Rules for Writing the Schwa in Gregg Shorthand

Hello all. I’ve been wondering about this particular point. In Gregg Shorthand, are there any consistent rules with what vowel to use to represent the schwa (i.e., the ⟨a⟩ in about /əˈ baʊt/)? For example, in the word about, the schwa is represented with an a in Gregg. In camera (/ˈkæməɹə/), the schwa is represented by…

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Recommended Materials

Hello there. I would like to receive some information on recommended materials for writing Gregg. I’m specifically interested in what size nib is recommended (e.g., extra fine, fine, or some other size, along with whether one means a Western or Japanese size), but I’d also like information on what pens or paper you’d recommend (e.g.,…

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Creating a Shorthand Club

Hello everyone, I’m planning on creating a shorthand club at my college and have managed to find a few people interested in it. However, I still need at least five members, including myself, in order to form it. My main question is this: what is the best way to get people interested in shorthand? In…

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