Curiouser and curiouser

I don’t know if it works like this for anyone else, but I really struggle with recall charts and brief form lists. Seeing a word on it’s own usually gives me pause and I have to either sound it out or try to recall which form it is. But when I read continuous shorthand, the…

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Buh wha?

Anyone want to take a kick at these two outlines? The sentence is from the 1st ed. Simplified Functional Manual, assignment 63, bottom of page 290. “We-are giving-you this advance notice so-that ______ _______ by our… (closing for three days [next page]). I’ve been doing well without a key for 10 lessons and this is…

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Simplified users — help with a quick experiment

I’m messing around with Mnemosyne, a spaced repetition program designed to aid learning through a “flash card” approach. Now I need a couple of people to install the software (it’s free) and test the sample database that I uploaded. It’s a snip from the Lesson 6 Recall Chart from the Gregg Simplified Functional Method (1ed)….

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