The Mont Blanc Road Tunnel

The Mont Blanc Road Tunnel connects France and Italy under the Mont Blanc mountain in the Alps. It links the city of Chamonix in France with Courmayeur in Italy. This tunnel is of paramount importance, both for commercial and recreational driving, as it reduces the time to travel between the two countries. This article details some interesting facts about its construction. I transcribed it in Anniversary Gregg for the blog.

Attachment: the-mont-blanc-road-tunnel.pdf

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7 comments Add yours
  1. Well this read very easily, apart from six simple outlines.

    p1c1 l8 first outline “? French”
    p1c2 l1 third outline “? passageway”
    p7c2 l19 last outline “the ?”
    p8c2 l23 first outline “? it became”
    p9c1 l10 last outline “Europe ?”
    p9c2 l4 last outline “through ?”

    I’ve a question on how you pronounce “Alpine” (e.g. p3c2 l15). Is it Alpn (as it is written a-l-p-n); or is it Alpine but just written without the long i diphthong?

    (I’m learning a lot through these articles. Soon there will be no engineering feat to which I cannot turn my hand!)

    1. There you go:

      p1c1 l8 first outline: “anxious”
      p1c2 l1 third outline: “subterranean”
      p7c2 l19 last outline: “itinerary”
      p8c2 l23 first outline: “axis”
      p9c1 l10 last outline: “endeavors”
      p9c2 l4 last outline “literal”

      The pronunciation of “alpine” is with the long i, but since the word is repeated so much in the article, I took a shortcut and eliminated the broken circle to speed up its writing. This expedient is used in the word “spine” and its derivatives (such as “spinous”) in medical dictation. See page 128 of the Gregg Medical Shorthand Manual (1927 and 1944 editions), page 214 of the Gregg Medical Shorthand Manual and Dictionary, and page 30 of The Medical Stenographer, all by Effie Smither.

  2. Thanks Carlos. Some more study required on my part I think!

    Your reference to medical words was interesting. I have wondered where to look for one or two terms in the past, so now I know. I suppose there are similar books for technical and scientific words.

    1. You’re welcome! Additional technical vocabulary can be found in Gregg Reporting Shortcuts, in the Gregg Shorthand Reporting Course by Charles L. Swem, and in Chemical and Technical Stenography by James Kanegis. Also, the Gregg Writer frequently published word lists from different technical fields and some of these lists were collected in Technical Vocabularies from the Gregg Writer. Miscellaneous pamphlets were also published along the years highlighting vocabulary in specific fields.

      1. Speaking of “Gregg Reporting Shortcuts”, this copy of the last edition (1959) has been lingering on Ebay for a long time. It’s not in great condition, but the price is OK if someone is simply looking for the content.

        (I’m old enough that I bought my copy brand new off the shelf in a regular, general book store several decades ago . . . )


    2. I have a publication from 1968, “The Technical Secretary: Terminology and Transcription”, by Dorothy Adams and Margaret Kurtz. Published by McGraw-Hill, and full of specialized terminology.

      I can’t remember where/when I got it. I don’t think I’ve seen it show up on Ebay or elsewhere. But it’s something you might look for.

      It’s in the era of Diamond Jubilee. That same time period produced specialized text for medical and legal secretaries.


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