A Delicious Treat from the Tropics

This interesting article, which I transcribed in Simplified Gregg, presents some facts about the world’s most popular fruit.

Attachment: a-delicious-treat-from-the-tropics.pdf

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2 comments Add yours
  1. Almost bought plantains by accident the other day when shopping! Now I know how to prepare them.  Thanks always enjoy reading the articles.  Susan johnston

    1. Google "tostones" and you'll learn one of the most popular ways of cooking plantains in the Caribbean. They're delicious. Also, if you let the plantains ripen yellow with black specks, peel, slice, and fry: delicious too. Never eat plantains raw, either green or yellow: they need to be cooked (frying, boiling, or even baking, depending on the recipe and how ripe they are).

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