
The two most common causative agents of infectious diseases are viruses and bacteria. Both are invisible to the naked eye, allowing for their stealthy transfer from person to person during an outbreak of a contagious disease. Here is a small selection discussing viruses, transcribed in Centennial Gregg for the blog by yours truly.

Attachment: viruses.pdf

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      1. I have been reading about the paint salesman in Akron who is not performing up to par in my Gregg Diamond Jubilee series – this was a bit more challenging and I have  now lost my sympathy for the paint salesman in Akronsmiley

        1. Those business letters drove me up the wall in Simplified. So glad that the Anniversary Manual and Functional Method have more varied reading material! And all the stuff folks post here is fabulous, too.

  1. I'm currently watching (and transcribing into Gregg, as a hobby) the Columbia University Lectures on Virology, on YouTube. It's really good for practicing word-building.

      1. I'm not transcribing in real-time. What I do is listen, and take it down,and whenever I fall too far behind, I rewind.

        Still I use 1916 Gregg and it makes the scientific terminology easier. There are a lot of prefixes, and the abbreviating principle is extended to any word.

        1. That's interesting to know about the prefixes in 1916 Gregg and how they can be helpful for scientific terms. Will have to check that out.

          1. This is not exclusive to the 1916 New and Revised Edition — I learned Anniversary and I abbreviated a lot when taking lectures in college without missing a beat from the teacher (and my background is science too, with all those complicated long words). I didn't need a tape recorder.

            (Funny thing was my classmates trying to read my notes …)

            1. Heh.

              I was just looking at the list you composed of the differences between 1916 and Anniversary Gregg. After I'm through the Anniversary basics, I could definitely see myself adopting the extended TR-principal, the -itis ending, the additional phrase omissions, and possibly the indication of -ing.

              Having already gone from Simplified to Anniversary, I don't want to mix up my brain too much with the nitty-gritty variations between series, like minor variations in outlines, so I'm guessing I'll stick to Anniversary in that respect.

              1. A lot of the stuffed removed from 1916 to Anniversary, was moved to the Reporting-level (140wpm+) books. Many of the prefixes were also moved to the Gregg Medical Shorthand Manual.

                The reporting level books also insert additional brief forms on top of that for reporting politics and legal matter.

                Reading Leslie Cowan's Biography of John Robert Gregg, Gregg wasn't really satified with the 1916 manual – it had too much reporting stuff in it. Since the majority of learners would go into business, that sort of material wasn't needed. Since the 1899 edition, since it was being generally accepted that Gregg was easier to teach the Pitman system, Gregg wanted to get his shorthand into high speed reporting.

                By Anniversary, Gregg wanted to roll some of these reporting changes back. He gave the task to SoRelle, who had worked on previous manuals. Unfortunately, SoRelle probably was what we would nowadays call depressed – his wife and three sons died within a very short period, and the first version of the Anniversary manual had loads of typos.

                There's also the New Rapid Edition, published in Great Britain, which was Anniversary, with some minor changes (some of which are in simplified), published in the 1940s to satisfy demand for replenishing the workforce that had been decimated by WWII.

                After Anniversary, there was a decline in the use of shorthand in court reporting, switching to machine shorthand, the stenotype machine. Gregg was drafting a manual shortly before his death, which was completed by Blachard and his wife. This was announced to great fanfare in the Gregg Writer, but there seems to have been some politics going on in the background, for within a few months, they had abandoned publishing that version, instead publishing Leslie's Simplified manual, which pushed even further changes.

  2. It's really interesting to Gregg virology lectures. You have to think really fast to come up with an outline for odd words, like "coagulation", "cytokine". The Gregg medical manual helps, but there are some pretty curveball words. I sometimes just write along, taking full sentences, but dropping the stuff I fall behind with for practice matter.

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