Internet Archive Down

In case you didn’t know, the Internet Archive (,, and the Wayback Machine) suffered a major cyberattack a few days ago. For that reason, if you’re trying to access materials from those sites, you may not be able to do so. They expect to restore full service in a few days, so hopefully this…

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20 years!

I noticed in the group description that this group had a 20 year anniversary in May.  Amazing. It’s a wonderful collection of information, materials, models, and ideas.  The group has definitely made my life richer. Thanks to Carlos for the diligent work. Here’s to another 20 years! Lee

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A Brief History of Beer

The official Oktoberfest is celebrated in Munich between September and October, however, beer drinking happens every day around the world. This essay in Centennial Gregg transcribed by me tells some of the history of this popular drink. Attachment: a-brief-history-of-beer.pdf

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The Fief of Fulk

The Saint-Aubin Abbey was an abbey in Angers, France that was completed in 576 AD to house the tomb of Bishop Albinus, who had served as the Bishop of Angers for 21 years. After dying in 550 AD and buried in the church of Saint-Pierre at Angers, his remains were transferred and buried at the…

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The Origins of Feudalism

In this essay from his book The Age of Faith (Part 4 of The Story of Civilization), American historian Will Durant briefly describes the origins of the medieval practice of feudalism. I transcribed it for the blog in Simplified Gregg. Attachment: the-origins-of-feudalism.pdf

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Copy of Gregg Notehand

This copy of Gregg Notehand (1st edition, 1960) has a soiled cover, but otherwise looks to be in good condition. It’s a little pricey, but Notehand textbooks come up so infrequently that someone may be interested in it. Lee

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What are the origins of chivalry? Why was it important and what became of it? Hendrik van Loon explains it in this extract from The Story of Mankind, and transcribed by me in Centennial Gregg. Attachment: chivalry.pdf

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