Glaucus and Arbaces in the Amphitheater

The Last Days of Pompeii, by English writer and politician Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, takes place in 1st century Rome. It tells the story of Glaucus, a young Greek in love with Ione, a beautiful and intelligent Greek set to marry him. Ione was left orphan in her childhood; the Egyptian sorcerer and high Isis priest…

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Henry Robson Richardson

Henry Robson Richardson was one of America’s most famous architects. Born in Louisiana in 1838, he studied at Harvard, Tulane, as well as the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. One of his major works is Boston’s Trinity Church. Bishop Phillips Brooks was the rector of this Episcopal church and wrote an article in 1886 for…

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Learning by Heart

In this essay transcribed by me in Anniversary Gregg, British judge and advocate Vernon Lushington tells us the importance of learning things by heart. Attachment: learning-by-heart.pdf

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A Cheerful Spirit

Here are some wise words by British politician Sir John Lubbock from his book The Use of Life, transcribed by yours truly in Simplified Gregg. Attachment: a-cheerful-spirit.pdf  

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An Iceberg

Richard Henry Dana, Jr. was an American lawyer and politician. As a young man, he enlisted as a merchant marine, where he sailed from Boston to South America. On the way back to California, he went around Cape Horn in the middle of the Antarctic winter, where he experienced storms and the beauty of icebergs….

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Spring in Kentucky

James Lane Allen was an American writer. Born in Kentucky, his novels A Kentucky Cardinal and its continuation Aftermath tell the romantic journey of a young Kentucky naturalist, Adam Moss, with a society girl. In this selection from Chapters II and III of the former, he describes the spring season in that part of the…

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Here is an extract from the book The Conduct of Life, a collection of essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson, transcribed in Simplified Gregg by me for the blog. Attachment: eyes.pdf

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