Spanish Shorthand ?

I am learning Spanish through Rosetta Stone for my grandson who is being raised bi-lingual.  My  Spanish from college is very weak at this point.  Anyway, I would like to know if there is anyone who writes Spanish shorthand, as it would be a great way for me to supplement my language learning.  Thanks – Susan Johnston

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    1. Thank you!  Any help is appreciated, I love shorthand and the Spanish may take root better if I have 

      to phonetically decipher it.  

  1. Any help or posts would be wonderful, I love shorthand and I really think it will help the Spanish especially irregular verb forms.  Thank you!

  2. I was looking up some Spanish resources for Gregg so that I could eventually possibly also apply it to Spanish (though my Spanish has degraded embarrassingly  due to ten+ years of disuse. Even when I try to speak Spanish in dreams, German pops out). I found PDF copies of Gregg Simplificada and Taquigrafia Fonetica Gregg-Pani (incomplete? It seems to have pages of "this is just a preview" throughout). I believe the Pani edition is based on 1916 Gregg. You can just make a quick throw-away account to download them.

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