La Marseillaise

For our francophone writers and in celebration of Bastille Day (la Fête nationale française, le 14 juillet), the story of La Marseillaise, as told by the French author, poet, and statesman Alphonse de Lamartine, and transcribed by yours truly in Sténographie Gregg (both Anniversary and Simplified) for the blog.

Attachment: la-marseillaise-anniv.pdf

Attachment: la-marseillaise-simpl.pdf

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  1. Thank you very much, Carlos, for this new text! 🙂

    I hope Aymeric will soon show up and help me: I read few lines but this one is a bit difficult for me. (Well, I suppose I tend to forget all texts are not easy when you don’t know them by heart…)

  2. Finally, for a couple of forms, I cheated and used the link provided by Carlos.

    I have just few remarks regarding the text:
    second page
    – middle of left column: “écloses”. A circle has been added at the end (which doesn’t exist in the Simplified version, if I’m not mistaken);
    – middle of right column: “peuple”. I’s a brief form: “P-P” (p.60 par. 122);
    third page
    – beginning of left column: “tantôt”. A curious brief form: TEN-T (p.75 par. 150);
    – bottom of left column: “s’endormit” la tête… The “m” is quite long;
    fourth page
    — last line of left column: “que chante une horde…”. There’s a circle at the end of “que” and, it’s not obvious by the sound only, “horde” begins with a ”h aspiré” so I suppose a dot should be added on the “o”.
    Voilà. That’s all. So many forms and so few remarks to make… I’m preparing a new text and I’m sure Carlos will have more things to say to me. 🙂

    1. Thank you! And a million thanks for reminding me of those obscure brief forms — the good thing is that even without them, I think it’s legible. I also noticed that I had not put the outline of et qu’il était on the line. All corrections have been made now.

      I’m curious, which sentences did you have to look for the key? I think that when one reads this piece aloud, it makes more sense. (Or maybe it’s just me!)

      1. Actually, I was also helped by the Simplified version before I went for the transcript.

        My difficult came from:

        – the unusual words and so the unusual forms: “g-l-o” for glorieux, “d-e-men-s” for démence,  These words are not rare but don’t normally come at the top of my mind. Also the unusual phrasing “du” for d’où;

        – when you made mistakes like adding a “e” at the end of écloses or at que. It sent me on a wrong track. Also the long “m” of s’endormit…

        civique. Is it a brief form or a form you made according to the rules?

        – also “s-r-e-t” for se retourna.

        But, in a general way, it’s the length of the sentences and the short phrases that are the difficulty. Sentences are built around their main verb and it was sometimes hard to pinpoint it.

        Thanks again, Carlos, for an exercice excellent for the brain that is an unknown text…

        1. You’re welcome! About civique, I took the Anniversary outline for “civic.” And yes, the sentences are long. It’s what we would expect from a writer of that period, right? ?

          (Maybe I’ll do Molière next time … ?)

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