Summary of Gregg Notehand

These summary charts may have been posted on this group before, but I couldn’t track them down.  They are found on the inside covers of the various Notehand textbooks.  They are very handy.  For a related chart of Notehand brief forms, click here.  

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“The 7 Social Sins” – Notehand

Here are “The 7 Social Sins” (also known as “The 7 Deadly Social Sins” and “The 7 Blunders of the World”) in Notehand.  This list was originally written by Frederick Lewis Donaldson, but is often attributed to M. K. Gandhi because he published it in his newspaper Young India in 1925.  For a key, click…

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“The 12 Rules For Life” — in Notehand!

I’ve been wanting to post Notehand reading material to the blog for awhile now, but I knew I needed to improve my penmanship first.  My shorthand is still not anywhere near as polished as Carlos’ beautiful penmanship, but here is my first offering, such as it is.  Maybe Notehand can be represented now up in…

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Mind Flip

I had an interesting experience this week.  For the past 3  years, I’ve written in Notehand more than longhand or printing (I journal in Notehand, and am an extensive Notehand note-taker).  A few days ago, right after writing in my journal in Notehand for a lengthy amount of time, I started a letter to a…

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Notehand Bingo fun

My kids are finally far enough along in the Notehand textbook that they can play the Notehand Bingo game I created for them last year.  Anyway, I had a little fun today making a box for all the bingo supplies.  Just thought I’d share.    

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