French: envisageable


I’m not really happy about the French word “envisageable” striding three entire lines on my notepad, but I can’t find any sensible way to shorten it.

I can’t leave ou the B because the verb envisager also exists. I can’t leave out the J because then it would look like “invisible”.

Any ideas?


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  1. If you use this word a lot, make it a shortcut: n-v-b. It’s quick (it requires just two strokes) and distinct (environable doesn’t exist in French). Is there any other French word with the same outline?

    1. Oh right, so I could have invisible with S, and envisageable without S? That would be the difference between those two?
      Envisageable is not a word I use that much, but it still is a pretty common word.

      1. Personally, I like Carlos’ solution… “NVB” is quite simple. You could also use the “NV” in formulas such as “J’envisage de ” like “JNV”… (“JNVD” means “Je ne voudrais…”)

  2. When strokes run too far below the line, you have several options:

    1) Shorten some of the long strokes and write them at a steeper angle so that more of their length goes off to the left rather than downward.

    2) Break the outline. Sometimes breaking an outline improves legibility: highway is an example (though I instead write a double circle with a line beneath for 〈w〉—fast, if illegible). In this case, you might write the 〈b〉 disjoined at the risk of misreading the outline as envisageabilité. For precision, you could add the standard macron-shaped linking device between the parts of the outline; however, that seems unnecessary. You could also write envisage and then strike a 〈b〉 through it.

    3) Abbreviate, as Carlos suggested. Avoid doing this on the spot, as you might not be able to read your outline later.

    4) Just put up with the awkward or ungainly outline. Reporters' notes do sometimes show collisions with outlines below.

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