Gregg Ruled Steno Paper On Sale
I make my own steno pads using Levenger’s Circa punched paper. It’s on sale now at:
The Gregg Group was founded 22 May 2004, prompted by the lack of online shorthand resources. As the primary use for shorthand — business and legal recording — has waned in recent decades, we generally acclaim the skill as a hobby or personal tool. The purpose of the group is to promote the use of Gregg systems of shorthand by providing advice to beginners, support for students, and an association of users of this efficient, attractive, and enjoyable method of writing.
I make my own steno pads using Levenger’s Circa punched paper. It’s on sale now at:
This Christmas-themed short story, written in Diamond Jubilee, was published in the December 1965 Today’s Secretary. Attachment: All_That_Listens.pdf
Gregg Shorthand Anniversary Manual Table Of Contents for TheoryCollected by Steven Bhardwaj 2015-12-20 *SEE NOTES AT END OF TOC* Ch.Unit Page 1.01 K G R L N M T D H Th A E Basic Punctuation, Writing Motion, Circle Joining 1 1.02 (Orientation of) Circles Between Strokes Kr Gl Gr Kl Rk Lk Th 7…
This question is for Forkner shorthand (or any other alphabetic shorthand) writers. Does it matter if one does not follow exact recommendations for streamline alphabet letters? In my case Forkner f is so different from what I have been writing f. In particular its bottom loop is causing me troubles (not insurmountable but annoying). Another…
In trying to quantify how much difference there is between the outlines in Simplified, Diamond Jubilee and Notehand, I compared their outlines for 67 words that begin with the letter N; 16 of the words are written differently in DJS and/or Notehand compared to Simplified. This document shows the data (using a quirky system of…
Interlibrary loan came through for me once again. I was able to check out this master’s thesis from the University of North Dakota for a Gregg Notehand study which was conducted by Sister M. Anthony Naes: A follow-up of the 1962-65 notehand students of Bishop Dubourg High School, St. Louis, Missouri, to identify the effectiveness…
Hello. My name is Lisa I just joined. I’m glad to find this site, because I learned shorthand in school (Diamond Jubilee) and am just starting to get back into it. I had forgotten a lot, but it’s coming back to me. I was wondering if it is very difficult to learn Anniversary? Will I…
Onomatopoeia… anyone know how to do it? Specifically, I would like to write syllables with precise vowel sounds using the Anniversary vowel diacritics, and have some other signifier mark to note that this is onomatopoeia. Like the signifier mark for proper nouns, etc. I figure much onomatopoeia is probably already a brief form. Like different…