First Anniversary announcement?

I looked through the 1929 issues of The Gregg Writer, and I think this is the first announcement about the new manual, from April, 1929.  There’s no other mention in that issue, and I didn’t spot any hints in the earlier issues of that year.

It would be fascinating to know what shorthand teachers and reporters thought about this at the time.


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    1. I fixed it. You can change the size of the image once you insert it, but before you finish your post. Once the post is up, the image size is fixed, so if you want to change the size, you need to reinsert the image again.

  1. The May, 1929 issue has a 3-page article about the forthcoming new Anniversary manual, and in the June 1929 manual there's finally an announcement that the book is "ready now" with a purchase price of $1.50.  

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