Translating tool

I was looking at the Gregg Shorthand key dictionary the other day, and I think it is a great resource. Why don’t I make some sort of bulk translation tool with it? I think it would work better without the dashes (sorry if I’m stepping on anyone’s toes) and I am not aware of software that does this, but it seems like something that could be written into a macro.
  ru ar oot ad hapnd?
  Are you <ru> aware <ar> of what <oot> had <ad> happened <hapnd>?
  Are you aware of what had happened?
  dte g eththm or n?
  Did he <dte> go <g> with them <eththm> or <or> not <n>?
  Did he go with them or not?
I underlined because it doesn’t have to use a style limited to plain text, i.e. it could use superscript for separate suffixes and prefixes, etc.
The order of the rules will matter, e.g. phrases woud need to be translated before basic words, and I am all ears about how that should be handled.
So what does everyone think?

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  1. Wow, Chance has done a lot of work! That's very close to what I want. Having 1 symbol for each thing is super useful! Do you know how many phrases are included in Greggory, and if we have a way to add outlines ourselves?

    Though this is a viable system for a shorthand on say, tablets, in its own right, I think that it could be useful to change it to an output that looks more like English writing but isn't limited to single ASCII characters, like what I wrote above in the original post. I think people could get a handle on the abbreviation methods even faster if they're exposed to the ideas in a familiar Roman-based alphabet before they start translating directly into the Gregg alphabet. It means penmanship and the Gregg alphabet can be studied separately from the other principles of the system–not necessarily later, but in parallel with theory. Then they can be integrated.

    For example, the pnt-jnt blend could be shown with qnt. (q=j+p, reversed) I think this will have to be a personal project.

    1. Thank you, for what … appears to be a compliment. 🙂

      Here I am, coming back after being inactive for a few months. I'm just having some difficulties, e.g. I'm completely reworking the program, while trying to figure out how I can make money from it to at least help fund my post-secondary. I might get back to full-time development during the summer.

      I don't know how many phrases there are in the file, but for sure I can say there are currently exactly 4442 distinct outlines. I don't know which version you have, but in one of them you could just add them to the end of the file.

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