Le bûcheron et la mort (French)

Hello, I prepared this little poem days ago and now I decide to post it. (It’s lighter than the title suggests). It’s from Nicolas Boileau who wrote very sensitive and thoughtful texts.   I thought to write his name at the end, the name of the author is not difficult but the title of the book…

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How System Changes are Made in Gregg Shorthand

Here’s an interesting article about how edition changes came about between Simplified and Diamond Jubilee.  Most were teacher recommendations. how-system-changes-are-made-in-gregg-shorthand pdf   Another interesting study, this one by the government: CHANGES IN GREGG SHORTHAND SIMPLIFIED AS WRITTEN DURING EMPLOYMENT–AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF VARIATIONS IN A PHONETIC SYSTEM OF COMMUNICATION VARIATIONS FROM “STANDARD GREGG SHORTHAND” IN…

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The philosophy behind brief forms

Hello, As a beginner, my intention is not to question everything but rather to understand the rationale I have observed so far concerning abbreviations and brief forms in Gregg. My question is: why is it so important to stick to them, and why have a predetermined set for each Gregg iteration? My understanding is that…

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First attempt at French DJS

Hello, Here is my very first text in DJS. It is a letter I am going to send to my mother, who still has some notions of DJS herself and will probably be able to understand this IF I haven’t made too many mistakes. I know some proportions are off, I wonder if the whole…

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Les Droits de l’Homme (French)

Hello! In these troubled times, I wanted to tackle something more… essential. So these are the first three articles of the « Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme », United Nations version. Again here are some words I didn’t find in the manuals, so I created them based on the “Gregg Shorthand Dictionary” like “fraternité”…

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