Shorthand by Ruby Turner-Jones(?) circa ~Sep. 1961(?)

Part one: I appreciated the recent WWII diary post by @AngelaM because it was “messy” shorthand. Being new to shorthand I truly appreciate the well written exemplars to be found on this site and in textbooks. If you are going to learn something you have to know what “right” looks like. But I greatly appreciated…

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Rules for Writing the Schwa in Gregg Shorthand

Hello all. I’ve been wondering about this particular point. In Gregg Shorthand, are there any consistent rules with what vowel to use to represent the schwa (i.e., the ⟨a⟩ in about /əˈ baʊt/)? For example, in the word about, the schwa is represented with an a in Gregg. In camera (/ˈkæməɹə/), the schwa is represented by…

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Video of Shorthand writing?

Hello all!   I feel sort of weird asking this, but I’ve always felt that the one resource that would help the most, that I’ve never found, is a video of someone writing in shorthand. I’m studying Anniversary Gregg, and I was hoping that someone would humour me by providing one! I feel like a…

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Gregg shorthand penmanship pointers

Since I took up pre-anniversary Gregg shorthand a couple months ago, I have been using it in my daily life instead of longhand. At the moment, I have not done much dictation, since I have not put much emphasis on speed yet, only correctness of theory, but have tested my ability to take dictation, and…

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Teaching and Learning Shorthand: Past Practices

I have been recently reading Lesley Cowan’s biography of John Robert Gregg and I have been finding it quite interesting.  One of the things that it has sparked an interest in, is the teaching methods for Gregg shorthand, when it was still being taught in schools and colleges. What I am not sure about is…

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“The Gregg Writer”

I recently purchased several issues of “The Gregg Writer” from 1930s and 1940s.  I removed the pages that were of interest to me, and scanned them for my files.  They contain a wealth of information, such as theory, word drills, phrasing principles, court reporting, etc.  The incomplete issues are:  May 1934, October 1938, December 1938…

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