Notehand Bingo

I’ve created Notehand Bingo for my two Notehand scholars. Attached is a .pdf file which contains two different Notehand Bingo games with which to practice your Notehand skills: (1) “Brief Forms” and (2) “100 Frequently Used Words.”  Included in this file:     ∙    10 Notehand “Brief Form” Bingo Cards         ∙    1 blank Notehand…

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Gregg Shorthand Junior Manual

Here’s another elusive gem.  I believe Carlos mentioned there are 3 different editions of this text… this one is from 1927.  Supposedly there was an accompanying Junior Readings in Gregg Shorthand, too (sorry, I don’t have that one).  This volume was intended for personal use (as opposed to vocational) shorthand and the target audience was…

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Comparing Outlines in Three Versions of Gregg

In trying to quantify how much difference there is between the outlines in Simplified, Diamond Jubilee and Notehand, I compared their outlines for 67 words that begin with the letter N; 16 of the words are written differently in DJS and/or Notehand compared to Simplified. This document shows the data (using a quirky system of…

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A Notehand Study from 1969

Interlibrary loan came through for me once again.  I was able to check out this master’s thesis from the University of North Dakota for a Gregg Notehand study which was conducted by Sister M. Anthony Naes: A follow-up of the 1962-65 notehand students of Bishop Dubourg High School, St. Louis, Missouri, to identify the effectiveness…

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Comparison of Various Notehand Editions

I compiled this chart showing the identical (or similar) paragraphs/units that are found between the various Notehand texts. Since all three editions are out of print, I mainly did this to help the teacher match up lessons with my dictation recordings, for whichever text a student might happen to have. This chart will also help…

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Notehand Brief Form Flashcards on Quizlet

I created digital flashcards for Notehand’s brief forms on Quizlet.  It’s another portable way to review brief forms on your device or computer.  Sort of like “old meets new!”   Click here.   Be sure to try out their “space race” flashcard game.  I got up to level 27 with a score of  199,920 before they…

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Calculating Dictation Speed While Recording

I’ve begun recording dictation mp3 files for Gregg Notehand (you can listen to the first two files for Unit 2 at this link).  Notehand doesn’t concern itself with training for speed per se, yet I would like to know how to calculate my recording speed and supply that information if at all possible.  For instance,…

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Notehand Dictionary (textual)

Here is the Notehand textual dictionary that I created for my homeschool students.  Every word that is found in the 1st edition of the Notehand textbook has been included in this dictionary, along with the page number in the textbook where you can find the outline.  I’ve also included the technical terms found in the…

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