Study on Disjoined Prefixes

Hi all, I’ve attached a study I recently completed that is based on the “disjoined prefix” principle first expounded upon in the 1916 Manual.  A little background on this… I began my study of Gregg with the 1929 manual and dictionary, and as I progressed, I noticed that even in 1929 the disjoined prefixes and…

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List of Computer Terms

I’m creating shortcuts for computer terms. I’m using this list as a reference, which is pretty comprehensive. If you have a term that would like to have a shortcut for, could you please let me know?

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Grocery Shopping … in Gregg Shorthand!

Here is an interesting list of technical words: Groceries and Foodstuffs. Although written in Pre-Anniversary, the list is suitable for all series. (Taken from the Gregg Writer, June and July 1914.) Next time you go to Kroger, keep this list handy. Attachment: groceries-foodstuffs.pdf

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Gregg Shorthand Review Letters

This collection of ten letters is designed to review all brief forms, abbreviated forms, and word beginnings and endings. The material is counted in groups of 20 standard words for dictation. The previews are written in Anniversary, but they are suitable for all series. Attachment: gregg-shorthand-review-letters.pdf

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Technical Vocabularies from the Gregg Writer

This is a collection of specialized vocabularies and reporting shortcuts, reprinted from the Gregg Writer (up to 1941). Although the lists were written in pre-anniversary and anniversary, writers of all series could benefit from these as well.It contains: 1. Special Forms for Accounting Terms 2. Technical Terms Used in Public Accounting 3. Army Terms and…

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Vocabulary Test

The following list of words and phrases from the April 1922 edition of the Gregg Writer involve every principle in the Manual. Although it was designed for Pre-Anniversary Gregg and some of the phrases are dated, the drill can be used for other series as well. How fast can you write them? ache, intensive, emergency,…

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