“Why Do I Still Write Shorthand?”

Hello, As fellow shorthand lovers I thought you may be interested in an article I wrote for “Over 60”  – an on-line magazine for Australian and New Zealand circulation. I wanted the wider community to know why I love writing shorthand and that I am not alone! I’m sure you will associate with my feelings! Below is the link.


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  1. Great article.  "We are not seeking employment; we are seeking enjoyment."  

    And since I am within a month of my 59th, I joined the Over Sixty blog while I was there.


  2. Thanks for the article, Carmel! Having entered the world of shorthand via Gregg Simplified, I'm both fascinated and daunted by all the diacritics and shading in Pitman! In both those respects I notice some similarities between Pitman and DEK (at least superficially, since I haven't learned either system).  

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