Simplified to Diamond Jubilee Changes

It is my understanding that in Simplified, if you want to add –ed to a word whose root outline does not include a stroke for the final consonant sound of the root word, the added t or d stroke is disjoined, and that one of the changes made in going from Simplified to Diamond Jubilee was writing that t or d stroke joined to the root outline even if there was no stroke for the final consonant sound of the root word.  Likewise for –r.  My question is, did this change necessitate other changes needed to make this change viable?  (Or was it simply judged that people could read such outlines with the t, d, or r attached just fine.)  It seems to me that this change by itself would speed up the writing but make the reading of the resulting shorthand more difficult.

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  1. The rule in DJS (S90 and Centennial too) is that the past tense is formed by adding the stroke for the sound that is heard in the past tense. Related to this change was the writing of the final t and d in words where those final sound strokes were omitted before (words like “invest”, “demand”, etc.): adding the joined past tense or the -er/-or in these words is natural now. This means that only brief forms and words that end with a suffix or with analogical endings would look "odd" with the joined endings, but it is not something that makes the outline more difficult to read because the number of these abbreviated words is relatively small to begin with.

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