More on Gregg Paper

I couldn’t post this to the discussion about Gregg-ruled paper on Incompetech, so I’ve started a new thread. Not only is the difference between Gregg-ruled and wide-ruled small, but it’s in fact very small, with wide-ruled being the very slightly wider of the two. The difference between 1/3 inch and 11/32 inch is just 1/96…

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“Enter” and “entry”

A person in the Gregg Facebook group wonders why “entry” is written nt-r-e when there is a special short form for “enter”. I’ve checked the dictionaries, and I notice that this form for “entry” is used from Preanni onward. I too am puzzled now, particularly about Preanni, where the -ter rule held sway. Why is…

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An Online Gregg Anniversary Dictionary

Just yesterday I saw a post on the shorthand message board on ProBoards about an online Anni dictionary. I found this a rather impressive item, and recommended that the author put up a post here. But because he lives in China, he can’t access Google, and so can’t join this blog. I therefore offered to…

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The Daily Gregg is back

I just noticed today that The Daily Gregg is up and active again, and has been so since January. Last month there were a lot of posts there, and I’ve just begun to wade through the all. It’s good to have it back.

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About the Reading Selections

Carlos, Thanks for re-posting “After Twenty Years” with the missing page included. I’d like to make another suggestion. The drop-down tabs for the reading selections allow us to choose readings in all the Gregg series except Centennial. Now that you’ve written up a couple of things in Centennial, could you add a drop-down tab for…

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Question about -lity and -rity

There’s a matter that’s been bothering me for some time. It concerns -lity and -rity. In all the series of Gregg shorthand that I know a bit about, -lity is also used for -lty; e.g. admiralty, faculty, fealty, loyalty, penalty. But -rity seems never to be used for -rty; e.g. liberty, poverty, property, puberty. Regularity…

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