Can Anyone Help Me Fill in the Blanks?

So, apparently in the early 1900s in Hawaii, people didn’t get birth certificates when they were born. Often, they didn’t seek to get a birth certificate until they were in need of services that required one. To get one later in life, they had to go through a court proceeding to basically prove who they…

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DEM-TEN blend vs. D

Hello, As I try to generalize the dem/ten blend into my originally DJS shorthand, I realize how difficult it is to keep it clearly distinguishable from a sloppy D stroke, especially when an i-circle has to be added to the blend. I even suspect this is why its scope was drastically reduced in DJS, am I…

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Memo About Your Memory

Our memory: we sometimes bless it and sometimes curse it. However, what do you know about that part of your mind? Transcribed by me Centennial Gregg, here is what some experts say. Attachment: memo-about-your-memory.pdf

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A Home Town Is Born

This is an interesting account of what happened when a company town was sold to its tenants. I transcribed it in Anniversary Gregg for the blog. Attachment: a-home-town-is-born.pdf

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I Keep Hearing Voices

This amusing article by American actress and author Cornelia Otis Skinner examines how people use different kinds of voices for different purposes and occasions; here it is transcribed by yours truly in Simplified Gregg. Attachment: i-keep-hearing-voices.pdf

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