I made an online dictionary for Gregg Shorthand. It is available here: gregg.surge.sh. It currently only supports Gregg simplified, but I made add additional series of Gregg if people find it useful.
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This is brilliant!
Cool! Looks like a great resource. Ironically, I searched for "hello" just before reading your blurb on "hello".
As for adding additional series. I vote for 1916 5th edition Pre-Anniversary.
My first reaction was to try and type the word into the frame.
Sigh… there’s no dictionary for my version… 🙂
Thank you for doing this. The best dictionary search I have seen. I like the autocomplete feature in the search box so I don't have to type the whole word and don't waste time searching words that aren't in the dictionary. Also the expand and show full-page features allow me to explore similar outlines to the one I am looking up.
The ability to quickly look-up a shorthand outline on my phone and desktop browser makes it easy and practical to quickly check outlines I would never have the time to check in a paper dictionary.
Last year, I created a crude DJS dictionary page look-up which I use instead of the paper DJS dictionary. I scanned the 360 pages of my DJS dictionary so each page is a png file. To look-up a word, a program searches a sorted list of 360 guide words, each representing the first word on each page and determines which of 360 pages to display.
Very nice!
This is awesome. Thank you!
This is excellent – thank you for all your hard work in putting this together. I also like the "open full page" feature, as sometimes words with 'tall' outlines are cut off in the initial text window. As a student of Simplified I'm perfectly content with this, but I'm sure the Anni and maybe DJS folks here would like a version done for their styles in the future.
Wow, amazing work! I love that you made it opensource. Though I've switched to Anniversary (I voted in the poll), I think it's great that there's an online resource like this for Simplified, since it can be difficult to trace down Simplified books.
The "expand" and "full page" features are very slick.
There is a poll? Where?
Unrelated question, but Carlos, do you know why it is no longer possible for me to edit a post I just made? The only option I have now for older posts of mine is "reply". I'd swear it was possible to edit older posts before, when I first joined.
Do you mean edit a post or edit a comment? Old comments can't be edited. Old posts can.
Aha! That explains it. I must have edited a post before and not a comment. Thanks for the explanation.
You're welcome!
It's linked under the FAQ (or here).
For a few months there was an excellent Anniversary shorthand dictionary online which I used and liked very much.
Unfortunately it was taken down.
See the authors note below.
Gregg Shorthand Dictionary
Dear friends,
I am sorry to tell you that I have to take down this site due to copyright reasons. I sincerely thank all of you for using this site and reporting mistakes to me. Without your generous help, I would not be able to find and correct many mistakes that I have made. However, because of the possible coryright issue, I could not continue to maintain this site.
I would thank again our forum for hosting and connecting us. Like many of you, I also learned shorthand with the help of others from our forum. Please keep on learning and practicing shorthand. I do not want this beautiful art to be lost in our generation.
It is always hard to say goodbye. I hope we will meet again in the future (possibly in 2025 when the copyright expires).
Warm regards,
Jincheng Yang.