6 months, learning it was a great introduction to writing in shorthand, however no 2 Teeline writers will write exactly the same outlines for every word (there is no right or wrong in Teeline and there is more than one way to correctly write many outlines, following the theory of the system).  In order to obtain high speed, word groupings are key and they follow logically from many of the ‘Special Outlines’, which is what Brief Forms are called in Teeline.

    Although described as alphabetic, it is also a partly phonetic system, silent letters are omitted (as with Gregg) and phonetic word endings are created with disjoined vowel indicators, for example the indicator for I disjoined adds the sound of ‘ing’ to the end of a word, disjoined A for ‘ang’ & O for ‘ong’ etc, so for example an R stroke, followed by these 3 indicators would read: ring, rang and wrong (w being silent and therefore omitted).  The word sewing I would write as so-ing etc.

    There is much more to the system and word beginnings and endings too, as with Gregg, so I am finding some similarities between the systems (albeit with completely different strokes).

    Even though Gregg was first published in England in 1888, apart from my Aunt, I haven’t (yet) come across anyone else who has heard of Gregg here today, which seems a shame.

    I’m sure there are Gregg writers here, but they are few and far between, as is shorthand generally now.

    Apart from the new copy of Simplified, all my other books have come from the US, as I have been unable to find copies here.


    1. There are some UK Gregg publications, although not many. I have two UK Simplified books (the Manual and Speed Practice). And there was “Teach Yourself Shorthand” from the English Universities Press Ltd in 1943, which is an elegant presentation of Anniversary.

      And there’s a very odd “Gregg Shorthand Manual Simplified, Third Edition” by Gerard O’Kennedy, from 1991, that has probably the most poorly written Gregg shorthand material I’ve ever seen in print. It was issued by McGraw-Hill Book Co (UK) Ltd, but it’s really terrible.

      I’ve read there was a British Gregg magazine, but I’ve never seen a copy of it.

        1. It is interesting to read in the British magazine about the lack of teachers over here at that time and most Greggites being self-taught through necessity.

          I have seen some excerpts online of the 1991 Simplified Third Edition and was suprised by the shorthand writing, certainly nowhere near Charles Rader’s exemplary unchanging style. I think I recall reading somewhere that this Third Edition of Simplified took up some elements of the Diamond Jubilee and Series 90 theory also, is that correct?

          I’m enjoying the Simplified Functional Method 2nd Edition so far, it seems ideal for a course of self-study with the additional material, I have found the theory is more fixed in mind at the end of each lesson, compared with the regular manual.

            1. Oh, yes, I remember that post!

              I still think people are being kind when they give the shorthand material in the book any kind of “pass”. I still wonder what McGraw-Hill UK was thinking when they published it.

              Another interesting aspect is how British and French Canadian versions of Gregg diverged from the US progression of Anniversary/Simplified/Diamond Jubilee/Series 90.

  160. Hi everyone,

    I was a member here about 10 years ago and learned so much about the history of Gregg Shorthand and all of the various versions and the various books and the best ways to approach learning Gregg Shorthand (the Functional Method – thank you Carlos)…… but… before I got very far in my studies life got complicated and my studies got pushed aside.   I am back 10 years later to start again.   Earlier, I had debated between studying Anniversary or Simplified and I had decided back then to do Simplified and I’m going to stick with that decision.

    I kick myself that I didn’t study shorthand in high school.  I graduated from high school in 1963, so it must have been Simplified that was being taught.   I took typing instead…. which has been a valuable skill throughout life, but I wish that I had also studied shorthand.  My maternal grandmother was a legal secretary in the 1930s and 40s and used Gregg Shorthand all the time.  She continued to use shorthand in her personal life after she retired and as a child I was always fascinated when she would write with her “squiggles.”

    I had saved all of the books that I had bought from eBay 10 years ago and I have an extensive collection of both Anniversary and Simplified books.  I pulled the boxes out of the back of the closet last week and I’m ready to go with my Simplified Functional Manual….   I have both the first and 2nd editions.   Any thoughts/insight on the differences between the 2 editions?  I was thinking of learning from the 2nd edition and using the first edition for additional reading practice….. IF… there are any differences in the reading materials between the 2 editions.

    I am so happy that this community is still thriving.   It is a tremendous resource.  Thank you Carlos for all that you do !!!


    1. Nice to see you back, Susan, and you’re welcome! The lessons in both the functional and regular high school manuals are the same. For a given edition (whether the first or second edition), the functional method manual usually has more practice material than the regular manual, at the expense of leaving out some additional explanations in every sixth lesson that are present in the regular manual. The reading and writing material of the first and second editions is different, so indeed, you can use one edition for study and the other for additional practice.

    2. I think your decision to focus on Simplified is a good choice. It’s right between Anniversary and Diamond Jubilee, and with a little work it gives you access to both. I learned Diamond Jubilee in high school in the 1960s, but have learned to read Simplified without too much trouble.

      Another advantage is that the Simplified books are still pretty available, from Ebay etc. If you don’t have the Simplified dictionary, I think it’s a useful book to have on hand.

      If you’re a Facebook user, there’s a group called Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans. I’ve posted lots of material there, much of it in Simplified (although I’m currently posting a series of articles from a Series 90 textbook).


  161. Hello Everyone

    I have looked into different shorthand several times over the last decade. I recently bought Anniversary books. After finding this site, I ordered Functional which I’ve practiced whenever I have time. I excited to find so many others interest in Shorthand as well.

  162. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Bryce, and I’m happy to join this community of folks delving into some of the lost technologies of yesteryear. I’m old enough that I learned cursive in school, and the clicking of a keyboard simply can’t replace the sensation of gliding a fountain pen across paper.

    I find it very ironic that most stenopads in today’s market are not fountain pen friendly at all. The paper is universally cheap, clogs fountain pens, and has absolutely terrible spreading effect on liquid inks. Maruman Mnemosyne N166 is the only fountain pen friendly stenopad I’ve found, but it is in psuedo-Gregg rule (A5 instead of 6×9 and 7mm line spacing instead of 1/3″ or 8.5mm).

    For fellow fountain pen users, what papers and inks do you use? Have you noticed any major differences in performance with different kinds of nibs, e.g. gold vs stainless steel or larger, wider nibs vs shorter, narrower nibs?


    1. Welcome to the blog, Bryce. This post lists some resources that you may want to take a look about “tools of the trade.” Also, this post talks about notebooks. I used to write with fountain pens, but not anymore because the newer pads would bleed too much, even when using thicker ink.

      1. Thank you for the links! The Pengrad RG-62 really caught my eye, and I’m going to try to get my hands on it. I also didn’t realize how big green tint was in the shorthand community, so I’m curious to give that a try.

          1. That’s terribly unfortunate they did that. I’m curious, have you ever tried sizing down? In one of the previous posts, people talked about Pittman writers sizing down to the RG-62 so they could write faster. I’ll occasionally write shorthand in college ruled or 7mm spacing paper, but I’m too slow to experience any noticeable difference.

            1. Hi,

              I’m a bit late on this issue but here is a view from the UK.

              (1) paper
              I do no use stenopads. I tried to get Gregg ruled pads but they seem only to be available from America and the ones I got were very rough for my fountain pen, and they were expensive to get. I don’t like using them because I do not write very fast (I certainly am unable to take dictation) so the central line does not assist. I live in the UK which favoured Pitman shorthand and the shorthand notebooks used here have no central line. Yet swift writing seems not to have been hampered with the absence of such a line and I see no difference in positioning of the hand on the page for either shorthand system. I just use stapled notebooks for my writing.

              (2) pens
              I used to use a Shaefer very fine nib in my pen. I still use that for general writing. But now for shorthand I use a finer nib in a “Sailor” pen. Made in Japan it is very good. (It is the finest smooth nib for a fountain pen I have found.) I write small so this may not be good for everyone. As for ball points etc I find them too “slippery”, whereas fountain pens go where you put them. My writing is spidery enough without the pen sliding to somewhere unexpected!

                  1. Noodler’s fan here, too! I love Kung Te-Cheng, Heart of Darkness and Bad Blue Heron in Pilot 78G fountain pens. They’re very smooth writers. I use them in a TWSBI Eco, too, which has a huge ink reservoir.

                    1. I love HOD, but I find its intense black flattens when applied to cheap paper. I’m embarrassed to say that’s why my favorite is the non-bulletproof, but still eternal, Old Manhattan. It writes black as the abyss on all papers with extreme prejudice, and I love it.

                      I do have a theory related to shorthand, though. I hypothesize that Noodler’s Eel Black is the best Noodler’s for shorthand. My theory goes that its increased wetness compared to bulletproof black and HOD will prevent any sort of flow issue that can hamper even the best of pens at high speeds.

                    2. That’s nice to know that Noodler’s Old Manhattan retains it’s dark color even on cheap paper. I’ll have to try it some time.

                      I have used Eel Black in one of the Noodler’s rollerball pens. The only trouble is eventually the little ball in the pen becomes clogged. I’ve tried using an ultrasonic machine to clean it but it didn’t work. Sometimes you can find replacement tips for the newer ones, but not the older ones. I haven’t tried Eel in a fountain pen, though. You might be onto something there about it being ideal for shorthand, though.

                1. I use Sailor blue-black ink cartridges. I find cartridges are easier and last longer than filling from a bottle. And presumably they make the ink to work well with their pens.

                  (For my other pen I use Pelican blue-black from a bottle, but Quink blue-black is OK too.)

              1. I recently ordered an EF Lamy, and now that you mention it, I regret not considering how Japanese nibs are ground finer than Western ones. I’ll definitely remember that the next time I go pen shopping. Been meaning to get a Sailor 1911 anyway.

                I’m also curious how you would handle a Maruman Mnemosyne N166 stenopad since your natural handwriting is small. It’s about 20% narrower than true Gregg so I’ve avoided it while I’m still learning, but their paper is superb and designed for fountain pens.

                1. I looked on the internet for the N166 you mentioned and the paper sounds good. Normally they charge an extra £25 ($30) to send it to the UK so I’ll not be getting one just for a try.

                  I used to have some very narrow notebooks but I never really got on with them, for although my writing is small I felt it TOO compact.

                  (Just noticed the “1911” on my Sailor pen. I just found it at a pen shop in London and finding it so fine a nib I bought it at once — no research. That shop, like so many others, is no longer there.)

                  1. That shipping price is outrageous. Amazon offers it, though, I don’t know how they price shipping for the UK. Goulet Pens carries just about every Maruman Mnemosyne product with the exception of the N166. Maybe you could email him to see if he would consider selling it since he’s based out of the UK and carries the rest of the product line.

                    I can’t blame you for a second for buying a 1911 on the spot. Its a nice pen, and its price has certainly been the chocking point for me picking one up myself.

            2. I’ve written in smaller spaced paper, but it would not be something I do unless I need to. Even when I was in college, I didn’t write longhand in anything narrower than college ruled paper (9/32″), and that’s pretty tight if you ask me.

              1. I gotcha. None of the shorthand manuals ever talk about sizing down, so that must just be a Pittman quirk. I imagine at higher rates of speed the nuance in characters are harder to pull off in tighter margins.

  163. Welcome to the group, Bryce.

    I was self-taught in Anniversary from Mom’s old books and worked at McGraw-Hill on Series 90 college texts.  I peaked around 140 words per minute (with Anniversary, not S90).  Like you, I tried using a fountain pen but eventually gave up and went to a ballpoint.  I found it easier than all that cleaning and filling and waiting for ink to dry.  Besides, I “sprung” more than one fountain pen (pressed too hard and broke the nib).  As much as I hate to say it, I like cheap Bic Stick pens, medium point.  You’re right:  today’s steno pads aren’t good with fountain pens.

    Have you considered a gel pen?

    1. I use an assortment of pens right now including fountain pens, rollerballs, and gel pens too. I hate saying it but my Pilot G2 gives the cleanest line even though I am in love with the feel of fountain pens. My current stenopads are just too absorbent and cause terrible spread and feathering in the liquid inks of my fountain pens and rollerballs. I plan to buy an extra fine nib specifically for shorthand here soon to offset the extra ink release of the medium nibs I use currently. I got some good recommendations for stenopads from other posts, so I’m excited to try those too.

      1. I’m now using a Pilot Hi-Tec-C 0.3 mm for writing the plates and overall, I’m happy with it. You can get this one in art stores (also in art store websites) and in Amazon. As with all gel pens, the problem is consistency with the ink flow, but if you prime the pen by scribbling on scratch paper or by removing the old ink from the tip with your finger, the flow comes back.

        Let us know what you find out after you try some of them.

        1. I’ve ordered some from Amazon, so I’m excited to give them a try. I think long-term I’ll ultimately have to keep two notebooks: for my speedwriting, a Gregg ruled stenopad; and for my leisurely writings, an A5 fountain pen friendly notebook that is top bound with 8mm spacing.

  164. While I love to write with a fountain pen, the truth is that in today’s world I write so little by hand that it’s impossible for me to keep the ink from drying out.

    I currently use a Uni-Ball Signo 207, and it’s acceptable. They sold a series of mixed-color pens a few years ago (brown/black, green/black, red/black) and I like the resulting color.

    I have a stack of inexpensive steno pads that were sold by Sam’s Club years ago. The paper isn’t great, but it’s not terrible, and I use them for notes and practice. I also have a few green tint steno pads by National Brand (apparently now owned by Rediform), and they’re pretty good. (It looks like they can still be purchased from Amazon, but I don’t know about the current paper quality).

    But in 2023, unless you’re doing office dictation or court reporting (and certainly in the US neither of those things is happening with pen stenography), there’s no reason to worry about a steno pad. I agree that any good lined or unlined paper is just fine.

    I have a couple of “bond” papers by US producers Mohawk and Neenah, in pale green and pale brown, that are great quality. If I’m going to take notes in a class or meeting, I usually cut a letter-size sheet in half and use the half pages steno fashion, with no lines.

    My adult children, and my young grandchildren, have no concept of writing a letter or document on paper. There’s not a future for “fine writing paper” etc. So realistically I’m often OK with pulling a piece of paper out of the printer and writing on it with whatever is at hand.


    1. I also use the Uniball Signo 207. It is available in a very fine point and glides smoothly over most papers. I do use a traditional steno pad that I bought years ago, but I’m not sure they are still available. They are Tops Docket Gold steno pads and they are Gregg ruled.

      I love to write with my fountain pens, but as all have noted, the papers of today are …. for the most part… not suitable for fountain pens trying to practice shorthand.

      So the combination of the steno pad and the Uniball Signo 207 work for me at a reasonable cost.

      Welcome Bryce !!!

    2. Lol, I’m glad I’m not alone. 😀 I write almost every day, but I still have to prime my nibs since I rotate pens and inks regularly. I’ll have to check out the Rediform stenopads you mentioned above. Have you ever tried the Uniball Jetstream? The NYT’s Wirecutter staff obsess over the pen constantly, but you can’t buy it at Walmart.

  165. Hello everyone,

    My name is Taylor and I’m very happy to be added to this community. First of all i want to say thank you to the admin Carlos, that very kindly introduced me to the blog and gave me a very exaustive answer to my question.

    I only discovered shorthand recently, via another blog about pencils (which i am also passioned about), and i was flabbergasted (to say the least) when i learned that there was a system to write fast and accurately without sacrificing any word. I’m sure I’m not the only one thinking that it would have been fantastic to learn shorthand in hight school or university, even just to help with note taking and lectures, but it’s not too late to learn something i could still practice (and can still be very useful) for the rest of my life.

    So thank you and i can’t wait to start

    1. Hello and welcome!

      Passionate about all pencils, traditional pencils, or mechanical pencils?

      I like all sorts of writing “things” and I have many grades of the Blackwing pencils. I didn’t think that any pencil could be worth that cost but truly they are! Love writing with them. Haven’t tried any Uni pencils but Uni makes a lot of good stuff so maybe I’ll try them at some point.

  166. Hi everyone !

    I’m Marielle, I’m french and I recently learn about Gregg Shorthand. I found it would be a marvelous skill to learn since I love writing with a fountain pen, but it can be hard to follow and takes notes as effectively as typing on a keyboard. And Gregg Shorthand seems to be well adapted in French, and English, which are the two languages I practice the most (French because it’s my birth language, English because it is the language I use at work).

    Fun fact, my mother used to learn shortand too, when she was young (it was part of her studies), with the Delaunay method. She was stunned and delighted that I would like to learn shorthand, even if it’s a different method from her (and maybe when I will have the basics in one shorthand, I will ask her to teach me, because I think she would love it, but I’m not a very good student for my mother because I have so little patience with her usually, so it might be better to learn “for fun” with her).

    Anyway, I’m here with you today to be accompanied in the long road to master Gregg Shorthand. Thanks you, Carlos, for the subscription.

    1. Welcome, Marielle! 🙂

      I’m one of the few francophones Carlos was talking about.
      I’m sure Carlos explained to you there were several versions of French Gregg. I’m using the one from the Sénécal manual. When I chose it, I didn’t know there were several versions but now I won’t change of version as I like its conciseness and aestheticism.

      Regardless of the version, French Gregg material is rather scarce and you must really like it to study it. You will get closer to fluency in English Gregg as there is much more material available (Carlos isn’t thanked enough for that) and there’s a community of users too…

      À bientôt, j’espère !

      1. I agree, French Gregg materials are really scarce. That’s a bit puzzling, because they were surely printed in significant quantities for the Canadian market.

        Years ago I found Sténographie Gregg by Ernest W. Farmer (1924). And then from the “collection du 75e anniversaire” I have Sténographie Gregg and Vitesse Progressive en Sténographie Gregg (1966/1968). Both by Soeur Marie-Ernestine, SSA. Later I found La Sténographie Gregg en 32 Leçons (1975/1979) from “Collection 90 Gregg”, also by Soeur Marie-Ernestine (Alma Lamoureux).

        But in recent years these books simply don’t show up in Ebay or Advanced Book Exchange or other usual booksellers.


  167. Hey everyone, just wanted to quickly introduce myself to this blog.

    My name is Robbie and I am a student from England. I spend a fair amount of my time studying, playing video games with friends or cuddling my scottish terrier.

    I started learning shorthand around July time this year as I wanted to be able to take notes more quickly for when I go to university next year, studying pharmacology. I also just think it’s cool to be able to write really quick – as well as the majority of people not having any idea of what you’re writing. I don’t really remember when I first heard about shorthand, but I began to look into it during my last year of high school. I started by learning Gregg Notehand and then moved onto the Anniversary edition later on. Currently I am making my way through the second volume of the functional method in which I am really enjoying.

    Just wanted to say thanks to Carlos for inviting me to this community; I’m sure I’ll find it beneficial. 🙂

    1. Welcome.

      Outside the US, I think it’s challenging to find Gregg materials in print. Congratulations (!) if you’ve found the Notehand book and the Anniversary texts.

      If you’re a Facebook user, you might want to check out the group “Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans”. There are a couple of books in the Files for that group that might interest you. One is “Teach Yourself Shorthand”, published by English Universities Press. It’s clear presentation of Anniversary Gregg by a British author.

      And there’s also a scan of the “Gregg Shorthand Junior Manual”, which similarly lays out the basics of Anniversary Gregg.

      I learned Gregg in the 1960s, first with Notehand in an actual high school class, and then the regular shorthand course. My goal was much the same as yours: being able to write fast, and also having a skill that not everyone else has or even knows about. (I also did a “speed reading” course at the same time I was learning shorthand … and those skills still serve me well, at age 71).


      1. Thanks Lee,

        Yeah, it’s not the easiest job trying to get hold of physical copies of Gregg Manuals unless I want to pay a hefty fee for shipping. Fortunately I can thank the internet for the access to pdfs of uploaded manuals, which do the job.

        I don’t use Facebook all that often but I may check the group out to have a look at the books you are suggesting.

        And I’m sure it will benefit me greatly later down the line of life once I’ve become a lot more competent with the system. I might have to look into speed reading because that does sound like an equally useful skill to have.

    2. Welcome to the blog, Robbie! A good thing is that archive.org had quite a few Anniversary books available either by electronic borrowing or even downloading if their copyright is expired (for example, 5000 Most-Used Shorthand Forms and the second and third editions of Gregg Speed Studies), so that’s another option to have access to that material. These books would complement your learning very well.

  168. Hi everyone. I was added to this group several weeks ago, and I apologize for being slow to post.

    Based on past learning endeavors that I have undertaken, I feel confident in saying that I will ultimately succeed and follow all the way through with learning Gregg Shorthand, but it is going to be “anyone’s guess” as to when I get a week or so to really dig in.

    Things that I hope will be advantages as I learn shorthand: I have mastered a foreign language as an adult (good for the brain), I play the piano (manual dexterity), and I take a lot of notes at work (which will give me lots of chances to practice in real time).

    My family obligations are such that I rarely have even 5 minutes “to myself” in any given week. But every now and then a window of time opens up. The next time that happens I hope to study enough initial abbreviations and rules to sort of “rev my engine” and build some momentum.

    Lastly, I am very impressed by this website. This feels like the olden days of early blogging when people hosted websites as a labor of love and a gift to their cyber neighbors. There are always plenty of good people in the world, it’s a matter of us showing our humble best selves, and it seems that people are doing that here.

    1. Kay, I know you will love learning and using shorthand, I am so grateful to this website ~ finding excellent reading material to transpose is truly a gift. You will learn it and you will love it! Susan Johnston

  169. Hello Everyone,

    I was actually added here almost a month ago but I got caught up in all the work and travel that comes with the Holiday Season. But things are settled down now and I am ready to start my new year off with a new learning project.

    I am learning shorthand because I love taking hand written notes but at the moment my brain goes faster than my hand. Hopefully I can get the hang of this and catch up a little bit. This isn’t my first attempt at learning shorthand but I am hoping with the help of the wonderful people here and the advice I have already gotten I can maintain the habit long enough to learn.

    1. Welcome.

      I’m curious what version of Gregg shorthand you’re tackling. The main “modern” versions are Anniversary (1929), Simplified (1949), Diamond Jubilee (1963), and Series 90 (1978).

      The basic shorthand theory is the same, but there are differences with brief forms and other details. All of the systems are good, but when you’re starting out it’s important to know that there are different materials available.

      There was also Gregg Notehand (1960 and 1968), which was a version designed for high school and college students for note-taking, rather than business use. Those materials are a little hard to find today.

      If you’re a Facebook user, there’s a group “Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans”. I’ve been trying to post lots of scans there from materials I have (mostly Simplified, but not completely), and the group has a Files section with some resources.


  170. Hi all! I’m another Carlos. I find myself starting a new role where I’ll be taking a lot of notes, and I thought to myself, why not learn a shorthand system? After a lot of research on the topic, I settled on Gregg Simplified as the place to start. I’m working my way through Second Edition and For Colleges right now, trying to use both books as a way to motivate some extra practice.

    1. Gregg Simplified is a good choice. One advantage is that the materials remain pretty easy to find (Ebay, etc.) at reasonable prices. If you stick with Simplified, I’d recommend eventually getting a dictionary. And “Phrases of Gregg Shorthand Simplified” is better organized and more useful than the phrase books for some of the other versions.

      If you’re a Facebook user, there’s a group “Gregg Shorthand Readers, Writers, and Fans”. I’ve been posting lots of scans of Simplified (and Anniversary) materials from old issues of The Gregg Writer and Today’s Secretary magazines.


  171. Hello everyone,

    I’ve just joined this community and I am excited to learn more and share my experiences.

    I tried to learn Pitman (New Era, New Course) last year, but everything that I thought was cool about it, ended up annoying and confusing me in the end. I’ve spent a bit of time now looking at the Anni FFM books and it immediately seemed more intuitive. A simple circle/loop to add vowels, how much effort is that compared to how much clarity it can bring to an outline?!

    Anyway, I don’t want to Pitman bash, I’m sure it’s an excellent systems and many have had great success with. I just hope my journey with Gregg isn’t as frustrating.

    Hopefully I can keep up the motivation, but I probably won’t post regularly unless I make significant progress or have questions I guess.

    Right now my only questions are, how does one know whether brief forms have been joined into a phrase, or that it’s a word you just don’t know/understand how to read? I can guess at the answer, practice! Right? 🙂 Also, looks like the dot and dash to indicate the vowel length is left our right from start. I assume context will help and the marks may be added for clarity if required?

    1. Welcome to the blog, Prosci!

      You will learn phrases little by little and that’s how you will start identifying joined brief forms; the most common brief forms and phrases are learned first. As to the vowel markings, they are normally not used unless we need to make a distinction between sounds. Since shorthand is read in context (and not by isolating words), you will know the correct sound without having to resort to the vowel markings most of the time. In fact, in later series of Gregg, they were removed from the manuals, although you can always use them for clarity.