French advices


A new text in French from Alexandre Dumas fils.

Some remarks: I met just once an example of “tutoiement” (in “Études Graduées…”) and it was very far from covering all combinations. So I have to use a little bit of imagination. “tu es” and “tu as” are very common in French so I couldn’t imagine not to “phrase” them. I was inspired by the verb forms of “tuer” which can be found in the tables at the end of the manuals.

As big chunks are missing in the manuals like the topic of “tutoiement”, I consider that French Gregg is necessarily a work in progress and the result of collaboration.


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  1. Oh, more French.

    Just skimming over, I would write "… de que tu as" and "… de que tu es" as one outline: d-e-q-t-a and d-e-q-t-e, inserting the e after the d (following the de- rule).

  2. Already…
    “more French”… do I detect a complain?
    Well, actually, it’s not “de que tu as” and “de que tu es”… and if it was the case, I’m not sure what you mean:
    the “e” appears inside words like “découvrir” opposed to “couvrir”. I’ve never seen “e” appeared in phrasing…
    But please prove me wrong…

    1. No complaint whatsoever.

      Fast fingers here: I meant "dès que tu as …" ("dès que t'as") and "dès que tu es …" ("dès que t'es"); but you understood what I meant, smiley.) I said that I would write it that way because it's more legible to me (maybe because that's the way a similar phrase is written in Spanish). Mrs. Lipman writes it as a d with the k very close together, which is also distinct. But what do I know? Like I said before, I’m not fluent in Sténographie Gregg, so I should probably stop transcribing.

      In case anyone is wondering, here are the first two lines:

      "Marche deux heures tous les jours, dors sept toutes les nuits ; couche-toi dès que t'as envie de dormir ; lève-toi dès que t'es éveillé …"


      1. Yes, you're right. "dès" and "que" are quite close in "Études Graduées…". It didn't find it in the Sénécal. So the artist-writer is likely Mrs David J. Ramsey.

        Please don't stop meddling with my texts…


  3. I have a copy of Sténographie Gregg by Soeur Marie-Ernestine, A French version of DJS from 1966, and she has forms for “tu es” on p.93 “tu as” on p.106.  I have photos of the pages, but I don’t know how to attach them to this message.  

    1. This button Insert Imagelocated to the left of the smiley in the comment toolbar is for inserting pictures. However, they would need to be uploaded first, which I don't think you can do, or be from a URL. However, if you send me the pictures, I can post them for you.

    2. Thanks for the pictures, Frank! Here are the forms:

      tu es

      Since "tu" in Simplified and DJS Sténographie Gregg is written t-oo hook, the dash under the circle vowel is correct. By extension then, since "tu" in Anniversary Sténographie Gregg is t, then the dash would not be needed there.

      1. Humm… I don't understand why you say that in Anniversary Sténographie Gregg, "tu" is transcribed into "t". The word "tu" is not mentionned in the Sénécal and in "Études graduées…", the companion piece, it is written, like you said, "t-oo hook"… (exercice 161 page 114 line 1)

        Anyway… these ways of writing "tu es" and "tu as" appeal me and it will write them this way henceforth.




        1. As I said many times, I'm not fluent in Sténographie Gregg. I thought I had seen "tu" written without the oo-hook somewhere. Since Mrs. Lippman had provided the "tu" form already with the hook, the phrasing is just an application of the principle and the dashes are appropriate.

  4. The dash for “t-e” is not quite appropriate because “dash-e” is generally used at the end of words for the sound “ui” when the sound “ué” is represented by “oo-hook-e”.
    Still I suppose it’s the least worst solution as the verb form “tué” is so a convoluted and not-easy-to-trace form for so a common phrase…
    I’m curious: have you been able to read everything? And… do you follow these advices?
    (I’m not fluent in Sténographie Gregg too…)

  5. Hello!

    And the end of the transcription is:

    « Ne mange qu'à ta faim ; ne bois qu'à ta soif et toujours sobrement. Ne parle que lorsqu'il le faut ; n'écris que ce que tu peux signer. Ne fais que ce que tu peux dire. N'oublie jamais que les autres comptent sur toi et que tu ne dois pas compter sur eux ! N'estime l'argent ni plus ni moins qu'il ne vaut, c'est un bon serviteur mais un mauvais maître. Pardonne d'avance à tout le monde pour plus de sûreté, ne méprise pas les hommes, ne les haïs pas davantage et n'en ris pas outre mesure ; plains-les ! Efforce-toi d'être simple, de devenir utile, de rester libre ! »

    If I understood correctly, these are the advices from a senior writer to a newbie.


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