I have returned

Well, I’m done with Finals and christmas (I got an A on all of them, whee!) and soon I shall resume my study of Gregg. I am currently at my Uncle’s house and I’m showing him the manual.

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Gregg happenings at school

Today I asked one of the secretaries at school to let me know the answer to the question I asked her, so an hour later she sent up a “Secret note” and when I read it I giggled like an idiot. She signed it like this I couldn’t help but notice she wrote d-a-n instead…

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An example of my penmanship

Obviously I need some practice, but this is what I have right now. I’m on assignment 6, ch 1. I have trouble forming certain letter combinations, and I’m sorry but I don’t have time to type out what it’s supposed to say right now. 🙁

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New to here, and Gregg.

I just wanted to stop by and say hello and introduce myself. My name is Brenna and I’m in high school and I’m teaching  myself Diamond Jubilee Gregg in my free time. I am now able to take notes with it, but I’m still very slow. 🙁 Here’s a small sample of my writing, an excerpt from…

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