Spring in Kentucky

James Lane Allen was an American writer. Born in Kentucky, his novels A Kentucky Cardinal and its continuation Aftermath tell the romantic journey of a young Kentucky naturalist, Adam Moss, with a society girl. In this selection from Chapters II and III of the former, he describes the spring season in that part of the United States. I transcribed it in Anniversary Gregg for the blog.

Attachment: spring-in-kentucky.pdf

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  1. Well. I’m glad this was a short one. Thank you for the challenge Carlos, it is always good to find one’s limits.
    I found mine here. I never really got into the flow. There were too many similes, and he seemed to change tack unexpectedly. I couldn’t get over a dozen words which, even if I could, would leave me with many sentences lacking meaning. I kind-of gave up half way through — though towards the end, when spring was springing, I got more in tune with his poetical presentation.
    Looking forward to next month though.

    1. The protagonist speaks in metaphors and very poetically. You can see that at the beginning when he says that he will open a pawn shop for his “brethren in feathers” (referring to birds) so that he could “lend” seeds in exchange for their singing.

      You can find the transcript here, pages 14 to 25. The shorthand is only sections of these pages.

      1. Thank you for that link. I now see all the words that I could not guess at, and all the other in-between words which I misinterpreted (out of context).
        I wonder if something as difficult as this may have been used in the competitions of the early 1900s.
        The sentence “Every other sense hies abroad” is difficult to understand even in English!

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