Clarification on Std. WPM

I’ve been reviewing my “Functional Method” Reading and Writing exercises that have the numeric marks every 20 standard words.  What is a standard word again?  I’ve read 5 letters, or 5 characters including punctuation and spaces, some without spaces, etc.  Does anyone know the exact system that Gregg Publishing used to count words?

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A possible exercise?

A long time ago there was mention of a speed-building practice in a thread on the blog: (Note: Link to the _Factors of Shorthand Speed_ document now kaputt!) The idea was practicing for a long time without breaks to force the fatiguing muscles to learn how do the work with minimal effort.  I am…

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The Learner

This is a collection of articles from the September-December 1930 issues of the Gregg Writer, with additional suggestions and supplementary material, and correlated with the chapters of the Anniversary manual. Attachment: the-learner-sept-dec-1930

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Supplementary Lesson Drills

This is a collection of drills supplementing the material from the Anniversary manual that appeared in various issues of the Gregg Writer. They are correlated with the chapters of the manual. Attachment: supplementary-lesson-drills-anniversary.pdf

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Supplementary Exercises in Gregg Shorthand

This booklet is a companion to the 1916 edition of the Gregg Shorthand manual, and it is correlated with the lessons. It can also be used for Anniversary practice. In addition to the practice material, it contains charts of the alphabet and brief forms, and a review word list. I have also attached the key…

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Gregg Shorthand Review Letters

This collection of ten letters is designed to review all brief forms, abbreviated forms, and word beginnings and endings. The material is counted in groups of 20 standard words for dictation. The previews are written in Anniversary, but they are suitable for all series. Attachment: gregg-shorthand-review-letters.pdf

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Vocabulary Test

The following list of words and phrases from the April 1922 edition of the Gregg Writer involve every principle in the Manual. Although it was designed for Pre-Anniversary Gregg and some of the phrases are dated, the drill can be used for other series as well. How fast can you write them? ache, intensive, emergency,…

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