Simplified Sample 8

Second Attempt:

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  1. Nice! Here are some outline corrections:

    1. "I was not" is a special phrase: I was not

    2. There's no l in "possible" since the ending -ble is written as a b.

    3. The right s in "I sift" lies on the line.

    4. The ending -ings in "meanings" is just a disjoined left s. You don't need to write the -ing dot.

    5. "Experience" is a brief form: left s – p – e

    6. "To do" is written with the ted blend, so no interruption between the t and the d.

    7. In "such as", the first s is a left s.

    8. Did you mean "and" instead of "a/an" in the last phrase ("Boggle and Scrabble")? By the way, the dot is used for the word "and" in reporting.

  2. Thank you so much for the feedback, Carlos!  I did indeed mean "and" in the last phrase.  I don't know how it happens but I seem to make that mistake a lot. Sometimes, I catch it.  It is a comfort to know that the dot is used for "and" in reporting (thanks!) but for now I want to follow the rules in the Simplified manual.

    In the phrase "I sift," I was trying to land the "f" on the line.  It is my understanding (from paragraph 48 in ) and from paragraph 43 in the 2nd edition of the Simplified manual (SM2), that the first non-s consonant of an outline rests on the line of writing.  Admittedly, neither paragraph actually states the recommendation that precisely–they both talk about words rather than outlines–but that is my interpretation of what the writers meant.  The way the phrases "has been" and "has been able" in paragraphs 67 and 68 of SM2 are written supports that interpretation, but they don't have a vowel between the s and the next consonant.  Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a phrase having the combination vowel-s-vowel-(down stroke consonant) but there are words having that combination in the Gregg Shorthand Dictionary Simplified (copyright 1949) and they appear to have the first non-s consonant resting on the line of writing.  The ones I found are assuaged and esophagus.

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