Besieged by Bears – Anniversary Shorthand

Besieged by Bears (1909) was serialized in the Gregg Writer in Anniversary shorthand in January and February 1935. This story appeared in Wildlife on the Rockies (1909) by Enos A. Mills: Here is a link to the story: BesiegedByBears

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Simplified Cheatsheet of Abbreviation Principles

UPDATE: Edited cheatsheet 10/03/19. Changes: Fixed typos/errors, entered missing entries, clarified/made more concise some rules, re-alphabetized some entries that were clumped together. A few weeks ago I compiled a cheatsheet of the Simplified abbreviation principles (as well as some alphabetic stuff that I was having trouble remembering). My copy of the 2nd edition Simplified Manual…

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Where is thy Sting-1916 Pre-anniversary Shorthand

Where is They Sting (1920) was serialized in the Gregg Writer magazine in 1916 Pre-anniversary shorthand in August and September 1922. There is an Anniversary version serialized in the Gregg Writer magazine from March to May 1936. (I believe that this version was posted elsewhere on this blog.) This story was published in All-Story magazine…

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Tale from a Log Mill – 1916 Pre-anniversary Shorthand

A Tale from a Log Mill was serialized in the Gregg Writer in 1916 Pre-anniversary shorthand in February and March 1921. Authorship was credited to Ethel R. Brown; Berkeley High School; Berkeley, California. The Tale of a Log Mill was written in Anniversary shorthand for Gregg Speed Studies (1929). Authorship was credited to Ethel M….

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