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12 comments Add yours
  1. That is interesting, about the key in the back for Anniversary.

    I've got both volumes of the 1965 Diamond Jubilee college texts. I've added the Vol.2 chart, which presents the brief forms in alphabetical order. That might be a more serviceable reference to those who don't have these particular books and just want to find the info quickly.

  2. Oh, nice. They look totally professional. How did you add the typed text to the charts? I'm not sure I'd be able to figure out how to do something like that.

    1. If you have an image, you can load it up in a graphics program (for example MS Paint), and add text using a text tool within the program.

  3. Yes, I just scanned the charts, which turned them into .jpgs. Then I pulled the .jpgs up in Corel Photo, a really basic graphics program. That let me add the text. I'm hoping to do one for the Notehand charts, but they have a black background with white writing. We'll see if Corel Photo will let me put in white text or not…

  4. Those of us who are old enough to have taken shorthand in high school (or college) are too old to automatically think about ways of doing things like that.

  5. Hee.. that would be me, too. I'm an Evernote junkie, so I really just wanted a copy of these charts so I could save them in Evernote for reference. This seemed the best way to go about it. Necessity is the mother of invention, as they say! I'm glad others can make use of them, too.

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