What Gregg Shorthand words look like the concepts they represent?

Just for fun, I was wondering if anyone could think of any words written in Gregg that look like or remind you of the concepts they represent. For example, “defended” in Anniversary Gregg kind of looks like a person holding up a sword in defense (the symbol for “def” is the head, “end” is the arm, and “ded” is the sword). Please state which edition of Gregg the words are from if you can.

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    1. Of course! The whole idea of this post is similar to pointing out how clouds look. Any connection you make is by nature a stretch because it is dependent on imagination. It's just meant to be fun. 🙂

    1. Great idea! I had forgotten the name of the site, but I found it here in the blog — it was werelight.com. So I went to the Wayback Machine, and there it was. You can see the page dedicated to "left shorthand" here, with the illustrations as well!

    2. Louis Leslie wrote a brief story about a left-handed reporter who wrote mirror-image shorthand (right-to-left, in other words) at 200 wpm. Pages 128-129 of the book Methods of Teaching Gregg Shorthand.

      The idea of Gregg shorthand being written in calligraphic styles — fancy, stretched out, 3D, inflated, furnished with serifs, or whatever — is an idea that often crosses my mind.

    3. Arabic calligraphy is traditionally done with a broad nibbed pen or a reed cut with a broad nib. Essentially the same tools used in western calligraphy up until the Spencerian and Copperplate developments with a flexible nib. Pitman depends on that flexibility from the Copperplate tradition. My old paleography professor called those relatively modern styles an abomination.

      I write my Gregg with a broad nibbed pen, held at a 45 degree angle as it is usually taught for the italic style of calligraphy. It does lend a decidedly Arabic character to the Gregg. I've had several people ask what language I was writing, and many guess something from the Middle East.

      Sometimes I do artistic work with calligraphy, and I've considered doing something with Gregg. The only drawback is that most people can't read it. Perhaps it is waiting for that special peice that needs to contain an exotic secret message that needs an effort to decode.

  1. I always thought the pre-anni form (which might be the same in anni) for 'courage' ( k-r-j) reminded me of a banner flying in the breeze on the end of a high pole, as if being carried into battle by a horse rider.

  2. Time ago, I read the word "breast" in Gregg was used for an event against breast cancer.

    In Spanish, "parapente (paragliding)" is a P over a P and a dot, so you can see a paragliding.

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