Shorthand Sightings on the Web

  I came across a couple of blogs that had recent articles about shorthand.  The first one is about using shorthand to write a novel: Get Your Story in Hand Using Shorthand The second is about genealogy and shorthand: WRITING YOUR FAMILY HISTORY-IN SHORTHAND? Happy reading!  

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A Proclamation by the King

On October 27, 1775, King George III spoke before both houses of the British Parliament to discuss the growing concern about the rebellion in America, which he viewed as a traitorous action against himself and Great Britain. He began his speech by reading a “Proclamation of Rebellion” and urged Parliament to move quickly to end…

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Nathan Hale

One of the heroes of the American Revolution, this selection written by his great-great-grandniece is a fitting tribute. I transcribed it in Anniversary for the blog. Attachment: nathan-hale.pdf

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Letter to Abigail Adams

President John Adams (1735-1826) and Abigail Smith Adams (1744-1818) exchanged over 1,100 letters, beginning during their courtship in 1762 and continuing throughout President Adam’s political career (until 1801). These warm and informative letters include his descriptions of the Continental Congress and his impressions of Europe while he served in various diplomatic roles, as well as…

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