study about shorthand speed components?

At one point when I was reading through the archives, I could swear I ran across a post mentioning the results of some study/research, which laid out how much different pieces of the shorthand puzzle contributed to the overall speed. I’m not talking about the usual ‘building speed tips’ posts; what I am remembering is…

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Son of Scoville’s Shortcuts

It would appear that the son of the creator of Scoville’s Phonography *may* have been interested in other types of less savory shortcuts: google book link (The Shorthand Writer) I say *may*, as I am not entirely sure the proprietor of Scoville’s Stenografy referred to in the article is actually the same Scoville that created…

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blog navigation

Are there any previous/next links I’m just not seeing? I’m reading my way through the archived blog posts off and on, and it’s a right old pain in the expletive without prev/next capability… If that sort of link is really not there–i.e. if I’m not just blind-spotting them– could the maintainer(s) please take a look…

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Legal Option for sharing (some) copyrighted books

I came across this a little while ago: This appears to be a *legal* option for sharing books that were published between 1923 and 1941, which opens up the possibility of legal digital access to, for instance, the anniversary edition functional method books, which were published in 1936 (and renewed in Oct 1963, dang…

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