Taquigrafía Gregg Lección 2

Does anyone know the transcription/translation for the first two sentences on page 12 of the 1923 Taquigrafía Gregg Manual? (It matches up pretty closely to the 1916 manual.) It is the reading exercise for Lesson 2. I figured out lesson one and the rest of the sentences for lesson 2. Is the first sentence supposed…

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Taquigrafía Morma

Luis Morales Matus created a new shorthand system for Spanish language, and the method was published in 1926: “Curso de Taquigraf챠a Superior”. First, Morales used Marti’s shorthand system when he applied for a position in Chilean Representative Chamber, but he didn’t get success in the contest. Then, he decided to create a new system that…

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Taquigrafia Gregg

I finally got a copy of Taquigrafia Gregg. The copyright/publishing date is 1923. I’m learning Anniversary, and wanted the most comparable edition for Spanish. But the next edition I could find on Amazon or Ebay was from the 1940s. Priscilla (by gwriter53 for everyone)

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Spanish Gregg

I found some info about Spanish Gregg (http://gregg.angelfishy.net/taquibfs.shtml), but I’m missing a complete description about the Spanish adoption of the system. Does anyone know where I can find more information about Spanish Gregg? Ramses (by tommie짰 for everyone)

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Ayuda Help

Hola Yo necesito aprender shorthand, pero no encuentro la manera, no puedo conseguir los libros. Me gustará­a aprenderla en Español.  Agradecería cualquier documento, y cualquier ayuda que me puedan dar. Nunca había estado tan desesperado por aprender algo, si pueden enviarme algo que sea a gabroche@hotmail.com porque no me funciona el otro correo, saludos José. Hello I need…

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Hola Yo necesito aprender shorthand, pero no encuentro la manera, no puedo conseguir los libros. Me gustaría aprenderla en Español.  Agradecerí­a cualquier documento, y cualquier ayuda que me puedan dar. Nunca había estado tan desesperado por aprender algo, si pueden enviarme algo que sea a gabroche@hotmail.com porque no me funciona el otro correo, saludos José. Hello I need…

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Anniversary Gregg shorthand in Spanish

Hi fellows! Does anyone know where I can buy an Anniversary Gregg shorthand book in Spanish? Because, I have finished Simplified (always in Spanish), but I am using Anniversary brief forms, and I think, that’s not good. I own an Anniversary Gregg shorthand dictionary in Spanish, so I can pick some words, but some principles…

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Taquigrafía Gregg en español

Hi people: I’m a new member of this wonderful group. My name is Osvaldo Castro, I live in Iquique (Chile – South America) and I have learned shorthand (almost) by myself. I can write Pitman and Gregg shorthand (I haven’t decided yet what system to use). First, I learned with a Series 90 book, because…

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