Gregg Speed Building (for Anniversary)

I recently scanned and just uploaded to Gregg Speed Building.  It corresponds with the Anniversary manual which it refers to often by paragraph number, so you will want to have that handy as well.  My understanding is that this was often the next text after one completed Gregg Speed Studies.  It’s well worth a…

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The Envious Lobster – penmanship critique

I’ve been working on my Gregg for just over a year and with Carlos’ encouragement I’m posting a sample of my current writing.  The text is taken from a collection of poems by Hannah Flagg Gould entitled “The Mother’s Dream”. Any comments about the shorthand is appreciated, especially if you found a part difficult to…

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Interesting Interview with a Gregg reporter

I came across these videos recently and thought members of this group might be interested. Vivien Spitz was the first female Gregg reporter in the US House of Representatives and wrote Gregg at 260+ wpm.  She discusses her background and career as a (court) reporter, Gregg writer, etc.  She was a reporter at the Nuremberg…

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Anni FM Difficulties and Challenges

I was wondering if anyone else who who has worked their way through the Function Method of Anniversary Gregg has experienced a dramatic slowdown around lesson 60 when the prefixes and suffixes are added to the lessons. Prior to that I was working at a decent pace similar to what must have been taught in…

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Anni: usable — usability outlines

I see that “usable” according to the the Anni dictionary uses a dis-joined “b” stroke.  Theory seems to be that dis-joined “b” is for “bility”.  Does that mean that “usable” and “usability” are the same outline in Anni?  Of course, they are different parts of speech and so should be able to be transcribed correctly…

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Later Gregg version improvements?

I was wondering whether later versions of Gregg improved on something in previous versions or if they fixed flaws in previous versions. The basic trend seemed to be towards reducing brief forms but were there any significant improvements (beyond brief reduction, assuming you think of that as an improvement)?

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