Simplified outline help, please?

I’m on the Reading and Writing Practice 345 and stumped as to two outlines. The sentence before and after reads: You can be sure only if you have been able to make ______    _______ comparisons  with the way other apartments are being operated. (This is the green Simplified book, not the college edition or…

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Steno pad question

When did Gregg steno pads stop being sort of gridded, as in examples from Martin Dupraw or the jury charge of Zoubek over on angelfishy (at least I think that was what it was) and morph into what we use today, or have there always been two entirely separate types of paper?

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Ethel Merman

I happened to read that she was a trained secretary who took shorthand much faster than her personal assistant. Apparently, she never went to meetings with studio executives without her steno pad. Thought that was a neat little factoid. Happy Friday!

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Proper hand position?

Does anyone here strictly adhere to the “correct” hand position as outlined in some of the books, which seems to be a slightly modified Palmer  writing grip, except with three fingers rather than two bering used as the movable rest? I’ve been trying with varying degrees of success to write the lessons like this. I…

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Anniversary Edition help?

I’m going through the Anniversary edition of Gregg, and am on Unit 11, exercise 103, and I’m stumped. Could someone give me a hand? The sentence seems like it says: We shall expect you to bring your report to a special committee meeting this evening rather than send it … … do. Thanks for any…

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Pre-Anniversary help, please??

I’ve been going over one line of text in the 1919 version of the manual, and though I should  know what it says by now, I’m stumped. As far as I can tell, the sentence (pp.57-58, lesson 9) reads:  This organization stands for service and this spirit is shown in all its deals and in…

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Tools of the trade?

Just wondering what everyone uses when writing shorthand–pen or pencil. I’ve read that using a pencil will slow you down and to always use a pen, then I’ve read other places about people using a pencil, so I thought I’d see what everyone here thinks about the subject. I’m using a cheapo Bic ballpoint right…

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