Australian Shorthand History

Greetings. I have been researching and writing the history of shorthand in Australia over the last couple of years. So, I am happy to say that my book on this topic was released two weeks ago. Entitled “With Pencils Poised….A History of Shorthand in Australia”, it is now available from bookstores and online in Australia, as well as Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Shorthand has played such an important part in our history since colonisation, having  impacted the justice system, parliaments, war efforts and women’s freedom. Gregg Shorthand was amongst the various methods to influence our social fabric.

“Silently and inconspicuously, shorthand writers have been instrumental in recording, documenting and preserving oral history. Thoughts and words can simply fly away without any hope of retrieval – the written word remains.”

Thanks for allowing me to share this with you.

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  1. Ordered!

    Thanks to the global Amazon network, it's also easily available in Amazon Germany (from Book Depository).

    Thanks for the notice!

  2. That looks like a very interesting book.  I've been looking into the history of shorthand more lately because of all the people I'm talking to on the r/shorthand reddit group.  I've been looking at samples of shorthands from around the world, and I've been learning a bit about each one so I have a general idea how they work.  I also looked into the world of court reporting a while back because I was tempted at one time to learn machine shorthand to do court reporting or closed captioning.  I've also been seeing clips of stenographers writing at speed, and it's so fascinating to watch.  Your books looks like another window into that world – I've put your book on my Amazon wish list. 🙂

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