Weather and Flying

How does weather affect aviation in general? Find out by reading this small selection, transcribed by me in Anniversary Gregg.

Attachment: weather-and-flying.pdf

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  1. Thank you so much Carlos for all the interesting and varied articles you post. I love the pictures you find for each one too. You really motivate me to keep plugging away with this beautiful form of writing. Thanks again for all you do!

  2. We seem to be having strange weather in England: hot with clouds; cold with sun; rainless thunderstorms; rain with few clouds. So this month’s articles were rather pertinent.

    p2c1 l7: Do you write the digit ‘5’ in one movement? I read that someone found ‘5’ to be time-consuming to write until he changed how he wrote it: starting from the top RIGHT, coming back horizontally to the left, then down and round as usual. In one continuous line.

    p2c1 l17 I think I’d write (incorrectly) current (and currant) as c-r-nt, without the ‘e’ (or ‘A’).I wonder if this could be confusing.

    p3c2 l5 Is an ‘h’ dot missing from “hurricane”? (n.b. I write it with an initial ‘u’ rather then ‘e’ due to the different pronunciation here.)

    1. About the number 5, I write with two movements, the bottom part first and the straight line last. I’m used to writing it that way. As long as it’s legible, it really doesn’t matter.

      k-r-nd is crowned, I’m not sure if it could be confused with “current” or “currant” if you leave out the e or the a, accordingly.

      Lastly, I sometimes leave out the h dot, especially if the word is legible as is.

      1. Thanks Carlos. I don’t think there’d be any confusion. And “crowned” is not a word that comes up much in my sphere of life. Though two weeks ago I visited the Tower of London for the first time since a child, so I might have used it if I wrote about my visit.

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