-ctive, -ctivity

Hello, I’ve been slowly incorporating some elements of Anniversary into my DJS shorthand, the latest one being the tiv/div blend at the end of words (as in active, which I used to write with a normal T stroke and a V. However, as I wondered about the best angle to position the DEV blend right after the…

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A Little Shakespeare

Here is the well-known “To be or not to be” soliloquy from Hamlet, transcribed by me in Anniversary. I’ve used a Sharpie Roller 0.5 mm pen which has a slightly thicker line than I’m used to, but of all the pens I’ve tried out this is the only one that never skips. Attachment: to-be-or-not-to-be.pdf

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Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?, written in the late 1950s by Ralph G. Nichols and Leonard A. Stevens, is a classic in the area of communication, and it highlights the importance of listening and how people do it. The book is available in archive.org. Here are some excerpts written in Centennial Gregg by me. Attachment: are-you-listening.pdf

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Walt Disney Goes to War

This excellent article by American writer J. P. McEvoy describes Walt Disney’s early days and how he eventually became involved in the war effort. I transcribed it in Anniversary Gregg for the blog. Attachment: walt-disney-goes-to-war.pdf

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A Church in a Gunsight

In this adaptation from his article Thoughts of a Combat Pilot published in the October 2, 1954 issue of The Saturday Evening Post, and transcribed by yours truly in Simplified Gregg, Charles Lindbergh reveals what went on his mind when, as an “unofficial” combat pilot in World War II, he “went forth to kill.” Attachment: a-church-in-a-gunsight.pdf

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