
Why is it that “such” has a left S?  The ‘favoured’ way (I thought) was a right S. (In the word “session” the right S is used.  The word “sent” has (as the rule for putting curves outside a sharp angle) a right S.  Similarly “sand”.) I’ve only fairly recently realised that the left S…

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1963 Yearbook Entry

Waaay back in the day, Gregg Shorthand was taught at many high schools as an elective. Of course, that meant that many entries inside the cover of graduation yearbooks were written in shorthand. Sometimes these entries were done a little sheepishly … the writer could express their feelings, knowing that the owner of the yearbook…

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42 native or common elementary sounds

Does this study about the 42 elementary English sound bring us further? F. e. in the (classification) rubrication of the vowel sounds. The document is larger than 2 mb so I can’t upload it. out: SEVEN THOUSAND WORDS OFTE N MISPRONOUNCED A COMPLETE HAN DBOOK OF DIFFICU LTI ES I N ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION INCLUDING…

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An Island is Born

Surtsey is a volcanic island located off the southern coast of Iceland, and it is the southernmost point of the country. It was formed in a volcanic eruption below sea level in 1963. This article, here transcribed in Centennial Gregg by me, explains what happened. Attachment: an-island-is-born.pdf

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Strange Friends

This is a very touching story about a lioness and an unexpected visitor, here transcribed in Simplified Gregg by yours truly for the blog. Attachment: strange-friends.pdf

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