Gregg Simplified Sample 5

As I post this, I see I used an n-d where I should have used an nd blend.

Second attempt:

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  1. Hello,
    “I’ve been using… Notehand… ” and that will be my only contribution because I don’t do English Gregg.
    Is the third form of the second line beginning by “so” or “uo” ?
    And is the last form of the third line “ironic…” ? Not sure about the ending…
    No doubts you will be have more relevant comments.

    1. The third form of the second line begins with uo.  I was trying to write "Washbear."

      Yes to "ironic."  I was trying to write "ironically."

      1. I had a look in the Anniversary manual… I was encouraged to do so when I kept complaining I couldn't read the many texts posted here. But for the moment, I restrict myself to the Sénécal… because it's no use to begin something without doing it thoroughly and completely…

        You don't speak French but you are fortunate to know well English… and be able to read the majority of the texts posted here.


  2. I see nice progress here. Some things I noticed:

    1. "using" comes from "use" which is a brief form written oo hook – e, so the s is not necessary.

    2. "quizlet" ends with the suffix -let, which in Simplified is written as l – e (so you need to end the outline with an e).

    3. "hand" is the brief form of "and" (which is the nd blend) with the h dot (the a is not written).

    4. I have never phrased "brief form" before, but I like the way you did it. The only thing is that the r of "form" is not written because "form" is the brief form of “for” + m (f – m).

    5. "ironical" ends with the suffix -cal, which is expressed as a disjoined k, so the end -cally is a disjoined k – e. Hence, "ironically" would be written as broken circle + r + o + n + disjoined k – e. As an aside, the ending -cle is also expressed as a disjoined k.

    6. The e circle of "first" is missing.

  3. What I wrote was:

    I have been using the Quizlet course that Washbear made for Notehand brief forms.  Ironically, the first one I had trouble with was "difficult."

    Thanks for making that course available, Washbear.  After getting through it, I decided to check to see if there was anything that needed to be unlearned, given that I am trying to learn Simplified rather than Notehand.  A quick comparison showed that, aside from the fact that Simplified has many more brief forms than Notehand does:

    1) Some of the brief forms in Notehand have fewer meanings than they do in Simplified.  For instance the brief form for "shall" in Notehand means only "shall" whereas it means "shall" or "ship" in Simplified.

    2) There are two brief forms in Notehand that don't appear in Simplified.  One is for the word "short."  Notehand uses the sh stroke followed by a t stroke.  Simplified seems to consider the word to be more of a prefix.  It uses the sh stroke to represent "short" but doesn't consider it to be a brief form.  The other one is for the word "into." The Notehand brief form for "into" incorporates the end/and/int blend in that brief form.  For Simplified, the blend is part of the system, so although the outline is identical to the outline in Notehand, the outline for "into" is not a brief form in Simplified.

    3) There are two brief forms in Notehand whose outlines are different from the outlines for the same words in Notehand.  One is the word "difficult".  Both systems abbreviate the word as d-f-c but in Simplified, one uses the blend for d-f and in Notehand, one does not use a blend.  The other one is the brief form for the word "suggest."  In Notehand, the brief form is s-u-g.  In Simplified, the brief form is s-u-j.  I think this has to do with the evolution of the language.  Some people pronounce the word as if it were spelled sejest and others pronounce it as if it were spelled sugjest.  My guess is that by the time Notehand came out, sugjest had the upper hand.

    So, in my opinion, the bottom line is that the brief forms in Notehand are so similar to brief forms in Simplified that it is well worth the Simplified learner's time to use the Notehand brief forms in the Quizlet course that Washbear created.

    Again, many thanks for making it available to the world, Washbear.

  4. I enjoy reading your posts and watching your progress, which is clearly noticeable. In this post there was only one outline that gave me pause, and that was in the second to last line. I kept wondering what u-m meant; then I realized it was u-n, for "one".

  5. Yeah.  I've got to watch those proportions.  That n is definitely too long.  Thanks for your kind words and thanks for pointing out that mistake, Larry!

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